Switch2, Switch4, Switch8, Switch16
Switch modules are multiple select switches. Only one of the numbered switch inputs, selected by the top input selector, is connected at a time to the output. You can use the Switch module for a multiple input switch by connecting the selector input to, say, a Radio module, or you can use the switch as a switch-sequencer by connecting the selector input to an indexing module such as the Counter module, or to a random addressing module such as a Step sequencer module.
All the Switch modules are identical except for the number of switch inputs. When sequencing a Switch module, the value given to the selector input is rolled over to keep it always within the range of its number of switch inputs. Thus, an input select value of say, 6 in a Switch4 module will select input 2, 7 will select 3, and 8 will roll over again and select 0.
The Relay module switches between the 1 and 2 inputs according to the Boolean state of the top selector input. If False(0), input 1 is selected; if True (any non-zero), input 2 is selected.
This set of modules is the reverse of the Switch modules, above. Instead of multiple inputs going to one output, the Select and SelOut modules send one input to multiple outputs.
By itself, the Select module acts as a simple single input on/off switch. The topmost, value input is sent unchanged to the output when the bottom select input is 0. If the select input is any non zero, then the output is either frozen, or set to 0 - depending on the state of the top blue gate button. If if clicked in, "off" values are set to 0, if unchecked, they are frozen and the module acts like the Sample module.
When used with SelOut modules, Select acts as a distributor switch, sending its input to one of up to 17 outputs, as set by the select input parameter. If set to 0, the input goes to the Select module output, as described above; but when set to values between 1 and 16, the Select module output goes to any of up to 16 SelOut (Select Output) modules.
SelOut modules can be seen as satellites to the Select module. Each SelOut module must be told which Select module it is to take its output from. Do this by setting the red drop down menu to the same number as the controlling Select module. If you have created only one Select module, then the only choice will be 1, and it will be set by default
Next, set the blue drop down menu to the selection channel, 1-16, you want to use. When the controlling Select module's selection parameter is set to the selection channel, the SelOut output will be the same as the Selection modules's value input; when select is set to any other value, the SelOut output will be frozen or 0, depending on whether the Select module Gate checkbox is checked.
SelectOut can also be used to switch one input (from the Select module) to up to 7 SelectOut modules at a time by setting the blue drop down menu to the Multiple selection channels m0-m6. When the "m" channels are selected, a value of 1-127 in the select input of the Select module will send the output to the SelectOut modules that are set to the m0-m6 channels according to the bits set in the select. You can use the Gates module to set/clear the bits of the select value, or use the Mask module to use the module's 7 little buttons: set the Value input of Mask to 127, and each button will go to the output as individual bits, which in turn will switch each corresponding SelectOut set to an "m" channel.
Latest (for "Latest Change") automatically switches to whichever of its three inputs has most recently changed, and that input goes directly to the output. When an input changes, the output box next to that input becomes active to indicate which input is supplying the output values.
The order of testing for change is top to bottom, so if all three inputs change at once, the top input is sent to the output and the other inputs are ignored; if the 2nd and 3rd input change at once only the 2nd input is sent to the output, and the bottom (3rd) input is ignored.
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