PC users -------- If you have MiniCalc 4.2 or earlier version, uninstall it on PC ==USING THE OLD PACKAGE== After you unzipped mc451.zip file (do not unzip pimc45.zip!) run install.bat. Excel should not be running if you want to install Excel add-on. Select the right Excel add-on depending on your Excel version. For detailed description please read MiniCalc.doc. To uninstall MiniCalc run uninstall.bat from the folder where you unzipped mc451.zip. We recommend you to install upgrader (one of installable components) and run it prior to using the new MiniCalc version if you have MiniCalc 4.1 or older on your Palm. Upgrader will delete the old program and free your Palm memory. Other systems ------------- After you unzipped mc451.zip file, unzip pimc45.zip. The only relevant files that should be installed on Palm are: MiniCalc.prc, MiniCalc upgrader.prc, Upgrader for old data Mortgage.pdb, MiniCalc spreadsheet sample MiniChart.prc, MiniChart Help workbook, MiniCalc list of errors and functions: Help-Errors.pdb Help-Functions.pdb Help-Lookup.pdb and MiniCalc.doc if your software can read MSWord 6.0 format. You also can use on-line manual at http://www.solutions.hand.org