aestesis'98 documentation

Xtime effect

makes some virtual 3d waves.

xtime0.jpg (18217 bytes)


xtime.jpg (5637 bytes)

switch buttons ~ line one
control the type of representation
1. simple spiral wave
2. spiral wave [space bar - synchro (tap the beat)]
3. sound spiral wave
4. sound spiral wave
5. 3d sinus

switch buttons ~ line two
1. normal
2. black & white (virtual ball 2 up/down, set the cycling speed value)
3. flashy colors (virtual ball 2 left/right and virtual ball 3, set the palette)

switch buttons ~ line four
select the animated smooth
1. normal
2. zoomed
3. blured

virtual ball
the vitual ball one set x/y position of the 3d wave.