Palm Farmerª ============ AgLine Software, LLC (661) 861-1514 Palm Farmer consists of seven applications that work in cooperation. Each application shares common characteristics and data with the others. Overall, the Palm Farmer system delivers an excellent record keeping system, customized for the farmer. Overview ======== When opened, each Palm Farmer application presents a list of previously recorded entries. The Page icon creates a new record. The Trash icon deletes the selected record. The Pencil icon edits the record. The Total button provides an easy way to calculate totals of activity. Sort the list by tapping the name at the top of each column. If a choice is absent from a list, simply add by choosing "Edit ChoicesÉ" Palm Farmer Programs ==================== Fields ------ This application creates separate Field records. Each Field record can keep track of crops, acres, and ID numbers. Generally, picking a Field name from a list in a Palm Farmer application automatically enters its acres, crops, etc. < Note! > Enter at least one Field record before entering records in the other Palm Farmer applications. Seeding ------- With this application, track events of seed planting. Enter the field, variety, target number of plants per acre, the amount of seeds per pound, and the rate of germination. Palm Farmer will calculate the amount of seed needed to cover the field and the amount of seed for each acre. Water ----- Track watering events with field, date, acres watered, amount of water, and or acre-feet. Work ---- This application tracks work related events. Pick the field, type of work, the amount of work done, and an expense rate. Palm Farmer will calculate the actual expense dollars. Yields ------ Tracking yields is simple with this application, pick the field, date, acres and amount of yield. Palm Farmer calculates the amount of yield per acre. Apply ----- This application tracks field application events. All the pertinent info is tracked, from dates and acres to method, rates and applicators. < Note! > The Apply application uses records from the Materials application to automatically enter some data. Choosing from the Type List changes the Materials List. It only shows those types of materials. Materials --------- With this application, enter the name, type and manufacturer of the different materials applied to fields. Information from this application appears in the Apply application. < Note! > Enter at least one Material record before entering records in the Apply application.