103 %lu KB 104 %lu KB free on %c: 105 Unavailable 111 Chargement samples 128 LoopTrax\n\nLooptrax\nLoopTrax files (*.lpx)\n.lpx\nLoopTrax.Document\nLoopTrax Document 1333 Quantization type\nQuantization type 1334 Quantization frequency\nQuantization frequency 1335 Size Grid\n Size Grid 1336 Loop Song Begin\nLoop Begin 1337 Loop Song begin\nLoop Begin 1338 Loop End\nLoop End 1339 Loop Song End \nLoop end 1340 Main Tempo Song\nmain tempo 1341 Main Tempo Song\nmain tempo 1700 Volume media\nVolume 1701 Pan media\nPan media 1702 Move the song cursor 30468 the serial number is not correct 30480 You have used the progam %d times \nand started since %d days 30481 Please enter a serial 30482 Please enter a name 30483 the program is licensing to %s\nregistration number %s 32000 Reset\nReset 32001 Volume Mixer\nVolume 32002 Options\nOptions 32011 Select All\nSelect All 32016 Edit Media\nEdit 32017 Delete Media\nDelete 32020 Play Media\nplay media 32021 Stop Media\nstop media 32022 Unload\nunload 32023 Run Editor\nEditor 32024 Actualise\nActualise 32025 Calcul tempo\nTempo 32026 Key Affect\nKey Affect 32027 Save wave\nsave wave 32030 Record mode\nrecord song 32031 Play a record song\nplay song 32032 Stop a record song\nstop song 32033 Load in memory\nLoad 32034 Calcul quantization\nCalcul Quantization 32035 Create Wave\nCreate Wave 32040 Display settings\nsettings 32044 Line Display\nLine 32045 Display Grid\ngrid 32050 Add Samples files\nAdd samples 32051 Add midi files\nAdd midi 32100 Quantization\nquantization 32101 Display in Bar\nbar 32102 Display in Time ms\ntime 32103 Follow song\nfollow song 32104 Loop song\nloop song 32105 Set Tempo in Song\nSet Song Tempo 32737 Initialise a Song Record 32811 All Settings 32825 Goto the song start 32828 Goto the song end 32840 Calcul quantization\nSong quantization 32900 Loop all media\nLoop all 32901 Sustain all media\nSustain All 32902 Syncronize all media\nSync all 32910 Display wave form\ndisplay wave 57344 LoopTrax 57345 Ready 57600 Create a new song\nNew 57601 Open a songt\nOpen 57602 Close a song\nClose 57603 Save a song\nSave 57604 Save a song as\nSave as 57616 Open a song 57617 Open a song 57618 Open a song 57619 Open a song 57620 Open a song 57621 Open a song 57622 Open a song 57623 Open a song 57624 Open a song 57625 Open a song 57643 Undo\nundo 57664 display program information and copyright\nAbout 57665 close application\nQuit 57670 Helpl\nhelp 57680 57681 59392 display commands\ncommands 61184 Change the window size 61185 Change the window position 61186 Reduce the window to an icon 61187 Enlarge the window to full size 61188 Switch to the next document window 61189 Switch to the previous document window 61190 Close the active window and prompts to save the documents 61202 Restore the window to normal size 61203 Activate Task List 61204 Edit Samples 61205 too samples open 61206 memory max for samples 61207 sample is too big 61208 File is incompatible 61209 Add Event 61210 Edit Event %d 61211 Drag and Drop files 61212 &Add more 61213 &Add 61214 Bad File Location 61215 Media 61216 Tempo 61217 Key 61218 Time 61219 Bar 61220 Event 61221 Time 61222 Bar 61223 Media 61224 Commands 61225 Select a wave file 61226 Edit Media 61227 Load a song 61228 Demo version\n30' limited time\nthanks for having tried loopTRAX 61234 Info 61235 Write song in file 61238 No midi device found 61239 Problem with the midi in device %s 61240 Problem with the midi out device %s 61241 File without data 61242 LoopTrax 2.0 BETA 61243 Beta expired see www.mixvibes.com