aestesis'98 documentation
aestesis'98 is VJ tool, We used it in parties and clubs around paris.

aestesis'98 need music to work, don't forget to play music before launching.

play, deform scratch multiple AVIs real time,
capture and insert your video capture real time,
lots of psychedelics effects synced on sound,
midi support,
full screen video out,
chromakeying video mixing,
and more....
aestesis'98 could be cut in four parts :

control screen
effect module one
effect module two
mixer module

main.jpg (34605 bytes)


The control screen can render the mix (like the 3dfx output),
or the control view of effect one or two.
For switching use the tab key or the three little button on the mixer panel.

You can switch between effect, for this used the up&down button in each effect panel.
Some effect can assumed to load somes files
(the player effect loads fli and bmp files).
You just have to drag&drop this file(s) from the windows explorer to the desired effect panel.
Effect panel can be
switch off with the button at the right of the up&down control.
each effect control is decomposed in three parts :

the select buttons
max: four range of ten functions
the virtuals balls
max: four
the toggle buttons
max: ten

In Each effect the active icons and functions are différents.

The mixer module control the percent of each effect in the mix.

There is five effects in aestesis'98, but must be increase, check the home page !

keyboard accelerator
the switch button use all the left part of the keyboard.
the pad number key accelerate the toggle button.
the -/+ key on the right, switch effect on current active pannel.
the enter key switch the active pannel.
the point on the key pad re-initialize the current effect.
the tab key switch the screen control.

effects documentations


License Agreement

Aestesis'98 software is Copyright (C) 1998-2000, Renan JEGOUZO.

All rights for this software are reserved by the author.
You are not allowed to modify or reverse engineer the contents of the program files.

You can only use Aestesis'98 free of charge for the purpose of deciding whether this product will suit your needs. This evaluation period is limited to 30 days. After that, you must either purchase commercial license for the product, or stop using it.

This software cannot be resold or used in any profit-generating activities, including, but not limited to, distributing Aestesis'98 as part of commercial products, or in support of commercial services, events activities or night clubbing without the authors expressed written permission.

This license don't allow any public diffusion of the pictures or movies generated by aestesis'98 except for free parties. A license for public diffusion (night clubbing, events, ...) including warrenty and others features is avaible.

There is no warranty or claim of fitness or reliability. The program is distributed AS IS, and the author shall not be held liable for any loss of data, down time, loss of revenue or any other direct or indirect damage or claims caused by this software.


online site & documentation