2sky License Agreement

2sky is offered "as is" without warrantee of any kind, including fitness for a particular purpose, data integrity, timely support and upgrades. Although 2sky has been tested extensively and found to be remarkably stable, it may, like any app, conflict with other apps or be running at the time of a reset or other event which may cause memory loss in the device it is installed on. 2sky is specifically NOT intended for scientific research, navigation, use in court of law, or planning space missions. By installing and using 2sky, you agree that you are solely responsible for competently backing up your data in a timely fashion and for knowing how to perform both a soft and a hard reset of your device. BY INSTALLING AND/OR USING 2sky, YOU ASSUME THE ENTIRE RISK OF USING OR MISUSING 2sky.

All versions and copies of 2sky are property of its author. You agree not to disassemble, modify, or sell copies of this program. If you have purchased and received a registration code for this software, YOU AGREE NOT TO REVEAL THIS SECRET REGISTRATION CODE TO ANYONE. Under the conditions described above, YOU ARE LICENSED TO:

  • install and use this copy on your own device
  • transmit unmodified copies to others

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