Dungeon Keeper 2 (TM) Demo Readme v1.0 Bullfrog Productions Ltd Note: Although the Dungeon Keeper 2 Demo can be played on machines without 3D acceleration this is not a function that is officially supported. ====================== TABLE OF CONTENTS ====================== 1. INTRODUCTION 2. WARNINGS 3. MULTI-PLAYER 4. MULTI-PLAYER ALLIES 5. VIDEO PROBLEMS 6. SOUND PROBLEMS 7. ADVANCED FEATURES 8. FULL KEY LIST ====================== 1. INTRODUCTION =============== This file has been written to assist you when playing the multi-player demo. For the latest information, updates and troubleshooting guide visit www.dungeonkeeper.com. 2. WARNINGS =========== i. Warning: To Owners Of Projection Televisions Still pictures or images may cause permanent picture-tube damage or mark the phosphor of the CRT. Avoid repeated or extended use of video games on large- screen projection televisions. ii. Epilepsy Warning Please Read Before Using This Game Or Allowing Your Children To Use It. Some people are susceptible to epileptic seizures or loss of consciousness when exposed to certain flashing lights or light patterns in everyday life. Such people may have a seizure while watching television images or playing certain video games. This may happen even if the person has no medical history of epilepsy or has never had any epileptic seizures. If you or anyone in your family has ever had symptoms related to epilepsy (seizures or loss of consciousness) when exposed to flashing lights, consult your doctor prior to playing. We advise that parents should monitor the use of video games by their children. If you or your child experience any of the following symptoms: dizziness, blurred vision, eye or muscle twitches, loss of consciousness, disorientation, any involuntary movement or convulsion, while playing a video game, IMMEDIATELY discontinue use and consult your doctor. Precautions To Take During Use * Do not stand too close to the screen. Sit a good distance away from the screen, as far away as the length of the cable allows. * Preferably play the game on a small screen. * Avoid playing if you are tired or have not had much sleep. * Make sure that the room in which you are playing is well lit. * Rest for at least 10 to 15 minutes per hour while playing a video game. 3. MULTI-PLAYER =============== i. Multiplayer Requirements * Network (2-4 players) * IPX or TCP/IP compliant network * Internet play requires Windows 95/98 supported 28.8Kbps modem or faster connection Multiplayer is available via LAN and Internet. ii. Searching for a Game To find a game that has already been created by someone else click the 'Internet Dungeon Watch' option and you will be presented with a list of games waiting for new players to join. If the game is white then it can be joined, if the game is grey it means that the creator of the game is playing with a different version of the game to you and you will not be able to join. iii. Joining a Game To join a game simply click on the appropriate game and, you will be taken to that games main screen (which incorporates a chat box allowing you to get to know your opponent, before you battle, if you desire). iv. Creating a Game When you first choose a service, your default name is Player. To change this, left-click on the name and type in a new one. Press RETURN to store the name. Click on the cross icon to return to the Choose Service menu. Note that we recommend you host the game on the highest specification machine. v. Winsock TCP/IP On the Winsock service, you are provided with an Address Book. You can use this address book to store the Names, IP Addresses/ Domain Names and Ports of your favourite opponents. The game automatically searches these addresses for any games that have been created and then displays them in the available Games Box. To create a new game, first choose the Multiplayer game name by clicking on the name under GAME NAME and entering the name of the session. If you wish to change the TCP/IP Port, click on the number under Port and enter a new port value. When you're ready to create a Multiplayer game click on CREATE. To join a game, click on the name and click on JOIN. vi. Ping Time Ping time shows the time taken to send data between the client and the server. We recommend a ping time of less than 300ms although we have made efforts to ensure that games remain playable even at higher ping times. vii. IPX In IPX, Dungeon Keeper 2 automatically searches for created games and lists them on the screen for you. To host a new game, first change the name of your game. Click on the name under GAME NAME, change it and press RETURN. Now click on CREATE. To join a game already created, click on the name and then click on JOIN. viii. Starting a Game If you have joined a game, you see a different screen to the host. The joiner can only play the game and chat with the other players, while the host is able to alter a number of different options to change the game's configuration. At the top of the screen is a list of all the players. To ally with another player, click on the Symbol (under Allies) of the player you wish to Ally with. Half of his symbol then changes to your colour. If he wishes to Ally with you, he must then click on your Symbol and the other half changes to his colour. The last column shows which players are ready to start. Before each game can start, each player must click on the bottom right click icon. Below, is the Chat Box. When a player sends a message, it appears in this box. To send a message, click on the box underneath and type your message. When you press RETURN, the message is sent. To the left is the name of the level currently selected. The host has a number of different options. ix. Game Settings Click to enter the Game Settings menu and click on the tick icon to return. The Games Settings screen contains many options for both the advanced and new player to tinker with. Gold Density and Mana Regeneration can be either increased or decreased using the slider bars. Spells, Traps, Doors and Rooms can be removed or added by clicking on the appropriate heading to switch between menu's and then clicking on the current availability to change them. Please note that Traps, Doors and Rooms can be either set to 'Start' (available) or 'No' (not available) while Spells have a third option of being researchable ('Research'). The type and amount of Creatures available can be altered by either setting them individually (select the 'Creatures' heading and move your favoured sliders up and down at your discretion) or via the 'Max Creatures' slider on the right (which will affect all creatures currently available). Enemy Walls can be made Impenetrable by ticking the checkbox next to the option heading. Fog of Wartm can be turned on or off by ticking the checkbox next to the option heading. A Game Duration Timer can be set by clicking on the space next to it and manually entering a time limit of your choosing. x. Change Map Click to enter the Map Select menu and click the tick icon to return. This menu lists all the levels available to you, depending on how many players are in your game. Click on a name to select it. xi. Start Click on the tick icon to begin the game. 4. MULTI-PLAYER ALLIES ====================== You can make alliances during the course of a multi-player game by calling up the Ally Window: just press A or use the Allies icon on the Control Panel. To propose an alliance, click on the triangle next to your intended ally's name to make the offer. The recipient will get a message to inform them of your diplomacy. They can choose to ignore you, or accept by clicking on the other triangle to form a solid square. This seals the deal. Once the alliance has been forged, you may freely transfer your own resources to them. Since you may be embroiled in more than one allegiance, you will need to click on the ally's name to highlight it in order to confirm that they are the Keeper with whom you are about to share your goods. To break the alliance, simply click on the triangle again to withdraw from the deal. Your erstwhile ally will be alerted to the change by a message. No more resources may be shared once one side has withdrawn. 5. VIDEO PROBLEMS ================= i. Monitor Flickering or Switching Off / Power-Saving You may experience a blank or flickering display with some monitors when a game begins. If this occurs, try changing the Resolution to 640 x 480 in the Graphics Options. ii. Brightness If the screen is too dark on your monitor, try adjusting the Gamma bar in the Graphics Options. If you are still experiencing a dark picture, it may be that your video card has been configured with low gamma correction. Gamma Correction can be adjusted in Display Properties, which you can access via the Windows Control Panel (normally found by opening the Windows Start Menu and looking on the Settings sub-menu). iii. Graphics Corruption If you experience unusual or severe colouring of the display, or possibly a black screen, you might try disabling gamma correction altogether. To do this, use the -disablegamma command-line option as described in 4.ii below. NB Some cards will not support DK2's gamma correction. If you do not have a Gamma Correction bar in your Graphics Options, the Increase and Decrease Gamma keys will serve no function in the game. 6. SOUND PROBLEMS ================= i. No Speech Messages If you fail to hear dungeon message speech while playing the game, it may be a problem with your Speaker Configuration. Try setting this to Stereo in the Sound Options. ii. Specific Card Problems You may experience difficulties running Dungeon Keeper 2 in conjunction with a Creative Labs Sound Blaster Live! sound card. This is potentially a driver problem, so consult your dealer or the Creative Labs web site for the latest updates. 7. ADVANCED FEATURES ==================== If your 3D card can support them, DK2 features some advanced 32-bit options to improve the visual quality of the game. On most current 3D hardware there is a performance loss in using these options, though this is card-dependent. WARNING 1. The following command-line options are unsupported features and not covered by any technical support agreement or warranty. The user applies these options at their own risk, and with no guarantee of effectiveness. Electronic Arts is under no obligation to provide any technical or customer support in the event of problems arising from the use of these options. WARNING 2 (for citizens of Planet Earth). In plainer language, we thought you might like to see some of the neat extras we've been working on, but these are NOT official features of DK2 -- so PLEASE don't phone up our tech support if you can't get them to work. They won't be able to help you. i. Adding Command-line options To make use of the array of advanced hardware and software options in Dungeon Keeper 2, you will need to apply command-line options. To do this, simply: (a) Open the Windows Start Menu and select RUN to open a dialogue box. (b) Type in the name and location of the DKII.exe program file, or use the browser to locate it, or use right-click on the program file to discover this information in its Properties. Simpler still, if you followed the installer's default options regarding where to install the game, then you can either copy the following exactly, or use cut and paste to place it in the RUN windows dialogue box: "C:\Program Files\Bullfrog\Dungeon Keeper II\DKII.exe" (c) Add the option to the end of the command-line, after the quotes, always leaving a space before each command-line option. For example: "C:\Program Files\Bullfrog\Dungeon Keeper II\DKII.exe" -softwarefilter - 32bitdisplay Alternatively, you can create a shortcut to DKII.exe, open the shortcut's Properties and add the options to the command-line in the Shortcut dialogue box. ii. Command-line Option List -disablegamma If the screen is tinted and the gamma slider causes colour corruption, try adding this command-line option. The problem is mostly restricted to a small number of laptop video cards. -nosound Disables sound. -nointmouse This option disables the frame-rate independent mouse pointer. -softwarefilter This switches on bilinear filtering in the software version. A 300 MHz or higher processor is recommended. -32bitdisplay This forces the game to run in 32-bit colour, rather than 16-bit colour. Using this option will increase the performance of the game if running in software on most systems by approximately 5%. -32bitzbuffer This tells the game engine to use a 32-bit Z-buffer instead of the default 16- bit Z-buffer. If this feature is not available then the game will find the highest depth Z-buffer available and use that (usually 24- or 16-bit if 32-bit is not available). -32bittextures This command-line option instructs the game engine to use 32-bit textures, if your card is able to support this feature. -32biteverything This shortcut enables all three 32-bit options simultaneously. NB the -softwarefilter and -32bitdisplay options can be used in conjunction to give the highest possible image quality when running in software mode. -choosecard Sets DK2 to run using your default video card. 8. FULL KEY LIST ================ Possessed Creature Mode (1st Person Mode) Function Key or Combination Toggle Sniper Mode INSERT Not available in Demo Pick Lock/Disarm/Jailbreak NUM 0 Not available in Demo Fire SPACE Creep RCTRL Not available in Demo Run RSHIFT Melee Attack Select 1 Creature Spell Select 1 2 Creature Spell Select 2 3 Creature Spell Select 3 4 Creature Primary Ability 5 Creature Secondary Ability 6 Select Ally For Group 7 Remove From Group CTRL + G Keeper Mode (overview) Scroll Up UP Arrow Scroll Down DOWN Arrow Scroll Left LEFT Arrow Scroll Right RIGHT Arrow Zoom In HOME Zoom Out END Rotate View Left DELETE Rotate View Right PG DN Zoom Key CTRL + UP/DOWN Arrow Speed Scroll Key SHIFT + UP/DOWN/LEFT/RIGHT Arrow Rotate Key CTRL + LEFT/RIGHT Arrow Pause And Options ESC Take Screen Shot PRT SCRN Broadcast Message To All TAB Send Message To All Allies ALT + A Send Message To Ally 1 ALT + 1 Send Message To Ally 2 ALT + 2 Send Message To Ally 3 ALT + 3 Send Message To Ally 4 ALT + 4 Ally Window A Toggle Control Panel G Toggle Player Information I Toggle Full Screen Map M Zoom To Dungeon Heart H Zoom To Next Fight F Zoom To Portal P Camera Mouse Rotate X Camera Mouse Zoom Z Increase Gamma SHIFT + . Decrease Gamma SHIFT + , Increase Ambient Light + Decrease Ambient Light - Preset Camera Views: Camera Isometric F1 Camera Top F2 Camera Oblique F3 User Camera 1 F4 User Camera 2 F5 User Camera 3 F6 Free Camera / Set User Camera Controls: Roll Right CTRL + DELETE Pitch Down CTRL + END Pitch Up CTRL + HOME Roll Left CTRL + INSERT Yaw Right CTRL + PG DN Yaw Left CTRL + PG UP Hand Of Evil Modifiers When picking creatures from the Creature Panel: Pick Highest Level Creature Hold CTRL + . Pick Lowest Level Creature Hold CTRL + , ======================================= THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED AS IS WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE WHICH ARE HEREBY DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT WILL ELECTRONIC ARTS BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES RESULTING FROM POSSESSION, USE, OR MALFUNCTION OF THIS ELECTRONIC ARTS SOFTWARE PRODUCT. Some states do not allow limitations as to how long an implied warranty lasts and/or exclusions or limitations of incidental or consequential damages so the above limitations and/or exclusions of liability may not apply to you. This warranty gives you specific rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state. ELECTRONIC ARTS RESERVES THE RIGHT TO MAKE IMPROVEMENTS IN THIS FILE AND THE PRODUCT DESCRIBED IN THIS MANUAL AT ANY TIME AND WITHOUT NOTICE. THIS SOFTWARE HEREWITH IS COPYRIGHTED. ALL RIGHTS ARE RESERVED. NO PART OF THIS FILE OR THE SOFTWARE MAY BE COPIED, REPRODUCED, TRANSLATED, OR REDUCED TO ANY ELECTRONIC MEDIUM OR MACHINE-READABLE FORM WITHOUT THE PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENT OF ELECTRONIC ARTS, P.O. BOX 9025, REDWOOD CITY, CALIFORNIA 94063-9025, ATTN: CUSTOMER SUPPORT. SOFTWARE AND DOCUMENTATION COPYRIGHT 1999, ELECTRONIC ARTS, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Software and documentation ¸ 1999 Electronic Arts. Electronic Arts, Bullfrog, the Bullfrog logo, The Hand of Evil, and Dungeon Keeper are trademarks or registered trademarks of Electronic Arts in the United States and/or other countries. All rights reserved. Bullfrog Productions Ltd is an Electronic Arts company. DirectX, Direct 3D, DirectSound, DirectDraw, Windows and Microsoft are either trademarks or registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. QSound and the Q Logo are registered trademarks of QSound Labs, Inc."Environmental Audio" is a trademark and the Environmental Audio Logo is a registered trademark of Creative Technologies Ltd. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. All rights reserved.