Product title: PalmRealtor Versions: 3.0 - Succeeded in making Self-Check compatible with Visor Memory Module. Reads screen values before popping up any calculators. 2.9 - Self-Check can turn off Alert-box if needed. 2.8 - Fixed "Object not in form" bug that appeared under certain conditions. Performs SELF-CHECK to alert of file corruption by VIRUS. 2.7 - Added 3 more items in the Amortization List. Took the 1st 3 that were monthly and made them Yearly as well. 2.6 - Changed Name to "PalmRealtor" 2.5 - Fixed Copy Bug where no Focus Set. 2.4 - Fixed Database Load data bug. Initialized new scenario with "New Mortgage" title. Refreshed Mortgage amount every new calculation for APR. 2.3 - Updated Users-Manual. Added Delete Button on Load Screen. 2.2 - Fixed "Queue Full" Bug on Inflation Calculator! 2.1 - Made Mortgage Calculating Screen technically correct. 2.0 - PMI amount was not calculated as Monthly. Added PMI% to the DataBase. 1.9 - Forgot to increment version in v1.8 1.8 - Save Description wasn't accepting User-Input. Added 1 more decimal position for PMI calculation. 1.7 - Copy/Paste Memory Bug Fixed! 1.6 - Year 2000 was showing 100 on Amortization Printout. PMI on Mortgage Calculator made more realistic. DownPayment % acts on House Price only. Calculator doesn't round to 100. SAME button on Variable Interest works from that # on. 1.5 - PITI didn't update properly. 1.4 - Inflation Calculator had Bug fix. 1.3 - Fixed Object Not in form Bug on LoanScreen. Fixed Var.Interest PopUp Box that had see-through on PalmIII. 1.2 - Adjusted Calculation on APR (Effective Interest.) 1.1 - Mortgage Amount was starting out as Zero. 1.0 - First Release. Description: Mortgage Calculator for Realtors. Requirements: PalmIII PalmOS 3.0 or higher Features: Black/White and Color capable. Author: Edmund J. Witkowski III FEE: $10 to Witkowski-Design E-mail: