AddressPro v5.5 (c) Copyright December 2000 by ZingWare Web: email:
Table of Contents
Content of the Zip file
System Requirements
ManualThe new look of the address list
Changing the display and sort order of the address list
The Quick Bar
The Record duplication feature
The contact management feature
Auto Resort after HotSync
Search & Replace engine
Color settingsFuture Enhancements
Bug Reporting
Remarks/Known "bugs"
1. Overview
rated by ZDNET ! and
rated by TUCOWS! Now in COLOR ! A supercharged Address Book enhancement featuring the most user friendly list view with a robust sorting mechanism, a must have Search & Replace engine, new display sorting capabilities, and new record duplication and contact management features giving the user unlimited possibilities with the built in address book database.
AddressPro works with the original address database - maintaining full compatibility with the PC desktop programs.
The new sorting mechanism allows the user to view the address list in any order he wants (sorted according to phone fields, custom fields, address, city or any other field).
Each category can be sorted in a different way - to the user's preferences.
Quick field pickers allow viewing of any field (not only the selected phone field).
The user has the choice of putting any field in the phone display field - not only phone fields.
With the "Quick Bar" - address navigation is only a tap away (Graffity - is an option now!).
Record duplication allows quick entry of similar records.
Contact management allows last contcat time recording.
A powerful search & replace engine enables quick searches and automation of tedious editing jobs.
2. Content of the Zip file
The following files are included in the zipped file: AddressPro.prc (The program)
- Readme.html (This file)
- gif files (graphics for this file)
3. System Requirements
- PalmOS v3.0 or above
(Which means Palm III, Palm IIIe, Palm IIIx, Palm IIIxe, Palm IIIc, Palm V, Palm Vx, Palm VII, Visor, TRGPro or a PalmPilot with the 2MB upgrade - or any other devices that support the PalmOS 3.0 and above).
4. Installing/Upgrading
First time installation - To install this program, use your Palm device install tool and Hotsync to load the file: AddressPro.prc (after you unzipped it from the Zip file) into the Palm device.Upgrading - To upgrade to a newer version and keep your settings, DO NOT remove the application from your Palm device. Install only the AddressPro.prc file.
5. Uninstalling
To uninstall, simply, delete the application from your device using the "Applications manager".(Most Probably when you move back to using the original Address Book you will get an unsorted address list - in order to sort it again go to the Address Book menu , choose Options, than choose Preferences and tap the "Last name, First name" button if it is not highlighted ,if it is highlighted tap the "Company, Last name" button and than tap the "OK" button - this will resort the address list).
6. Manual
** This section will emphasize only the enhancements, the rest of the operations are either self explanatory or similar in nature to the built in Address Book.
6.1 The new look of the address list
- The address list now has a Quick Bar in the bottom of the screen made of the English alphabet.
- The address list has a titles row directly above the list.
- The Sorting fields title is a popup list which lets you choose between pre-selected sorting schemes or create a new one.
- The Phone field title is a popup list which lets you choose the desired field to be displayed instead of the phone number.
- A "find" button is added right next to the "new" button.
- Duplicate button and menu items in the record view which allow you to duplicate an existing record or parts of it.
- Contact management menu item in the record view which lets you add a date to field custom4.
- Search & Replace engine (see details below).6.2 Changing the display and sort order of the address list
Tap the titles sorting popup trigger (directly above the list of addresses) to get a list of pre-selected sorting schemes, choose one of the sorting schemes to apply it to the addresses database. Choose "Other..." to get to the Sorting and preferences panel (you can also get to this panel by tapping the Options menu and choosing "Preferences").
In this panel there are 2 drop down lists: the upper one is for the main sort field, and the next one is for the secondary sort field.
The entries in the drop down lists are identical in the 2 lists and include:
Last name, First name, Company, Phone1, Phone2, Phone3, Phone4, Phone5, address, city, state, zip code, country, title, custom1, custom2, custom3, custom4.
You may choose any of the entries in any of the fields.
The entry you choose for the main sort field is used to sort the list, for example if you choose "city" than in the address list all the records appear sorted with the city name first.
The entry you choose for the secondary sort field is used to sort the list if the records has the same data in the main sort field, for example if you choose "First name" and 2 records have the same "last name" in the main sort field (e.g. "Smith") than in the address list the 2 records appear sorted according to the secondary sort field - "first name" ( e.g. "John", "Sam").Tapping the "Done" button causes the list to be resorted and redisplayed according to the fields you chose.
While in the list view you can change the displayed phone number by selecting a field from the popup list in the titles row. The entry you choose for the phone display field is used to display the field you want instead of phone in the list, for example if you choose "title" than in the address list all the records appear with the titles instead of phone numbers.
If you checked in the preferences panel the "Fill phone field" checkbox than - If for a certain record the phone field is empty than it will show the phone field you chose in "show in list" preference for the record. If this one does not exist than the next available phone number will be shown.
You may select "None" to be displayed, than no phone number is displayed and you get to see more details on the 1st 2 displayed fields.
You may select "ShowInList" to display the phones exactly as in the address book according to your choices of what phone number to show in the list. If there is no phone number chosen - the next available one will be displayed.New !! You may now select different sorting schemes and different phone view fields for different categories , and than by changing categories you get different sorting and viewing possibilities.
For example I chose the "last,first" sorting scheme and "phone1" view field for my "personal" category and the "company,last" scheme with no phone view field for my "business" category.
In order to enable this feature goto the preferences panel and check the "Sort for each category" checkbox.!! Be aware that if you use this feature, each time you change a category the database is resorted - for big databases this operation may take some time ! - changing only the phone view field will not cause a resort!
The Quick Bar allows you a faster access to the records. By tapping a letter on the quick bar the first record with the same letter in the main sort field is highlighted.
If you want a more accurate access to a record you can add letters to the "Find field" (located now in the upper left corner) using Graffity strokes or the built in keyboard.
6.4 The Record duplication feature
In the Record view a "duplicate" button is added. Tapping this button causes a new record to be opened in the Edit view with all the details of the previously selected record. You may now edit the new record and save it at your will.
In the Record menu 3 menu items are added which allow you whole or partial duplication:
- Duplicate Whole (same as the button)
- Duplicate w/o name and title (allows you to create a new entry for a fellow worker of an existing contact)
- Duplicate only company info (same company but not a fellow...)
6.5 The contact management feature
A contact management feature appears In the Record menu of the record view as the menu item: "Add last contact date". Tapping this menu item will popup a date selection window which will let you specify a date. The date you specify is entered automatically into field custom4 (which you can rename for example to: "Last contact date:").
If you use this feature you can sort your list according to contact dates...(close enough - the sorting is according to ASCII characters and not numeric digits so some glitches may appear: 7/10/99 will be before 7/2/99).
Due to a built in feature of the old address book that auto resorts the address database after each Hotsync and the facts that your sorting scheme probably differs from the one the old address book uses and one cannot delete the old address book from the device, the address database appears to be messed up after each hotsync under addressPro. In order to resort the database automatically after a hotsync check in the preferences panel the check box marked "Resort after HotSync". You may not check it if you use the same sorting scheme as the old address book ( e.g.: Company, Last name) and your database doess not get messed up due to this fact.
If you have a large database an auto resort may come in the wrong time. you can uncheck the "auto resort" checkbox and manually resort the database at your own leisure by tapping the "az" icon to the left of the sorting scheme popup list trigger.
Tapping the "Find" button in the List view brings up the "Search & Replace" form.
Enter the string to search in the search field, choose which fields to check and hit the "Go" button.
The search is being done only on the current category, so in order to search the whole database, please choose the category "All".
The search result is shown as a list in a "Search" form. In order to get back to normal mode hit the "Done" button. In order to change search string or fields hit the "More" button.
Replacing text / changing category / deleting
For each record found to comply with the search string you can do the following:
- Replace the searched string with a new string. Enter the new string in the replace field and check the checkbox.
- Change the category of the record. Choose the new category from the categories list and check the checkbox.
- Delete the record. Check the "delete record" checkbox.!!!!!!!!!! CAUTION !!!!!!!!!!!!
!!!!!!!!!! CAUTION !!!!!!!!!!!!
AddressPro now supports GUI color/gray scale settings by the user.
Full color is supported only on color devices (Palm IIIc with PalmOS 3.5).
Gray scale is supported on all PalmOS 3.5 devices (Palm V, Palm Vx, Palm IIIxe).To change the user interface colors choose from the menu "Color prefs...".
In the lower part of the screen a popup list can be found. This popup list lets you choose one of the screen objects to change their color.
The following items listed in the table are in this list.
To change an object color choose it from the popup list, choose a color from the color table and tap "OK".
Repeat this operation for each object you want its color changed.When done tap the "Done" button to save changes or the "Cancel" button to discard them.
7. Future Enhancements
- Anything you have in mind ! - And we think is worth the effort (An original new feature suggestion implemented by us will entitle the responsible party the application and future upgrades - FREE for life !)
8. Bug Reporting
If you find a bug or want to suggest an enhancement you can contact us
9. Disclaimer
This product is provided without any warranty and the user accepts full responsibility for any damages, consequential or otherwise, resulting from its use.
This archive is freely redistributable, provided it is made available only in its complete, unmodified form with no additional files.
10. Registration
This program is a shareware. The unregistered version's is fully functional except the replace feature which is disabled and a registration reminder you see every time you start using the application.If you like the program and wish to get the full version, please register with the author for the nominal fee of 19.95$.
Registering will provide you the following:
- the full registered version which is not limited in any way.
- Free upgrades of the software.
Register the program at Palmgear HQ :
- online via: - Products shopping mall
- via phone: 817.640.6558
- via fax: 817.640.6614More details in our web site:
Version Release date Public Changes ver 5.5 December 1st, 2000 YES Added quick monochrome buttton.
Improved scrolling under search - each touch gets a response!
Fixed delete record while in search lockup.
Fixed noteView menu bugs.ver 5.1 August 4, 2000 Yes Fixed all crashes by adjusting backward compatibility to all PalmOS 3.x versions. ver 5.0 July 22, 2000 Yes COLOR is here ! Full customization for user interface in Color or in Gray scale ver 4.4 March 22 2000 Yes Fixed very long strings search & replace crash ver 4.3 March 11 2000 Yes Fixed "global Find" crash (thanks Nicholas) ver 4.2 March 3 2000 Yes Fixed "Fill phone field" checkbox bug. ver 4.1 Feb 15 2000 Yes Fixed global search crash. ver 4.0 Jan 26 2000 Yes Fixed display problem. Added a checkbox to allow automatic fill of phone field enable/disable ( was on all the time).
NEW !!! - Added individual category sort & view feature.ver 3.9 Jan 18 2000 Yes Fixed scrolling problem which made it look that find @ replace does not find all records & GUI cosmetic change. ver 3.8 Dec 2 1999 Yes Added contact management functionality to Edit view too. ver 3.7 Nov 25 1999 Yes Fixed the bug where in search node one could still input graffity letters to the lookup field ver 3.6 Nov 15 1999 Yes Added Graffity shift indicator to Search & Replace screen. ver 3.5 Oct 2 1999 Yes The search field now remembers the last search string in a single search session. ver 3.4 Oct 2 1999 Yes Fixed the bug which did not allow to replace text with multiple instances in the same record in one replace operation. ver 3.3 Oct 1 1999 Yes Fixed the bug where a record that was edited during search mode causes the app to hang when it searches it again. ver 3.2 Sept 14 1999 Yes Fixed the ShowInList that does'nt stick bug. ver 3.1 Sept 10 1999 Yes Removed quick find bar and field from search mode ( 2 different search engins which do not interact very well...) Ver 3.0 August 27 1999 Yes Added change category option to the replace feature and verification option. Ver 2.9 August 22 1999 Yes Added delete record option to the replace feature. ver 2.8 August 20 1999 Yes Added replace feature. ver 2.7 August 10 1999 Yes Added search feature ver 2.6 August 6 1999 Yes Added to phone view list the option " Show in list" which shows you the phone numbers just like in the address book - if there is no phone chosen it will pick the first available one. ver 2.5 July 28 1999 Yes Added HotSync detection mechanism which allows auto-resort on first startup of addresspro after hotsync (address book does a resort after each hotsync and makes addressPro sorting scheme messed up).
Changed Pref to: Resort after HotSync.
Fixed contact management bug that caused a crash.ver 2.4 July 27 1999 Yes Removed time limitation from unregistered version. ver 2.3 July 24 1999 Yes Added pref: autoresort on startup, and rearranged prefs panel. ver 2.2 July 21 1999 Yes Fixed Sort scheme first use problem. ver 2.1 July 17 1999 Yes Added quicksort button-tap the "az" bitmap under the title to quickly resort the DB. ver 2.0 July 16 1999 Yes Cleaned up all minor display problems caused by the major cosmetic change. Time to release... ver 1.8 July 14 1999 No Moved down also up/down arrows.(not released) ver 1.7 July 13 1999 No Moved "New" button & lookup field to bottom of screen - better human engineering... ver 1.6 July 12 1999 No Shrunk "New" button + changed font, removed bitmap. ver 1.5 July 11 1999 No Changed title font. ver 1.4 July 10 1999 No Fixed list display problem where only one field was shown when not enough data. Now the list will display 2 fields if it can retrieve data from: company, last or first fields. (handles personal contacts to show last,first when in company,last sorting scheme). ver 1.3 July 9 1999 No Contact management feature added to record view - adding last contact date to custom4 field. ver 1.2 July 7 1999 No Changed Sort button to popuplist trigger with preset sorting schemes. ver 1.13 July 3 1999 Yes Shareware version(only) bug fix: Fatal exception on record view PageDown. Registered version not affected and stays at v1.11 . ver 1.11 June 27 1999 Yes The missing application icon is back ! ver 1.1 June 26 1999 Yes Fixed new record DB positioning bug. ver 1.01 June 19 1999 Yes Updated info in About dialog concerning PalmGear HQ. Full version is not affected. ver 1.0 June 14 1999 Yes Official release
All reported bugs are fixed.ver 0.9b June 12 1999 Yes Improved display speed.
Fixed lookup& search mechanisms.
Added custom fields to the sorting lists.
if phone field is empty than show in list phone is displayed and if none than the next exisiting phone number.
Phone field is now selectable from the list view and could be set to "None".ver 0.85b June 6 1999 Yes Improved sorting speed. Fixed sorting bugs. ver 0.8b June 4 1999 Yes Finally installation/hotsync crashes are gone! (Sorry folks...) ver 0.75b June 2 1999 Yes Fixed lookup mechanism, handled installation crashes ver 0.71b June 1 1999 Yes Added menuhack compatability ver 0.7b May 29 1999 Yes Added Record & partial record duplication ver 0.5b May 29 1999 Yes Fixed crash problem on PalmIIIx/V ver 0.3b May 28 1999 Yes Added dynamic title bar (shows the real names of the fields you choose). ver 0.1b May 23 1999 Yes Initial release
12. Remarks / Known bugs:
- Sort speed is according to the number of contacts (more = slower) and how messed up is the sorting order before you start the sort.- Shareware version users ! - evaluation period limitations gone!
- date sorting is not perfect(custom4 field).
- If you choose to use a different sort scheme for different categories please be patient while the database is resorted every time you move between categories with different sort schemes.
13. Tips
- In order to see in the list only one field in its full details choose in the sorting preferences panel the main sort field and the second sort field to be the same and choose the phone field to be "None".- If soring each category is to slow for you, leave the checkbox checked , make sure all categories have the same sorting scheme, and change the phone view field between different categories - changing categories will not cause a resort and you get a different view for each category !