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Palmpilot Timesheet Mini FAQ

[Home] [Up] This mini FAQ deals with common problems and questions I've had people email me about. Hopefully it will be of some use to new Timesheet users!


  1. When I double click the Timesheet2CSV utility it doesn't do anything?

  2. I can't find the 'TimesheetDB.PDB' file anywhere on my PC?


  1. When I double click the Timesheet2CSV utility it doesn't do anything?

    Timesheet2CSV is currently not a Windows application. It's DOS application that you must run from a DOS Command prompt. For details see the Timesheet2CSV section at the end of the user documentation.

  2. I can't find the 'TimesheetDB.PDB' file anywhere on my PC?

    This file should be generated by the Palmpilot Hotsync Manager software you have installed on your PC. However it is possible that your Hotsync Manager settings mean this file won't be created when you Hotsync.

    To check your Hotsync settings:

    1. Start the Hotsync Manager.
    2. Right-click on the little Hotsync icon on your Windows taskbar.
    3. Select Custom from the pop-up menu.
    4. Make sure the System conduit is set to Handheld overwrites Desktop.
    5. If not, make it so! Also make sure that Set as default is checked.
    6. Click Ok and try Hotsyncing your Palmpilot again.
    7. You should now have a TimesheetDB.PDB file in your Palmpilot backup directory (use Window Explorer to Find it).
author: stuart nicholson
mail to: snic@ihug.co.nz