AVC is Copyright ⌐2000 Brandon Brown
Below are instructions for using AVC:
The initial screen is the main listing table. The pulldown menu "Choose" will not work until data is entered. Press the "New" button to enter titles.
The entry screen allows you to enter titles and other information. You must enter genres in the genre entry screen ("Edit" button beside the "Genre" pulldown) before this pulldown will work. You can see your list of genres by clicking the "List" button on the Edit Genre screen.
Once you have entered information in the previous screens, you may return to the main list by clicking the "All" button in the Entry screen. The popup(pulldown) will now allow you to sort by genre or to see all. You can keep a record of lent titles by checking/unchecking the status field in the entry screen. In the following example, the first title is in, the last title is out.
Clicking the "Media" button on the main screen allows you to see a listed table including media type and wether a movie is in WideScreen format. I have been unable to get sort working in this form.
Please direct comments to brbcrb@mac.com
AVC was created with PDA Toolbox.