Coagula Light 1.6 Coagula is a graphical editor for additive synthesis. You construct sounds by adding massive amounts of sine-wave oscillators. There are drawing tools specially geared towards musically relevant image editing. Graphical editing provides an easy and extremely intuitive way of controlling the oscillators. You will find that you can create original and very complex sounds with minimal effort. Paint with sound and render to a WAV file. Coagula reads image data and adds up masses of sine waves -- each line in the image controls the amplitude of one oscillator at a certain pitch. The vertical position of a pixel decides the frequency, while its horizontal position corresponds to time. Red and green control stereo placement: Red is sent to left channel, while green controls amplitude of the right channel. The brighter the colour, the louder the sound. This version is a major upgrade: The noise generator is changed to do some real work. Added some images to filter pack. Overlays fixed to work better. Also change menus for clearer layout