The SynthEdit registration feature is new, and is being tested at present. The beta (test) version of SE supports registration. The beta version is available at..
SynthEdit is shareware ($20 US).
To enable all of SynthEdit's features you can register online for a serial
number. The registered version gives you control over the number of
patches in your VST, and removes references to SynthEdit in the Plugin title
and 'about box' (there's no indication it was made with SynthEdit).
Registered users get free updates for version 1.1, 1.2 etc. Version 1.x will be
current for 1 year. Version 2.0 will be a new purchase.
Purchase Registration Online This links to Online Registration Service - ShareIT
Please email me any problems / bugs / questions so I can fix them.
Any sounds, music, and VST plugins you create with SynthEdit are your property
to distribute freely or sell. No royalties are payable to Jeff.
You may not sell, hire or lease SynthEdit.
You need Jeff's permission to distribute SynthEdit on a magazine disk, or
compilation CD.
You may not reverse engineer, decompile, or disassemble SynthEdit.
You download, install and use SynthEdit completely at your own risk.