
Aquapilot is an aquarium maintenance tracking system for the Palmpilot. It requires either Pocket C or the included Pocket C 2.0 runtime module.

Aquapilot can track an unlimited number of aquariums and a wide range of aquarium parameters. Aquarium maintenance history can be easily recalled.

Aquapilot currently supports Pocket C version 2, but has also been compiled with a beta of version 3 and will take advantage of a few version 3 specific calls, Specifically, exiting to the launcher rather than PocketC, and the TODO application integration. When Pocket C 3 is released an updated Aquapilot will be released.


The zip file contains:

Aquapilot.pdb The executable

Icon.pdb The large & small icons for both Palm III and older Pilots

PocketC.prc The Pocket C runtime file (Included Freeware)

AquapilotDocs.html & Image1-5.gif : this file

Install Aquapilot.pdb, Icon.prc, and PocketC.prc (if it is not already installed)

Main Screen

The main screen consists of a Aquarium list box for defined aquariums. The NEW button creates a new aquarium entry. The DEL deletes the currently selected aquarium. The LOGGING button brings up the Maintenance Log Screen for the selected aquarium.

The bottom half of the main screen is a list box which displays all of the aquarium Maintenance Histories. These can be individually selected and will display the maintenance record.

The GRAPH & EXPORT buttons are non-functional in this release. The EXIT button quits.




Maintenance Log Screen

The Maintenance Log screen consists of a grouping of aquarium parameters. Tapping the down arrow next to a parameter pops up a menu with selectable values. There are check boxes for indicating whether Mechanical or Chemical filtration was replaced and whether a gravel wash was done. Two check boxes labeled 1 & 2 are provided for additional use. An area is provided for recording additional notes. The RECORD button saves the current record and returns to the main screen. The EXIT button allows you to exit without saving the record.



Maintenance History Screen

This screen is identical to the log screen. The difference being the values are not changeable. The RECORD button allows the deletion of the record. The EXIT button returns to the main screen.







If you like and use Aquapilot registration is available through for $10.00


Benefits to registering: