aestesis'98 documentation

player effect

it's a fli and bmp files player deformer.

player0.jpg (31336 bytes)


player.jpg (5891 bytes)

switch buttons ~ line one
control the type of representation
3. toggle 1 - sound flick
7. toggle 1 - sound morph
7. toggle 2 - stress
7. toggle 3 - zoom movement
7. toggle 5 - rotation
9. toggle 1 - rotation
9. toggle 3 - rotation
9. toggle 2 - zoom movement
9. toggle 6 - zoom movement
9. toggle 4 - deformation
9. toggle 7 - deformation
9. toggle 8 - deformation
9. toggle 9 - deformation
0. toggle 3 - zoom movement
0. toggle 5 - deformed rotation

switch buttons ~ line two
normal, deform, zoom, zoom deform

switch buttons ~ line three
colors (better on aligned palette)

switch buttons ~ line four
select the previously loaded picture or movie.

virtual balls
movement controls
1. film frame control - up/down speed, left/right scratch
2. zoom position
3. zoom deformation
4. zoom scale & rotation

to load fli or bmp files just drag&drop there on the player effect panel.
loads bmp files 320x200 256 colors.