Version 1.0.9
August 2000
This manual describes the version of The Athlete's Diary for the Palm Computing platform, which runs on all Palm OS 2.0 or higher Palm devices (PalmPilot Personal/Professional, Palm III/IIIx, Palm V, and equivalent devices such as the IBM WorkPad and Symbol SPT 1500). This software is sold separately from the desktop version of The Athlete's Diary, available for Macintosh and Windows. The handheld version of the software is fully functional as a separate piece of software, but is also meant to work well in conjunction with the desktop version of the software using HotSync technology. Note that while the handheld version of the software will function properly regardless of the version of Palm desktop software, successful functioning of the conduit portion of the software requires use of the latest HotSync software - HotSync Manager 3.0 or higher on Windows, and HotSync Manager 2.1 (or higher) on Macintosh. Note: if you are not using The Athlete's Diary on your desktop (Windows or Macintosh), it isn't necessary for you to install The Athlete's Diary conduit software as described in the next sections unless you want to. If you don't, the data will be backed up to your desktop by the standard Palm "Backup Conduit" and placed in your Backup folder in a file called TADLog.PDB.
If using a Macintosh, drag the Athlete's Diary Conduit file into the Conduits folder in your Palm folder. Install the file TAD.prc into your handheld unit in the usual way (you should be able to double-click on the file and have it open the Palm installation software; if not, read the documentation that came with your Palm to learn how to install additional software in your handheld unit). Note that you must be using the new MacPac 2.1 for the conduit to function.
If you should ever want to "uninstall" the conduit software, simply drag the Athlete's Diary Conduit file out of the Conduits folder (and into the Trash if you want). To uninstall the software from the handheld unit, tap the Applications button on the Palm, then tap on the Menu button, select Delete, select TADiary, and tap Delete.
If you should ever wish to deinstall the conduit, you'll find a program named SCS Conduit Uninstaller.exe inside the Athlete's Diary folder which contains the conduit. Run (by double-clicking) the uninstaller and the conduit will be uninstalled. To uninstall the software from the handheld unit, tap the Applications button on the Palm, then tap on the Menu button, select Delete, select TADiary, and tap Delete.
If you are using The Athlete's Diary in trial mode, you'll be able to use it for 14 days. When you purchase (register) the software, you will be given a serial number (S/N). To enter your S/N, run The Athlete's Diary on your Palm. Tap on the Menu button, and select "About TAD..." At the bottom of the screen you'll see a License button. Tap on the License button, and a Serial Number entry screen will appear which allows you to enter the S/N. If you get a message that says "Incorrect Serial Number," this almost certainly means that the "user name" you provided to Stevens Creek Software was incorrect. The S/N you were provided requires that you provide the name exactly as it appears on the Enter Serial Number screen, with proper case (upper/lower case), punctuation and spacing. Check the name carefully, and email the correct name to with a request for a correction. Please do NOT call for a new serial number.
If you have been using the Macintosh or Windows version of The Athlete's Diary, you'll probably want to start by downloading your existing log (or a portion thereof) into your handheld unit. If that's the case, you should turn now to the HotSync section of this manual and learn how to do that.
If you aren't using the Macintosh or Windows versions of the software, then before you starting entering data, there is only a single thing you need to do - configure your sports.
From the sports popup list on the main (Daily) screen, select Edit Sports...
You'll see the window below appear. The program is initialized with entries for Running, Cycling, and Swimming. Each sport is given a code letter which is used both for storing data in the log and for some of the on-screen displays, a unit of distance measurement (miles, kilometers, etc.), and a unit of pace measurement (minutes per mile, miles per hour, etc.).
On the bottom of the Sports List screen are four buttons - OK, New, Edit, and Delete. To enter a new sport, tap New; to edit or delete an existing sport, first tap on the sport itself (which will be highlighted in "inverse video," then tap on Edit or Delete.
When you are adding a new sport or editing an existing one, you'll see the window above appear, either blank (if adding a new sport) or filled in (if modifying an existing one). The name of the sport can be a maximum of 15 letters. Each sport has a one-letter abbreviation, which must be different for each sport (and is automatically made into upper-case if you don't enter it that way). And each sport has a units of distance and pace, which you select from a popup list. When you're satisfied with your choices, tap OK (or Cancel to change your mind).
Note for users of the desktop version of The Athlete's Diary: The currently
released (3.2) version of The Athlete's Diary for Windows and Macintosh do not support
"feet" as a distance unit, nor "minutes per 100 yards" or "minutes
per 100 meters" as pace units. If you plan to use both the desktop and Palm
versions and exchange data between the two, you must not choose any of these units
for your sports. Needless to say we plan to lift this limitation in a future release
of the desktop software.
Workouts are entered into the Daily screen simply by filling in the blanks (you'll need to be in the "Edit" mode as indicated by the pencil icon in the upper right corner of the screen being highlighted). You move from field to field by entering a tab (a tap followed by an upside-down "L" in graffiti, stroke up and then to the right) or using the "field change" stroke (a vertical line down and then up), or simply by tapping in the desired field (all fields need not be filled in).
Date: Select the date either by tapping on the date selector and selecting the date from the popup calendar, or by tapping on the left and right arrows to move backwards and forwards one day.
Sport: Select the sport from the popup list of sports (see previous section for configuring this list). Leave the sport at "None" if you want to enter some general information such as your health, "rest days", etc.
Type: The type of event is either Training, Intervals, or Races.
Time: Entered as HH:MM:SS (hours:minutes:seconds) or MM:SS (minutes:seconds), but the colon is optional, so that when you fill in "2307" and move to the next field, the entry is immediately changed to "23:07". Note that "130" is 1 minute 30 seconds; if you want to enter 1 hour 30 minutes, you need to enter "13000". A special case is a 2-digit number; "45" is taken as 45 minutes, not 45 seconds (to enter 45 seconds, you must enter "045"). Finally, you can enter minutes or hours (but not both) as fractional numbers (rather than hours:minutes:seconds) by ending the entry with a lower-case "m" or "h", respectively. Thus for example "10.5m" is converted to "10:30", while "1.3h" is converted to "1:18:00".
Distance: Entered as a simple number, with or without a decimal point and tenths or hundredths of units following. Once you select a sport, a "distance units selector" will appear to the right of this field, set to the default units for that sport. However you can change these units, so that if the default units for Running is miles, for example, you can still enter a 10K run as 10K.
Pace: Normally, pace is calculated; once you enter time and distance, the pace is calculated by the software and the "active field" (the insertion point) is moved to the Route field. It is also possible to enter time and pace (and have distance calculated), or distance and pace (and have time calculated). If you do enter pace, it must be in the default units of the sport. If the default units are a time (e.g., minutes per mile), you enter the number just like time (see above).
Route: A free form entry for text, containing a maximum of 255 characters. To make long entries, you can simply keep writing (the two lines will automatically scroll), or you can tap the "+" button, which will pop up a window which shows you the entire field as shown below. Note that you cannot enter a "newline" (carriage return) character into the Route (or Notes) field.
Notes: A free form entry for text, containing a maximum of 255 characters, just like the Route.
When you are done entering information about a workout, make sure to hit the Save button to save the data. The data will be automatically saved if you exit the program or switch to another window without doing so, but it's good practice to use the Save button to be sure.
At the bottom of the data entry screen is a popup list marked AutoFill. If you're using the desktop version of The Athlete's Diary, this corresponds to what we call there Memorized Routes or Memorized Workouts. On the Palm version, we've separated this item from the Route/Workout field, to emphasize that it affects all fields, not just the route field. AutoFill is just what it sounds like, a way to automatically fill in all the fields for workouts which you do regularly, saving you the pain of entering identical information again and again. AutoFill memorizes whatever you want it to memorize. For runners who do a certain route, for example, it might include the sport, the distance, the route, and perhaps even a note which stays the same (like "hilly"). It would probably not include the time, since that would change each time.
To add a workout to your AutoFill list, fill out the data entry screen with just the information you want memorized and no more. Now go to the AutoFill popup, and select Memorize Info... from the bottom of the list.
When you do, a window will popup allowing you to "name" that workout. The name can be a maximum of 31 characters. Enter the name and tap OK. Now in the future, when you repeat that workout, when you tap on AutoFill you'll see the name of the workout on the list, such as the list here:
To enter a workout in your log using the AutoFill feature, just tap on the name of the workout, like "Mt Eden/Pierce" in the AutoFill popup, and the fields will be filled in with your memorized information, as shown below. Now you just need to fill in today's information, like today's time and perhaps an extra comment ("Felt great!") and hit Save and that's all there is to entering a regular workout.
To delete a workout on your AutoFill list, first select it from the popup
(so that it fills in the fields, like we just did), then return to the AutoFill
popup and select Delete Active from the bottom of the list. There isn't any
way to modify or rename a workout on this list; just delete it and then re-enter
it. Note that deleting an AutoFill entry does not affect your log; any data
which has been entered into your log using that memorized workout remains exactly
as it was.
There are numeric things other than time, distance, and pace which are of interest. You might want to track your weight, your heart rate, the amount of climbing you do on foot or on bicycle, etc. \The Athlete's Diary lets you record such quantities, and total and graph them as well. A keyword consists of the actual keyword (like "Wt") which is the abbreviation (usually) which will be entered into your log, and a more descriptive label (like "Weight (lbs)") which is used to help you select the keyword from the list. The Palm version of The Athlete's Diary also adds support for a type of keyword not used on the desktop - non-numeric keywords. Since data entry is more difficult on the Palm, you may want to memorize key phrases like "Acccompanied by my dog, Nicky" which can be entered from a menu instead of having to write them in each time you need them. You might also use non-numeric keywords to fill in information about which pair of running shoes you were wearing for a particular run, or similar information.
Keywords are entered using the popup marked with the key just below the word Notes. Select this popup and you'll see a list of your keyword descriptions, like this:
Select an item from the list and the keyword will be filled in in the Notes field, as shown below, with the addition of an equals sign if it is a numeric keyword. Fill in the actual numerical information right after the equals sign if appropriate. Unlike AutoFill, which erases anything you may have already filled in when you select something from the list, the Keyword list simply inserts the keyword into the Notes field at the current cursor location. A keyword can appear at the beginning, middle, or end of the Notes field, and multiple keywords can be entered in the same field.
To add new keywords or modify existing ones, select Edit Keywords... from the bottom of the Keywords list, and you'll see this screen:
You'll see a list of your keywords and labels, and OK, New, Edit, and Delete buttons. To add a new keyword, tap New, to modify or delete an existing keyword, tap on the keyword to select it (it will appear in inverse video), then tap on Edit or Delete (note that deleting a keyword does not affect your log; any data which has been entered into your log with that keyword remains exactly as it was).
When entering or modifying a keyword, the screen below will appear (blank for new keywords, filled in if modifying an existing one). They keyword abbreviation and keyword description (or label) can be up to 31 characters, although shorter will definitely be better, especially for the abbreviation. Each keyword must be one of three types. Numerical keywords can be averaged (weight is a good example; if you enter your weight twice in one week, you are interested in the average of those two numbers, not the sum!), or they are totalled (with ascent being a good example). Other keywords may be non-numeric; when you select one of these, the software does not add an equals sign automatically into the Notes field. Finally, one and only one of your numeric keywords, specifically the weight keyword if you choose to use one, can be checked as "Use for calorie calculations." This feature isn't implemented in the initial version of the Palm version of The Athlete's Diary, but is provided for future expansion.
There are three ways in which you can review your entries - daily, weekly, and by totals. To review your individual entries day by day, tap on the "binoculars" icon in the upper right of the main screen. Your view changes to the "browse" mode, as shown here:
In browse mode, you can scroll throught the entries one by one by tapping on the left and right arrows on the upper right, or, equivalently, using the physical up/down scroll buttons on the bottom of your Palm case. You can also go to a particular date by tapping on the date selector and selecting a date; the screen will then show you the first workout in your log on or after that date.
On the bottom of the browse screen are three buttons - Modify, Duplicate, and Delete. Modify puts you back into edit mode, displaying the same workout, allowing you to modify it in whatever way you choose. Duplicate also puts you back into edit mode with a copy of the workout, with the date changed to today's date. This lets you duplicate an old workout without having to re-enter all the data; you only need to change or modify the appropriate information. And finally, Delete deletes the currently displayed workout (and gives you a chance to confirm that's what you want).
You can also return to edit mode by tapping the pencil icon on the upper right. This will return you to edit mode with a new entry with today's date.
Sometimes you want to find particular entries instead of browsing your entire log. The Palm version of The Athlete's Diary lets you do this by searching for matches to one or more words in either the Route or the Notes field, similar to the Find feature which is part of your PalmOS, and also by searching for matches to the sport or category. To use this feature, while you are still in Edit mode, enter the search word or phrase into either the Route or Notes field, and/or select a sport or category (other than "Training"). Now when you tap on the binoculars icon to switch to browse mode, the software will search backwards from the latest entry to find the first one which matches the entered word or words and sport or category if appropriate (if no match is found, the software will issue an error "beep" and not switch to browse mode). Once in browse mode having located the first match, you can now use the backwards and forwards arrows (next to the date) or the physical scroll buttons to "step through" all those entries matching the desired criterion.
When you've done a workout that you know you've done before but it isn't in your AutoFill list, combining Browse and Duplicate may be the best thing to do. Enter one key word that will identify the workout into the Route or Notes field, then hit the browse icon to find that workout. Now tap Duplicate and the workout is duplicated, ready for you to modify with today's information.
Returning to Edit mode resets the search criteria to include all entries.
To get to the weekly view, tap on the Weekly tab on the right side of the log. This view, shown below, gives you a summary of the activity for the week shown at the top. Each event is shown on two lines, containing the day of the week, the sport (initial only), the distance and time (when applicable), and the first few words of the Route description. At the bottom of the screen are the summaries for the week, one line for each sport you participated in that week, plus a summary (time only) for all the sports. When there are more entries for the week than can fit on a single screen, up/down scroll arrows will appear in the lower right of the screen to allow you to see the remaining activities (when those arrows appear, you can use the physical scroll buttons to accomplish the same thing).
You can view different weeks in two ways. To view a specific week, tap on the date and select the date from the popup calendar in the usual Palm way (it doesn't matter what day of the week you pick; the weekly view shows you the entire week starting on the "weekly starting day" which is controlled by the Prefs application of your Palm). Or, just scroll through the weeks one by one using the forwards and backwards arrows on the upper right of the screen (the physical scroll buttons can also be used for the same task).
The other element on the weekly screen is the sport selector in the upper right. If you only want to view activities in a particular sport, just select that sport from the selector.
You can leave weekly view in two ways. If you just tap on the Daily or Totals tabs, you'll be taken to the appropriate screen. If instead you tap on a particular workout, you'll be taken back to the Daily screen but in Browse mode, viewing the workout you tapped on.
Sometimes you need a "longer view" of your activities; that information is available on the Totals screen, which you get to by tapping on the Totals tab. This screen shows you a weekly list of activity, with four columns of information - the first day of the week, the number of entries for that week, the total number of hours, and, for individual sports only, the distance as well. The sport is controlled by the sport selector in the upper right. When it is set to all sports, the totals screen shows you the number of hours you spent participating in all sports each week. When it is set to an individual sport, the distance is shown as well, as shown here on the left and right:
Scroll through the weeks using the up/down arrows in the upper left of the screen, or by using the physical scroll buttons on the Palm case. You can also jump to a specific week (as the first week of the ones shown) by tapping on the word Week which is a standard Palm "date selector." When you select, you can tap on any day of the week; the first day of that week will be selected automatically.
You can also look at totals of your keywords. At the bottom of the selector in the upper right you'll find the word Keyword. When you select that, the headers #, Time, and Dist will be replaced by another selector, which lets you select a specific keyword, like this:
If you tap on any of the displayed weeks, you will switch to the Weekly view, with the week in question being displayed. If you simply tap on the Weekly tab, you will switch to the Weekly view with the last week on the list being displayed.
Note that to the right of the word "Totals" on the top line of the screen are two icons. The first of these shows a "list view," which displays the totals numerically as described in the previous section. The second of these shows a small bar graph representing the "graph view" of the totals. Tap on this icon and you'll see the totals graphed, as shown below. When you are displaying all the sports, there are two types of graphs, one representing the number of workouts, and the second representing the total time (in hours) for all workouts. You switch between them by tapping on the appropriate word. That is, tap on # and you'll get a graph of the number of workouts; tap on Time and you'll get a graph of time. The underline shows the type of graph you are looking at.
When you graph an individual sport (to be more specific, one whose units of distance are anything other than "None"), there will be a third graph type, distance, as shown here:
The y-axis of the graph (which is actually horizontal the way we have laid out the screen) is automatically scaled based on the largest values which are found on the particular graph. As you scroll weeks, the scaling will not change, so that you can properly compare different periods of time during the year. However, it may be that the first time you display a graph, you were looking at a period of time with very little activity. When you scroll back, you may find periods of time who values exceed the maximum value that was used for the y-axis. The bars for these weeks will be truncated just to the right of the "top" of the graph. If you want to rescale the graph to bring these bars on scale, just tap on the the bottom line of the screen where the axis labels (0, 10, 20... in the example above) are shown. The scale is also recalculated whenever you change the type of graph, and also when you change the sport displayed, as you would expect.
As with totals, you can also display graphs of keywords by selecting Keyword from the bottom of the sport selector in the upper right. A new selector will appear which lets you select the keyword you want to graph (only numeric keywords will be shown). When graphs of "totalled numeric" keywords are displayed, the graph will start at 0 (see below, left) while if you display graphs of "averaged numeric" keywords, the start of the graph will be adjusted appropriately (see below, right).
If you want to exchange data with the Macintosh or Windows desktop versions of The Athlete's Diary, you'll be using the HotSync feature to accomplish one or more of these four functions:
We'll discuss each of these functions in turn, but first we'll discuss the one thing they have in common - the Athlete's Diary folder in which data must be placed to be downloaded, and in which data will appear after being uploaded. This location of this folder and the files it may contain will vary from system to system, but a typical setup is shown here, in a case where we are assuming that the handheld unit (your Palm) has the name "Nicky" (folder or directory names are shown in black, and file names in red):
Macintosh Macintosh HD Palm Users Nicky Athlete's Diary Download Download (downloaded) Palm Log Palm Log (previous) MergeLog |
Windows C: Palm Nicky Athlete's Diary Download.dat Download.bak PalmLog.dat PalmLog.bak MergeLog.txt |
You won't need to create any of these folders (shown in black) yourself. When you install your Palm (or related, e.g., IBM, Franklin, Symbol) desktop software, the main directory (shown as Palm above but this name may vary on your system) will be created, and, on a Macintosh, a sub-directory (or folder) named Users will also be created. Whenever you HotSync a handheld unit to that desktop computer for the first time, a new sub-folder is then created (shown here as Nicky). Note that on a Macintosh, the user's folder always has the same name as the handheld unit, so for example if the name shown on the Palm is "Bullwinkle" the folder will be called Bullwinkle. On Windows, however, the folder name may be different (for example, it might be "Bullwi"). And finally, the first time you perform a HotSync after installing The Athlete's Diary conduit, the Athlete's Diary folder will be automatically created. The only thing you as a user will need to be concerned with are the files in that folder (shown in red).
To select the action of the conduit, open the HotSync Manager, select Conduit Settings from the HotSync menu, then select The Athlete's Diary conduit from the list which appears and click on the Conduit Settings button. A dialog box will appear with the four possible choices, allowing you to select the HotSync action for the next HotSync and the default action for all other HotSyncs.
To select the action of the conduit, click the right mouse button on the HotSync Manager and select Custom from the HotSync menu. Select The Athlete's Diary conduit from the list which appears and click on the Change button. A dialog box will appear with the four possible choices, allowing you to select the HotSync action for the next HotSync and the default action for all other HotSyncs.
When you want to install a complete log from your desktop software into your handheld version (either when you first get your software, or perhaps when you're about to leave for a trip, etc.), set the conduit setting to Download desktop log to handheld ("Macintosh overwrites handheld" on a Mac). Now make a copy of your log, name it Download (Macintosh) or Download.dat (Windows), and place it in the Athlete's Diary folder. Note that the file must have exactly this name to be recognized by the conduit. When you HotSync, any data (including not only workouts but also memorized "AutoFill" workouts, keywords, and sports information) will first be deleted from the handheld unit, and then the corresponding information contained in the Download or Download.dat file will be written to the handheld unit. After the process is complete, the desktop file will be renamed Download (downloaded) (Macintosh) or Download.bak (Windows) to provide an indication to you that that data has now been installed into your handheld unit.
A note on non-American-style dates: The Athlete's Diary on the desktop and in the Palm support two date styles: Month/Day/Year and Day/Month/Year. In the desktop versions, this setting is controlled by a preference setting within the software itself. On the handheld unit, the setting is controlled by the Palm's system preferences. When you are downloading data from the desktop to the handheld unit using The Athlete's Diary conduit, however, the date style is controlled by the system-wide setting in your desktop operating system (the Date & Time Control Panel on a Macintosh or the Regional Settings Control Panel under Windows). This means that if you want to download data from your desktop to the handheld unit (using either this setting of the conduit, or the Synchronize setting described below, you must have all three settings in agreement - desktop operating system setting, the Palm operating system setting, and the preference within the desktop version of The Athlete's Diary.
Set the conduit setting to Upload handheld log to desktop ("Handheld overwrites Macintosh" on a Mac) and perform a HotSync. When you HotSync, all data (including workouts, memorized "AutoFill" workouts, keywords, and sports information) is written to the desktop to a file named Palm Log (Macintosh) or PalmLog.dat (Windows) in the Athlete's Diary folder. This file is a complete log, identical in format to logs which are created by the desktop version of the software, and can be immediately opened and used by the desktop software. When these files are created on the desktop, any previous version is renamed, either Palm Log (previous) (Macintosh) or PalmLog.bak (Windows).
Important: If you are not using The Athlete's Diary on your desktop, but you do choose to use The Athlete's Diary conduit instead of the standard Backup Conduit, this setting is probably the one you'll want to use, so that your log will be regularly backed up to the desktop; otherwise if anything happens to your Palm you will lose all your stored data, not a good thing!
This is the trickiest operation, because, unlike the standard Palm applications, the desktop version of The Athlete's Diary does not keep track of "dirty" (new or modified) entries. In most cases, however, you'll simply be adding new entries at the "end" (chronologically) of your log, so you can separate out those new entries yourself. Use the Select By Criteria feature of your desktop software to select those workouts by date, then use Save Selected As in the File menu to save just those workouts as Download (Macintosh) or Download.dat (Windows) in your Athlete's Diary folder (the one in the Palm folder shown above, not the one in which your log for the desktop version is stored). Now set the conduit setting to Synchronize, and when you HotSync, the new workouts are downloaded to the handheld unit and appended to the existing workouts (and automatically sorted into place chronologically).
Set the conduit setting to Synchronize, and when you HotSync, any "dirty" (new or modified) entries on the handheld unit are uploaded to the desktop in your Athlete's Diary folder, to a file named Palm Log (Macintosh) or PalmLog.dat (Windows) (with previous files being renamed as noted above). These files are not "complete" Athlete's Diary logs but contain only new or modified workouts which have been entered on the handheld (changes to sports, keywords, and AutoFill workouts are not included). After the data are uploaded, they must be merged into your desktop log. This can happen in one of two ways:
AutoMerge (Windows)
When the data are uploaded, the conduit looks for a text file named MergeLog.txt in your Athlete's Diary folder. If such a file exists, the contents of that file are read and interpreted as the name of the desktop log file into which the uploaded data will be merged.So for example if the file named MergeLog.txt contains a single line of text reading as follows: C:\TAD\MyLog.DAT, then after new workouts are uploaded into the PalmLog.dat file, they will then be automatically merged into C:\TAD\MyLog.DAT. The file MergeLog.txt is itself automatically created by the software, and will be filled in with the name of the log last opened by your desktop version of Athlete's Diary. So if you create a log on a desktop, save it, exit the program, then open that log one more time and exit the program, MergeLog.txt will be filled in properly, and you won't need to do anything else for data uploaded from the handheld to be automatically merged into your desktop log (merging new entries from the desktop into the handheld remains a "two-step" process as described above).
You can also change MergeLog.txt yourself to point to any desktop log, by simply editing the contents of the file with an application like NotePad. Note that this feature actually allows multiple Palms to be synchronized using the same computer, to different desktop logs, since each Palm unit has its own Athlete's Diary folder and hence its own unique MergeLog.txt file.
AutoMerge (Mac)
When the data are uploaded, the conduit looks for a file named MergeLog in your Athlete's Diary folder. If such a file exists, the contents of that file are read and interpreted as the name of the desktop log file into which the uploaded data will be merged. MergeLog should be a simple text file, which you can create either with a "plain text editor" like SimpleText or Tex-Edit, or with a word processing program like ClarisWorks. In the latter case you must make sure to save the file in "Text" format and not in "ClarisWorks" format. If the contents of MergeLog are a "simple" filename, like "Nicky's Log" (do NOT include the quotes when entering the name), then the software will assume that the file is in the SAME folder as the MergeLog file itself (the Athlete's Diary folder). Alternatively, you can put in a "complete filename", where each "level" of directory is separated by a colon, like this: Macintosh HD:Personal:Logs:Nicky's Log. In this example, you have a hard disk named "Macintosh HD", on that disk is a folder named "Personal", in that folder is a sub-folder named "Logs", and in that folder is your desktop Athlete's Diary log named "Nicky's Log".
Manual Merge
If you don't want to use the automatic method, or for some reason it doesn't appear to be working, you can use the manual method. After performing the HotSync, open your desktop log with the desktop version of the software, select Merge from the File menu and read in the Palm Log (Mac) (or PalmLog.dat on Windows) file containing the uploaded data. Make sure you do this before the next HotSync, before you lose the data in in your Palm Log file. If you make a mistake and do perform another HotSync before opening your desktop Athlete's Diary and using Merge, you'll still be able to Merge the data, but it will now be in the renamed file (Palm Log (previous) on the Mac or PalmLog.bak on Windows).
And finally, setting the conduit setting to Do nothing...does nothing.
Because of the finite memory of your handheld unit, there may come a time when you wish to remove some entries from your log. If you are using the desktop version of The Athlete's Diary, for example, you might want to keep only the latest few months of entries on your Palm. In the Edit menu on the Daily screen, you'll find an item Purge Records. When you select that item, you'll see the screen shown here. As you can see, you have four choices:
Duplicate entries purges duplicates. It may easily be that when you HotSync, you download entries from your desktop that have been previously downloaded, so that you end up with duplicates on your handheld unit; this choice will remove them.
All backed up entries purges any entries which have already been backed up to your desktop during a previous HotSync.
All entries purges all entries.
From/to lets you select dates and purge records between the chosen dates.
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Creek Software
All Rights Reserved