AlarmMaster lets you import alarms in PocketSynth format via the Palm clipboard. AlarmMaster also allows you to share alarms with your friends and colleagues via infra-red beaming. Trying AlarmMaster Download and try AlarmMaster now! If you find AlarmMaster useful, then you need to buy it! When you do this you'll receive a key which lets you use the full AlarmMaster functionality - you'll be licensed to use AlarmMaster forever, as upgrades are always free to registered users! Using AlarmMaster When you first run AlarmMaster by tapping on its icon on your PalmÆs home screen it will copy your existing system alarms. You can restore alarms from the archive at any time. The AlarmMaster Main Screen |
AlarmMasterÆs main screen is its library screen. This screen contains two lists. The æAlarmsÆ list displays the contents of the system alarms database. Alarms in this database are public and available for use in built in and third party applications that wish to use them. The æLibraryÆ list is private to AlarmMaster and displays your personal collection of alarms. Associated with each list are a set of buttons that allow you to play, edit or delete the selected alarm and to create a new alarm. Pressing the edit or new buttons opens the Alarm Editor dialog. Between the æAlarmsÆ and æLibraryÆ lists there are two transfer buttons that allow you to easily copy an alarm from one list to the other. |
The main screen also has three menus æAlarmsÆ, æLibraryÆ and æOptionsÆ. The æAlarmsÆ menu has four sections. The top section allows you to control the archiving and restoration of system alarms. æRestore Archived AlarmsÆ retrieves the set of alarms saved in AlarmMasterÆs system alarm archive and uses them to refill the æAlarmsÆ list. æArchive Current AlarmsÆ fills the system alarm archive with the alarms currently in the the æAlarmsÆ list. If you never use æArchive Current AlarmsÆ then you can use æRestore Archived AlarmsÆ to restore your original system alarms at any time. You may find æArchive Current AlarmsÆ of great utility if you wish to audition a new system alarm collection. Using æArchive Current AlarmsÆ save your current system alarms before installing the new collection. If you decide you donÆt want the new collection then simply æRestore Archived SoundsÆ having copied any alarms in the collection that you like to the æLibraryÆ list for later use. The second section of the æAlarmsÆ menu provides allows you to manage the contents of your æAlarmsÆ list. In addition to the edit, new and delete functions shared with the main screen it also provides copy, cut, paste and rename functions. Copy unsurprisingly copies the selected alarm to AlarmMasterÆs clipboard. Cut also copies the selected alarm to the clipboard but then deletes it from the æAlarmsÆ list. Paste takes a copy of the alarm on the clipboard and adds it to the æAlarmsÆ list, prompting you for permission to overwrite if the list contains an existing alarm with the same name. It is worth remembering that the AlarmMaster maintains a single clipboard for both the æAlarmsÆ and æLibraryÆ lists so that it can be used as a means of transferring alarms between the two lists. The third section allows you to import alarms in PocketSynth format via the Palm clipboard. The final section of the æAlarmsÆ menu contains two functions Beam and Beam All. Using these functions you can transmit either the selected alarm in the æAlarmsÆ list or all alarms in the list to another Palm organizer on which AlarmMaster has been installed. The æLibraryÆ menu has three sections that correspond to the list management, import and beaming sections of the æAlarmsÆ menu and provide the same functionality for the æLibraryÆlist. The æOptionsÆ menu allows the user to enter a registration code and unlock the full functionality of AlarmMaster. The 'Select Alarm Database' entry on the options database allows you to select a database to edit other than the default alarm database, provided there is more than one compatible database present on your palm. The Alarm Editor Dialog |
This main feature of this dialog is a table containing the series of notes that make up the alarm. The table is arranged in three columns. The first column shows the note value, the second volume and the third the notes length. Note values may either be in the range from C-5 (C 5 octaves below middle C on a piano) to G+5 (G 5 octaves above middle C) or be a pause or silent note. Volumes range from 1 to 127. Length can be any value greater than 0. To select and play a note tap in any column. To change the value of a selected note open the Note Editor screen by tapping in the æNoteÆ column field or by pressing the edit button. A notes volume or length values can be edited by selecting the æVolÆ or æLenÆ fields of the and then entering the changes to the value via the PalmÆs numeric entry area. |
To the right of the Note Table are a number of push buttons. The æPlayÆ button plays a single note if one is selected. The æEditÆ button opens the Note Editor dialog and initialises it with the selected notes value and allows it to be changed. The æNewÆ button again opens the Note Editor dialog allowing the value of a new note to be selected. New notes are added following the currently selected note or at the end of the alarm if no note is currently selected. The æDeleteÆ button deletes the currently selected note provided it is not the only note in the alarm. The æPlay AllÆ button plays the alarm from beginning to end. At the bottom right of the dialog are the æOKÆ and æCancelÆ buttons. Pressing the æOKÆ button completes the edit. If all the notes entered are valid then the dialog will be closed. If an existing alarm was being edited then control is returned immediately to the main screen. If a new alarm was being edited then the Alarm Name dialog will be opened to allow the name of the alarm to be entered. Pressing the æCancelÆ button abandons the edit, closes the dialog and returns control immediately to the main screen. The Note Editor Dialog |
The Note Editor dialog allows a notes value to be specified. Note values may be in the range from C-5 (C 5 octaves below middle C on a piano) to G+5 (G 5 octaves above middle C) or be a rest note. A series of buttons labelled C, C#,à.,B and Pause allow the notes name to be selected. The button corresponding to the selected note will be highlighted. The octave is selected by spinning the value in the octave field using the triangular up and down buttons. These buttons are only active when a note button other than the Pause button is highlighted. |
Pressing the OK button closes the dialog and returns control to the Alarm Editor. If a new note was being edited it will be added to the Alarm Editors Note Table and selected. If an existing note was being edited then the Alarm EditorÆs Note Table will be updated to show its new value. Pressing the Cancel button also closes the dialog and returns control to the Alarm Editor but without making any changes to the Note Table. Note: Only notes lower than C+5 are audible when played by current Palm hardware. Buying AlarmMaster You can buy AlarmMaster for Palm OS using a secure form on the Haus Of Maus web site, or by making a (US) toll free call to PalmGear HQ on 800.741.9070. You can also fax your details to PalmGear HQ at (817.461.3482) - remember to include your name, address, credit card information and the fact that you want to buy AlarmMaster - and also include a valid email address for them to return the registration details to you! When you buy AlarmMaster we will send you a key to unlock your trial copy of AlarmMaster - there is no need to install a new version. To enter the key run AlarmMaster, and tap the Palm's menu button (beside the Graffiti area) Choose 'Register' from the Options menu. Please keep a copy of the key, but do not distribute the key to others. Each copy of AlarmMaster in use requires its own key. Free Upgrades! Heavy Stuff Basically, you are responsible for what you do with AlarmMaster and for the consequences of anything that happens as a result of your use, be it damage, loss of data on any computer system or anything. AlarmMaster is not free. If you use it you have to buy it. This gives you access to the full program. You may distribute unregistered copies of AlarmMaster, but not for profit, except with my written permission, obtainable via email to The key given on registration should never be revealed to others, as that is theft. The license to use AlarmMaster is not transferable - i.e. you cannot sell or give it to others under any circumstances. |
© Electric Pocket, Ltd., 2000. |