---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cube 3D demonstration ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- BACKGROUND: =========== Cube3D is simple but it outlines many of the basic starting point questions that are commonly asked on the palm-dev-forum email list. If you are seriously interested in Palm Computing development then be sure to check out the development website hosted by Palm Computing: http://www.palmos.com/ 26-Dec-2000: updated to support non m68k-CPU architecture when performing an offscreen buffer copy operation in the 160x160 mode. 31-Jul-2000: updated for future compatability with NON 160x160 devices - asm routines used if 160x160, api routines otherwise. INSTALLATION: ============= Cube3D is designed for the Palm Computing Platform. 'cube3D.prc' should be installed into your handheld device using the instructions provided by the manufacturer. The following devices are supported: Pilot 1000 Pilot 5000 Palm Personal Palm Professional Palm III, IIIe, IIIx, IIIse, IIIxe, IIIc Palm V, Vx Palm VII Handspring Visor, Visor Deluxe, Visor Platinum, Visor Prism IBM Workpad c3 (40X, 40U), 30X and 20X Qualcomm pdQ Smartphone SONY PEG-300, PEG-S500C Symbol SPT 1500, 1700, 1740 TRGPro DEVELOPMENT =========== Cube3D was developed using prc-tools 2.0 (GNU gcc compiler) that can be obtained from the here: http://www.palmos.com/dev/tech/tools/gcc/index.html The source code outlines a number of basic Palm Computing Programming principles and you should be able to take the core structure and write a large complex program. It is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; use it "AS IS" and at your own risk. The code presented is Copyright 1999-2000 by Aaron Ardiri. It should be used for educational purposes only. You shall not modify the Cube3D source code in any way and re-distribute it as your own, however you are free to use the code as a guide for developing programs on the Palm Computing Platform. Thankyou for downloading Cube3D! // az aaron@ardiri.com ----------------------------------------------------------------------------