Brief History of the Communist Party of Greece

The Communist Party of Greece was founded in November 1918 as a result of the maturity of the working class of our country and its linkage with the revolutionary theory of Marxism-Leninism.

With only short intervals, the CPG has been ever since its foundation to September 1974 a banned party, compelled to work under conditions of clandestinity.

The CPG,as the expression of the historic tasks of the working class and other strata of working people has, as its ultimate goal, the revolutionary trasnsformation of Greek society through the elimination of capitalism and the construction of socialism and communism.

Continuing, in the new conditions, the figth for the full implementation of the goals of the national-liberation revolution of 1821 and of the democratic progressive movement of the beginning of the 20th century the CPG was in the forefront of the struggles for democracy, national independence, peace and social progress.

From the very beginning of its foundation, the CPG, giving expression to the ideals of the working class, the aspirations and interests of all the working people organised and guided their struggles to improve their democratic freedoms,and their liberation from all exploitation and oppression.

When Greece was attacked by Mussolini and,in continuation, by Hitlerite fascism, the communists, in conditions of illegality, from the prisons and exile where they were held (as a result of the 4th August 1936 dictatorial Metaxas' regime), together with the people, said "NO" to the fascist invaders and fought in the front line for the liberation of the country. The CPG stood as the main organiser and leader, of the all people muvement of the National Resistance, as well as of all the struggles which followed after the Second World War, against the internal reaction, the military intervention of the British and, in continuation, of the US imperialism (1946-1949).

This peried has been a glorious period in the CPG history, but also as one of vast sacrifice as well. The forces of reaction were not at all inclined to bow to the struggle for liberation. On the contrary, they met it with massive persecution. The Party has been the target of repressive measures of unbelievable dimensions, clearly aiming at its forcible and total elimination. Thausands of its members and cadres have been severely persecuted or, simply, killed. The massive extermination campaing has raised the solidarity of progressive forces throughout the world, as in the famous case of Nikos Beloyannis, a CPG leader arrested and executed in 1952.

The CPG came out against the tranformation of the country into a military base of the USA and NATO, against the sending of Greek armed forces to Korea against the nuclear weapons, for the cooperation in the Balkans, as well as against the participation of our country in the European Economic Community (now European Union).

The CPG has been in the forefront of the struggle against the US-imposed junta of the 21.4.67 regime, whilst facing successfully in these difficult conditions, the activity of the splitting revisionist group which broke away from the Party in 1968 under the name of CP (interior).

Throught all this period of the resistance against the military dictatorship (1967-1974), the role played by the CPG in mobilising the people, the youth and students, in November 1973 demonstrations at the Polytechnic School of Athens, which speeded up the fall of the Junta colonels, has always been decissive.

Following the fall of the Junta, in July 1974 the CPG was in the front line of our people's struggle for national independence, democracy and social justice.

At the year 1989 on the initiative of the CPG, a alliance of political parties and personalities named "Coalition of the Left and Progress" (Synaspismos) has ben created.

After the overthrow of the socialist system in Europe the CPG confronted with succes, a new attempt at its dissolution which was organised by a group of its leading cadres, in 1991. These cadres, are active today in a new party called "Synaspismos" maintaining a false title, since that has been disbanded when CPG withdrew in June, 1991.

The CPG has a strong presence in Local Government, in the Workers' Trade Unions, the agricultural associations, in the students' and pupils' movement, in the youth at large through the activity developed by the Communist Youth of Greece (KNE).

The CPG, is the sole Party in Greece which came out against the Maastricht Treaty and against the extension of the "EU", which it considers as the union of European capital under the sway of 3-4 big powers, with Germany playing the leading role.

The CPG is categorically opposed to the policy, implemented for years now, by the two government Parties (PASOK and ND), the policy of dismantling of the productive base of our country, of harsh austerity and unemployment.

The CPG is in solidarity with the struggle of the Cypriot people for a just and viable solution of the Cyprus problem. It considers the problem as an international one, as a problem of invasion and occupation by Turkey of a section of a sovereign and independent state - member of the UNO. So the problem must be addressed in the context of international law and the UN resolutions and not in the context of the so-called "common foreign policy" of the European Union or the US - "New World Order". The CPG is in support of equal and mutually beneficial relations with all countries. Concerning especially the Balkans, and the Mediterranean it demands that the imperialist interventions and the extension of NATO and WEU.

The CPG is in favour of a direct dialogue without any mediators, making use of whatever framework and possibilities provided by the UNO, with all the neighbouring countries with where problems have arisen, (Albania, FYROM) such as with neighbouring Turkey, most of the differences with whom are inter-NATO problems. The CPG demands from the Greek Government to cancel the Greek participation in the multinational NATO force in Bosnia-Hertegovina to close down the US-NATO bases in our Country and especially that of the AWACS at Aktion Cape, to abort the plans to create new NATO headquarters on Greek territories and a NATO Rapid Intervention Force stationed in our country.

Today, the CPG, aims through its political presence and activity, at showing to the Greek people that the negative course followed, so far, by our country is reversible, that there is a positive way out, that there is a positive political solution for the working people for the country.
Today, according to the CPG evaluation, the procedure of concentrating together the most vanguard popular forces can and just go on. Through their policy and their mass activity, the communists are oriented towards the concentration of forces and the shaping of a radical anti-imperialist concentration, which having as its vanguard, the class-conscious working class, will lead the struggle for radical changes in the mass movement and on the political level.

At May 1996, the CPG held its 15th Congress, which approved the new Party Program as well as the new Party Rules.