Todaydisplays data from your Datebook and ToDo databases in a convenient,
customizable fashion. There are three tabs in the main view, one for today, one for
tomorrow, and one for the week. Below the listing of appointments and ToDo items,
today's date and the current time are displayed. The today tab shows all items for today, as
well as displaying past due ToDo items. Turning off the display of past due items is not an
option (you'll have to come up with a new excuse for not getting things done).
Tomorrow's tab shows only items scheduled for tomorrow. The week tab shows all
appointments and To Do items for the coming weeks, as well as past due To Dos.
Each line of the display shows one item (descriptions are truncated to fit on one
line) along with related information about the item. Much of this information is
customizable via preferences. There are some conventions about the display, which are
explained below:
The first column is the time/date column. This column always contains information
about the time an item is scheduled for. The week tab shows the date associated with the
item. The today and tomorrow tabs show the start time for each Datebook appointment.
An "!" indicates that the item is past due. Items due Today will be marked with "Due" (or a
"!" in week view). A "-" indicates that the item has no due date. A "[!]" indicates that the
item has no scheduled time.
The second column displays a one-line description of the item. Today will truncate
descriptions to one line for display purposes; these items will have an ellipsis ("..."). This
column may also contain the first few letters of the category name for ToDo items.
The next column displays the priority of ToDo items, if designated in the
The next column displays a "D" or "T" to indicate whether the item is a Date Book
appointment or a ToDo item. A checkbox will appear to the right of the "T" if the item is a
completed ToDo item.
The three icons at the top right of the main screen are quick and easy ways to toggle
three of the preferences. The checkbox is a toggle switch for the Show Completed Items
preference. If you tap this button it will switch between showing and not showing
completed ToDo items. The exclamation point is a toggle switch for the Show Only Due
items. If you tap this button, it will switch between showing and not showing undated
ToDo items. The folder icon is a switch for the Show Categories preference. This button
toggles between showing and not showing the ToDo items' categories in the list.
The scroll arrows on the bottom right corner of the screen scroll one line at a time.
The hard scroll buttons scroll one page at a time. Tapping the tab of the view you are in
will scroll to the top of the view.