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Palmpilot Timesheet Version History

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v1.0 28-Jun-1998 Released Timesheet on the PilotGear site.
v1.0.1 28-Jun-1998 Bug fix in ReorgDatabase which caused problems when Client/Project/Task categories became full.
v1.0.2 28-Jun-1998 Bug fix for day buttons when week commences Monday.
v1.1.0 5-Jul-1998 Bug fixes and internal clean-up.

Added ability to save hour AND minute durations and changed GUI to accommodate new hours/minutes times. Added chargeable checkbox on detail form. App now checks OS version when started. App now checks existing database version when started.

Fixed another bug in ReorgDatabase (for reorgs when database is empty), should have also improved Reorg performance. Fixed some database usage that may have caused problems. Fixed a potential memory leak and various memory locking/unlocking bugs. Fixed bug in category editing.

v1.2.0 11-Jul-1998 More bug fixes and much internal clean-up. Erase Prior To option now works. The Timesheet category records now require considerably less memory. Timesheet should update database versions 1.0 and 1.1 automatically.

NO new features in this version, but recompiled without optimisation for Palm III users. App is now 40% larger but will work under PalmOS 2.0 and PalmOS 3.0.

Also fixed minor bug in Timesheet2CSV utility, so now 35+ minutes are exported correctly. Also added date field in the CSV export.

v1.2.1 8-Aug-1998 Bug fixes: Believe I have resolved problems with Palm III devices and Timesheet. This release is compiled with optimisation again so PRC is down to around 21k.

New features in this version. Changed task duration to 15 hours maximum. Added daily entries total. Allowed up to 255 entries per day with main screen scrolling. Chargeable entries now have their Client field underlined.

Added time column to Timesheet2CSV utility. Fixed month conversion bug.

v1.3.0 Never released Interim database changes prior to v1.4.0.
v1.4.0 21-Nov-1998 Bug fixes: None, but some internal changes. Timesheet now uses the Pilot built-in binary search functions and should be able to support large Timesheet databases with no noticeable performance loss. Maximum entries per day reduced to 125.

New features in this version. Pilot Find button is now supported for Timesheet. User preferences have been added, including support for default categories and durations. See user documentation for details.

Updated Timesheet2CSV utility to support v1.4.0 Timesheet databases.

v1.5.0 Beta test release Interim database changes prior to v1.5.1.
v1.5.1 7-Feb-1999 Bug fixes: None.

New features in this version. Weekly summary added. Maximum number of client/project/tasks expanded to 100 from 20. Added entry duration timer. Added a Palm III 'list' icon.

Updated Timesheet2CSV utility to support v1.5.1 Timesheet databases.

v1.5.2 11-Mar-1999 Bug fixes: Fixed weekly summary start day bug.

New features in this version. Added chargeable totals and corresponding preference to enable/disable them. Expanded Client/Project/Task pick list lengths.

Updated Timesheet2CSV utility, should no longer have missing two byte filler problems.

v1.5.3 3-Nov-1999 Bug fixes: None.

No new features. Much clean up of the code and removal of some redundant functions. Changed the way the timer UI works so hopefully it's more obvious when you're timing an entry.

Application and source code released under the GNU GPL.

author: stuart nicholson
mail to: snic@ihug.co.nz