Modify Settings

You can customize AVSAudioEditor colors, devices and other settings in Options/Settings menu. The window that will show up comprises 3 pages:


Color Scheme pull-down menu contains all the available color schemes, in case you need to choose one, simply select it from the list. The currently selected color scheme will be displayed in the Example Window in the right part of the page.

Display elements is a list of all the elements within the waveform display with their current color. This list will change to reflect the changes made to any of the display elements.

To change the color of any of the display elements you can easily double-click the necessary element or click on the element and press Change Color button. This will bring a standard Windows color selection dialog. Use this dialog to choose a color for the currently highlighted item in the Display Elements list.

To save the current color scheme as a preset press Save As... button.

To delete the currently selected preset press Delete button.


In Devices section you can choose Output and Input devices.

Output setting determines the sound card, or outputs to assign to AVSAudioEditor for playback in the Edit Waveform View. If you have multiple sound cards, or a single card that has multiple outputs, they will show up as choices in the drop-down list.

Input setting determines the sound card, or inputs to assign to AVSAudioEditor for recording in the Edit Waveform View. If you have multiple sound cards, or a single card that has multiple inputs, they will show up as choices in the drop-down list.

In Directories section you can choose Temporary and Clipboard directories.


Here in Recording Filters section you can enable or disable High Pass Filter, Low Pass Filter or Notch Filter and set their Frequency.

In Transforming Smooth section you can enable or disable Smooth and set Smooth Time.

In Fast Bar Settings section you can set the necessary percentage of Amplify Increase, Amplify Decrease and Normalization.

You can also choose Play/Record Block Size and set limitation on the number of Undo/Redo action.