Resolution by the Central Political Committee of SYNASPISMOS

for an immediate halt to NATO bombings
Peace in the Balkans

(April 4, 1999)

1. NATO’s military intervention in Yugoslavia, in violation of every concept of international law and order, constitutes an illegal venture with absolutely no moral foundation that represents a grave threat to peace in the Balkans and to stability in Europe.

Its aim is to impose American power in the Balkans, to lead Europe as a whole, and to convert NATO into a striking force to promote US interests throughout the world.

The citing by NATO and the US of “humanitarian” reasons and the need to “protect” the Albanians of Kosovo in order to justify their intervention is false and hypocritical, as proved by their undermining of any possibility of agreement between all parties based on the Contact Group points in the final phase of the Rambouillet conference.

The existing and long-term problem of Kosovo, which was aggravated by the lifting of its previous autonomy and violations of Albanian minority rights, could and should have been handled with political means under international law, safeguarding autonomy for Kosovo within the existing frontiers of the sovereign state of Yugoslavia.

The Synaspismos stated its position clearly from the beginning, pointing out the responsibility of Belgrade. But we also pointed out the blame attributable to those who fed the secessionist and nationalistic tendencies of Albanians in Kosovo.

There are problems related to human rights violations in other countries as well, even in countries that are NATO members; and both the US and Europe have for years now shown themselves to be completely indifferent to these problems. It is this indifference that proves the hypocritical nature of the current operation.

NATO’s military intervention in a sovereign state, without even a previous UN resolution, constitutes a return to the past and creates a terrible precedent for humanity as a whole.

2. The intervention in Yugoslavia, raises for the first time since World War II, the issue of re-drawing borders in Europe and creates the grave danger of broader destabilisation throughout the Balkans, rekindles and aggravates nationalist tensions, thus torpedoing the future of the Balkans, and causes incalculable damage to the peoples and to the ecological balance in our region.

The governments of Europe assume historic responsibility for this dramatic development. The European leaders, who are co-responsible within the NATO framework, have not been strong enough to resist US pressure, and by virtue of this choice they have struck a very powerful blow against the credibility of the European Union and the prospects for political unification and for its autonomous role.

This dramatic development further widens the chasm between present day Europe and the united Europe desired by its peoples and envisioned by the Left: a Europe politically united, independent of US hegemony, a Europe which is a force for peace in the world, a Europe with a social and humane face.

The SYN, as a party of the European Left that is fighting precisely for this prospect, feels an even greater need to underscore the special responsibility of the present socialdemocratic governments in Europe and any other forces which directly or indirectly support their current choices.

Deploring these choices and fighting to change the present correlations is one way of transforming the present disillusionment and bitterness into a positive force and breathing new life into the European idea.

3. The Greek government – despite the particularly difficult circumstances for Greece – should not have endorsed the decisions that led to the NATO operation and should have put forward a tougher resistance, in the name of stability in the Balkans. Likewise it should not have become involved in any way nor have contributed to planning operations or promoting NATO troops.

Unfortunately, however, the lack of political insight, strategic planning and substantial national consensus that characterise both the present and previous governments has gradually rendered our country susceptible to pressures and hostage to decisions made by others.

4. The Synaspismos believes that in the conditions prevailing today it is necessary for Greece to take every possible initiative within the framework of the European Union and NATO, as well as in all international organisations of which it is a member, to end the bombing immediately and to begin negotiations for a peaceful solution. In any event, it should not endorse the next phases of the intervention, and particularly the escalation of the bombings or the planning of the ground operations. It should refuse to cooperate by suspending the operation of the bases for as long as the intervention last.

The Synaspismos also believes that Greece should step up its efforts, in conjunction with the other Balkan countries, to address the immediate problem of the refugees and to find ways of doing so that will not constitute sources of future tension and conflicts.

The SYN points out that the intervention in Yugoslavia renders imperative the effort to cancel the new role sought by NATO, a role which will be formally ratified at the forthcoming NATO summit in New York. Within this context are demonstrated the timeliness and correctness of the SYN’s position in favour of the gradual winding down of NATO in view of its abolition, and the simultaneous strengthening of an autonomous system of European security, and also reinforcement of the UN’s role.

The Synaspismos believes that Greece should contribute with all its forces to creating a new, strongly anti-war climate in Europe and throughout the world and should reinforce all initiatives which have this same aim.

Our country’s response to the needs of these difficult times necessitates an immediate change in the way foreign policy is charted and implemented, an immediate change in government priorities with the conditions of social cohesion and national rallying secured at all levels.

The Synaspismos proposes that a National Foreign Policy Council be established immediately and that a framework be laid down for stable cooperation between political forces and institutions that will ensure the more active participation of social organisations and citizens.

5. To help overcome the present crisis and to restore stability in the region, the Synaspismos proposes:

  • An immediate halt to the bombing.
  • The ressumption of negotiations within an appropriate and mutually acceptable international framework.
  • Respect for the territorial integrity of Yugoslavia and the inviolability of borders.
  • The return of all refugees to their homes. The guarantee of the autonomy of Kosovo and respect for minority rights
  • Credible, sound inspection, acceptable by all sides, of the implementation of the agreements within the framework of the UN.

The Synaspismos will take immediate initiatives based on this policy within the framework of the European Left, aiming to create a Europe-wide anti-war movement, to bring pressure to bear on European govenments to stop the bombing and find a peaceful solution, and to strengthen the anti-nationalist tendencies and initiatives in the modern world. In this direction, the joint declaration by the parties of the United Left within the European Parliament constitutes a first step and creates a positive context for actions.

At the same time, SYNASPISMOS will take initiatives in the Balkans, utilising its previous experience and its relations with political forces in all Balkan countries. Its aim will be to foster cooperation among the Balkan peoples to end the war and to avert the risks of destabilisation and nationalistic awakenings.

6. The Synaspismos salutes the great mobilisation of the Greek people against NATO’s bombing of Yugoslavia and its activation in the cause of peace.

It is precisely this activation that constitutes the most solid foundation on which the Greek government and all parties could develop political initiatives that will permit Greece to avert the threats that are becoming clearly visible on the horizon and to play a role in the cause of peace and stability in the region.

The Central Political Committee of the Coalition of the Left and Progress
Athens, April 4, 1999