A simple, efficient Hi Pass filter. Has 6db/Octave response.
A simple, efficient Low Pass filter. Has 6db/Octave response.
An 8 segment Rate/Level style envelope. Configurable Sustain and End points. The segment rates are based on a log 'timecent scale' ie 0V = 0.01s, 5V = 0.3 s, 10V = 10s, 15V = 322 seconds
This module provides a standard 5 section envelope. The attack, decay and release times are based on an exponential scale. You can use negative voltages for shorter durations. See Signal Levels and Conversions for Votage-Time conversion info
Simulated Logic Gate. Output goes high when all inputs high.
A two-pole all-pass filter.
Output steps though binary count when clocked
Outputs the next highest whole number
Restricts (clips) the signal to a range between two Voltages. Use this to distort the sound, or to limit a control signal between two values.
Compares the two input levels. If input A is greater, output is high (5), else low (-5).
This is a special module that holds a group of modules( like a folder ). The contents of a container are polyphonic. If you intend to use several independent synths, each should be a Container. To set the maximum number of simultaneous voices, right-click the Container and choose 'Properties', then choose 'Polyphony'. To see what's inside a Container, right click it and choose 'Structure'. To see a container's controls, choose 'Controls'. You can rename the container's plugs by right clicking and choosing 'Properties'. To group several modules into a container: select them (SHIFT-Click), then, from the Edit menu, choose 'Box Selection'. About polyphony
Spare - Connection to a module inside
Converts MIDI Controllers like Modulation Wheel etc to voltages. Has four outputs, configurable to any MIDI controller number. See Patches & MIDI Control for more.
When triggered, send MIDI note messages
Creates an echo effect
Creates an echo effect
Cleans DeNormal numbers any audio passing through. Denormal numbers are VERY small value that are inaudible, but waste CPU resources. This module is no longer needed, now that denormal removal is built-in to many other modules.
A diagnostic module to indicate DeNormal numbers in the audio. Connect to a LED for visual indication. Denormal numbers are VERY small values that are inaudible, but waste CPU resources.
Divides Input 1 by Input 2.
A MIDI Drum sequencer, connect it to a drum module. Either virtual, or real via a MIDI Out module.
Converts MIDI note data to individual trigger signals, one per drum. Supports the most common drums, and has 4 user-configurable trigger outputs.
Provides a fixed voltage source, handy if you need a control voltage that won't appear on the control panel.
Outputs the next lowest whole number
Displays a signal's harmonic spectrum
Provides a link in/out of a container. Any plug you connect to this will appear as a plug on the outside of the container (and vice versa).
Spare - Connection to modules outside (at higher level of structure)
Inverts (negates) the input signal.
On-Screen MIDI keyboard. Can be played with mouse, or from PC keyboard ('Q' is Middle-C, 'Z' two Octaves lower) The 'T' symbol sets 'Toggle Mode' where each key stays held untill you click it a second time.
A simulated LED (Light)
This multiplies one input by the other. It can be used for ring modulation, or to apply an envelope to a signal ( amplitude modulation ), or to scale a signal by a fixed amount. Note: to apply an volume envelope use the DCA module (it changes the volume of the signal on a decibel scale, not a linear scale).
This control is for connecting to a 'List of Values' type plug, (green). For example connect one of these to an Oscillator's 'Waveform' input.
Enables MIDI automation of all a container's controls. See Patches & MIDI Control for more.
Filters MIDI data based on Channel, Velocity and Note information. Use to create Keyboard Splits and Velocity Switching between Synths
Provides live MIDI input. Use the 'Audio' - 'Preferences' menu to change the source. In conjunction with a 'MIDI Loopback' allows controlling SynthEdit from a sequencer. Due to the nature of software synthesis, there is a small delay between when you hit a note and when the sound starts.
Shows any MIDI notes or controllers sent to it. Can filter on MIDI channel
Provides live MIDI output, usually via your soundcard external midi interface, but can be configured to send MIDI to your soundcard's synth. Use the 'Audio' - 'Preferences' menu to change the destination.
Plays a MIDI file from disk. Connect this to virtual synths/drum modules. Using this (as opposed to an external sequencer) gives you very high resolution timing, much better than standard MIDI, giving your music rock-solid accuracy.
This module converts MIDI notes into control voltages. The midi note number is converted into a pitch voltage ( 1Volt per octave). Connect this to an Oscillator or Filter to control frequency. The Trigger output goes high while the key is depressed. Connect the trigger output to an ADSR gate to trigger an envelope. This module plays an important part in making SynthEdit Polyphonic. You must put each MIDI to CV module in it's own Container. See Signal Levels and Conversions for Voltage to pitch conversion info
When triggered, produces a fixed length pulse
A very 'Fat' 4 pole low pass filter. Has built in overdrive if pushed too far. Has higher CPU load than the SV Filter.
Multiplys two Voltages.
Simulated Logic Gate. Output goes high when any inputs low.
Simulated Logic Gate. Output goes high if all inputs low
Simulated Logic Gate. Output is opposit of input.
Simulated Logic Gate. Output goes high when any one input high.
Executes a DOS command when triggered. Warning: Triggering this at a high frequency could overload your Operating System.
The Oscillator is the starting point for many patches. It produces a choice of simple waveforms, plus white or pink noise. The Phase Mod input is for Yamaha DX style 'frequency modulation' (works well with a sine-wave output). See Signal Levels and Conversions for Voltage to pitch conversion info
Panorama module. Provides Left/Right and Volume control of a signal.
Not really a module, draws a titled box on the control panel.
This special control remembers the settings of the other controls. Dropping one of these into a synth allows 127 different patches to be stored. Only the settings of sliders etc are stored, not the routing of the patch cords. If connected to a synth's MIDI input, will respond to MIDI patch change messages, and will switch ALL controls in the same container to the new patch. See Patches & MIDI Control for more.
The output attempts to follow the envelope (level) of the input signal.
A LED Bar Graph style volume meter, calibrated in decibels.
The Casio CZ Oscillator more
Use to contrain the voltage to discrete 'steps', e.g. to the nearest whole Volt.
'Flips' negative voltages to positive
One input controls the level of the other. It can be used for ring modulation, or to apply an envelope to a signal ( amplitude modulation ), or to scale a signal by a fixed amount.
'State Variable' Filter. Changes the frequency content of the sound. Provides Low Pass ( only low frequencies pass through), High Pass, Band Pass, and Band Reject outputs. The resonance control adds a peak to the response (great for dance music bass lines). 2 pole, 12 db/ octave response
Sample and Hold Module
Displays Audio waveform graphically
Digital Shift Register. For you seriously warped experimenters
Allows direct control of an input voltage. For example connect one to an Oscillators's 'Pitch' input. Can appear as a knob or button as well (See 'Appearance' parameter). Can be configured to send any MIDI controller or NRPN number, handy for controlling external MIDI gear.
Gets audio from your mic/line in. You are limited to one soundcard in module.
Sends audio to your speakers. You are limited to one soundcard out module. Non-registered SynthEdit limited to 2 output channels.
The Soundfont Oscillator does only one thing, plays raw samples. It dosn't add any envelope or velocity response to the sample. You can add full control over volume, filtering and pitch externally. Use it as you would a standard Oscillator, i.e. it's now just the starting point of a patch. You also need at least a MIDI CV,an ADSR and a VCA to make it work. It has trigger, pitch and velocity inputs. One thing about the velocity input, it dosn't change the output volume. Soundfonts sometimes use velocity-split samples, i.e. one sample for quiet notes, one for loud notes. The 'Velocity' input is used to choose the appropriate sample from the soundfont. You still need to control the sound volume externally via a VCA. Because the SF Osc is controlled from a MIDI CV, you now get access to Portamento, Mono mode, and Retrigger controls. Portamento acts a bit weird if you glide over a wide range, as the sample has to be transposed much further than usual. The sample gets seriously warped (this is not a bug, just a consequence of the pitch shifting).
Plays standard .SF2 (Soundfont 2) samples. Currently only basic Soundfont features are supported. This is a polyphonic module, use it inside a container. Note: many soundfonts reference ROM Samples, assumed to be available on your soundard. SynthEdit doesn't have these, so you may encounter 'dead' patches in some soundfonts. Shareware such as 'Awave' can check a soundfont for ROM samples references. Use a 'Wave Player' module for wave files, *.wav
When clocked, each output in turn goes HI (5 Volts). Similar to decade counter, but can be configured to any number of outputs
A simple Pattern sequencer, connect to a synth. (For playback of MIDI files, use a 'MIDI Player' module).
Like a window onto a lower level panel. Use the right-click properties screen to set the 'target' container or VST
Subtracts Input 2 from Input 1.
Used to provide switchable signal routing, or on/off control of a patch cord. Right-click, Properties... to rename choices.
Used to provide switchable signal routing, or on/off control of a patch cord. Right-click, Properties... to rename choices.
This control is for connecting to a Text Values' type plug, (red). For example connect one of these to a Wave Out's 'Filename' input.
Sends a MIDI note-on message whenever the 'Trigger' input goes over 0 Volts.
Controls the volume of a signal. 10V is full volume. Connect an ADSR to apply a volume envelope to a sound. Has a choice of 3 response curves. See Signal Levels and Conversions for more
A 3rd party 'plugin' device. More about VST Pluins
Forces signal to be monophonic. Usefull for triggering a monophonic LFO from a MIDI CV gate signal.
Displays input voltage digitally
Converts a voltage to a List, allows any voltage source to control a list selection input, e.g Oscillator Waveform selection
Inputs sound from a WAVE file. You can use several at once. Wave files are 'streamed' there is no practical limit to file size. Can be triggered from a 'MIDI to CV' or 'Drum Trigger' module to play wave files under MIDI control. Wave file looping information is supported. For more sophisticated sample playback, use the 'Soundfont Player' module.
Sends it's input to a file. You can record several 'tracks' of audio to your hard disk at once.
Distorts the input depending on a 'Transfer Function' you can draw. Can be used as a distortion unit, soft clipper, waveform modifier, or control voltage transfer function (eg velocity response curve).
Distorts the input depending on a 'Transfer Function' you specify. e.g sinx(x) + PI. Can be used as a distortion unit, soft clipper, waveform modifier,or control voltage transfer function (eg velocity response curve). Input is limited to -5.0 to +5.0 volts.Supported Math funtions: *,/,+,-,^,sin,cos,tan,asin,acos,atan,sinh,cosh,tanh,exp,log,log10,sqrt,floor,ceil,abs,hypot,deg,rad,sgn,min,max
Mixes two signals into one.
Simulated Logic Gate. Output goes high when exactly one input high.