The CPG will play a leading part in ensuring that the Front organising the struggle determines its directions and demands on the basis of a framework programme of directions and goals which are opposed to and fight against the main choices of monopoly capital. A programme open to radical changes that affect the foundations of the capitalist system. This cannot be just any minimum framework programme, and even less can it constitute a programme for managing the crisis in the system. It must reflect the level of maturity of the anti-imperialist anti-monopoly social forces. It must consolidate and deepen their alliance. It must develop the social and political consciousness of the working class and other working people. The Front will be influenced by the extent of the agreement between the forces that make it up, in alliance with the CPG.
The FrontÆs programme directions and goals of struggle will have internal cohesion and hierarchy. They can be adjusted in the course of the struggle according to developments within the Front and the correlation of forces on the social and political level. They will serve the organisation of the struggle for measures and goals related to: the vital economic, educational and cultural needs of the working class and the other popular strata; confronting the problems of unemployment and its effects; defending and broadening their gains and democratic rights; defending and broadening the countryÆs productive base and its development potential; demanding national independence and defending the countryÆs territorial integrity against the new imperialist world order; ensuring the countryÆs active contribution to the struggle for peace and thwarting all forms of intervention and imperialist war in the region and more generally.
Among the main programme directions and goals of struggle are:
Disengagement from the European Union,
as a basic condition for utilising GreeceÆs domestic development potential, for a real
improvement in the working peopleÆs living standard.
Refusal to take part in imperialist
plans and interventions, in any way whatsoever. Common action with other movements in
neighbouring countries for a regional system of security in the broader South (Balkans,
Mediterranean, Middle East). Disentanglement from the web of political and military
dependence on the US, the European Union and NATO. Withdrawal from NATO and from the
Western European Union. Removal of the US-NATO bases and nuclear weapons. Development of
common action with peoples and countries to dismantle NATO and other military-political
A national defence policy which safeguards GreeceÆs security and ensures an
anti-imperialistic orientation in international relations and in the region. No ceding of
sovereign rights to imperialist organisations must be sanctioned.
Action which aims to address the
explosive problem of unemployment, protection and to secure a real increase in the
peopleÆs income. Indexing of wages, pensions and allowances. Fight against the
imposition of new labour relations. Reduction of working hours with the full guarantee of
the financial, social and social insurance rights of the working people, both Greeks and
foreign nationals. Abolition of overtime and taking measures which oppose and abolish
discrimination against women and young people. Development and use of new technologies for
the benefit of the working people.
Measures for hygiene and safety in the workplace. Institutions of labour and popular
Equal wages for work of equal value for men and women, young people and foreign workers.
Indefinite unemployment benefits, allowances of 80% of the minimum wage. Ensuring social
and social service rights of the unemployed while they are without work.
Special protection for people with special needs and for the elderly.
Defence of the rights of minorities more generally.
Democratic, anti-monopoly reform of the taxation system in favour of the popular strata.
Combating tax evasion and tax exemptions for big capital. Zero taxation on basic goods and
Price controls at source and measures to deal with profiteering. Low prices on broadly
popular consumer products.
Action against agreements which mortgage
our countryÆs development potential. All basic social and welfare services should remain
in the public sector. Demand for and defence of the public nature of enterprises and
sectors of strategic importance (research, technology, transportation, telecommunications,
energy, banks, mineral resources). They should be released from dependence on monopoly
commitments; substantial parliamentary and popular control should be introduced.
Struggle to reinforce, upgrade and modernise the public health sector, with emphasis on
prevention and protection from occupational diseases. Development of state industries to
manufacture pharmaceutical products, medical machinery and other supplies.
Struggle to restrict, aiming ultimately to abolish, large private enterprises in the field
of health and social welfare.
Action against the commercialisation of knowledge. Public, free, modern education, without
class barriers, for the people to serve social, humanistic and occupational goals at all
Rejection of the Common Agricultural
Policy (CAP) and GATT and the effects of their promotion. Support for agricultural
co-operatives; policy for their development, and regulation of their debts. Support for
the policy of subsidising the restructuring of farm output according to the countryÆs
potential. Measures to support the income of the small or medium-scale farmer, increase of
public and private investments in infrastructure projects.
Anti-monopoly framework of measures to support light and cottage industry, small and medium-sized enterprises. Incentives for their co-operative organisation.
Struggle to democratise public
administration, the armed forces, the security corps and the system for dispensing
Safeguarding trade union rights in the armed forces and the security corps.
Struggle to make the local and prefectural government independent of the machinery and
choices of the European Union and the central government. Measures for democratic
decentralisation, ensuring funds and substantial competencies. Establishment of an elected
3rd-tier of government. Separation of church and state, respect for the right
to religious convictions.
Social control over all forms of information. Support for initiatives by social organisations and local government in the information field. Support for and upgrading of public television. Restriction and ultimately abolition of the possibility for big capital to be active in this field.
Political action which will elevate the
social dimension of the human personality, and enhance the working peopleÆs quality of
life. Public programmes for cultural infrastructure. Defence of the rights and role of the
working people in the cultural field. Establishment of aesthetic and artistic education in
the state school system.
Opposition to the commercialisation of
sports, which should not be used as a means to disorient and manipulate peopleÆs minds.
Radical reform and democratisation of the legal framework so that the right to exercise
and sports becomes an essential one for the people as a whole and especially for youth.
The goal is the all-round development of the personality, enhancement of health,
cultivation of the spirit of noble rivalry, and friendly, peaceful co-existence among
Struggle to protect the environment.
Strict and effective controls on polluting industries. Promoting renewable sources of
energy, urban and physical planning based on the criterion of respect for and protection
of the environment. Planning to address the pollution of the seas and the destruction of
the forests.
Measures for the equality of women, in
the family, on the job, and for her participation in social and political action, in
Measures to protect childhood and
adolescence, to guarantee the rights of the young generation to education, work, cultural
and intellectual development, for the creative utilisation of their leisure time.
Co-ordinated struggle to confront the social scourge of narcotics with emphasis on
The struggle for anti-imperialist anti-monopoly goals must at the same time be extended to a broader framework in the region and throughout Europe. Co-ordination of the struggle on an international level will at the same time hit at the centres of imperialism. It will strengthen the solidarity and the inclination to fight, it will reinforce optimism, it will mobilise and attract new working class and popular forces.
The Front of struggle will develop initiatives on an international level to co-ordinate with other national movements. It will seek international points of support in governments and international organisations which defend the interests of the independent development of the peoples. It will take an active part in international solidarity movements. It will support peoples suffering from imperialist policy, interventions and local wars. It will seek the greatest possible international support, particularly in critical conditions of nation-wide crisis, when international imperialism hastens to support the oligarchy of a country and to maintain it as a prop and sphere of influence.