Main Menu

File   Modules   UF-Prog   Options   Map   Help

File Menu

New - erases the SoftStep workspace. If there were changes made to the current SoftStep workspace (the File Changed LED will be on) you will first be asked if you want to Save. New is duplicated in the File Control Buttons in the Toolbar.

Open... - invokes a standard Windows dialog box to open a previously created SoftStep file. Duplicated in the File Control Buttons in the Toolbar.

SoftStep system files have the extension ".ssp" - they save the state of SoftStep, including Snapshots and all parameter values and connections of all the Snapshots.

There are four auxiliary file types that may be used with SoftStep, which are automatically loaded when the .ssp file is loaded, if any are in the same directory and have the same filename as the .ssp file. These are:

Table Sequencer table files (.tbl).
BioSequencer table files (.bst)
Pitch Bend Tuning table files (.pbt)
User Function program files (.ufn)

Normally, SoftStep uses the default versions of these files, which is always loaded automatically when SoftStep is run; if you load an .ssp file that also includes one of the auxiliary, and subsequently load another .ssp file that does not include one, then the default auxiliary file is loaded again.

Save - Saves the currently opened .ssp file. If no .ssp file has been opened, acts as Save As... (below).

Important note: The SoftStep auxiliary file types, while they are automatically loaded with the .ssp file, are not automatically saved. Unless you specifically save an auxiliary file using the same name as the .ssp file, and in the same directory, SoftStep will assume you intend to use the default auxiliary file(s) when the .ssp file is loaded.

SaveAs... - Invokes the standard Windows File Save dialog to save the SoftStep workspace. This is duplicated in the File Control Buttons in the Toolbar.

Import MIDI File... - Invokes a dialog box for importing MIDI files and converting them to a sequencer format that is compatible with SoftStep MIDI File modules.

Bio Sequence... - Opens a Bio Sequencer .bst data file and makes it the current source for Bio Sequencer. Does not alter the default bio sequence file.

Tuning Table... - Opens a Tuning Table .pbt data file and makes it the current source of tunings for the MIDI Tone modules. Does not alter the default tuning table file.

Exit - Exits SoftStep.If there were changes made to the current SoftStep workspace (the File Changed LED will be on) you will first be asked if you want to Save. Same as the Windows Close "X" icon in the upper right of the title bar.

Recently Opened File List - The four most recently opened files are listed here. Select a file name to open it.

Modules Menu

This menu is a list of the available SoftStep modules. You may access it either from the top line menu or by right clicking on the workspace background. Additionally, you can right shift-click or right ctrl-click on the workspace to create a copy of the last module previously created.

SoftStep modules are listed in the menu in a very specific order: the order in which the modules are processed. At first you can ignore module processing order, but eventually with more complex module patches, it becomes important. See A Primer on Processing in Tutorial # 3 for detailed information on this.

For individual module documentation, select the sub menu heading Modules of the table of contents on the left frame of these pages.

Map Menu

This will pop up a window with up to 16 lists of modules, one for each module page. All modules you have created will be listed in alphabetical order, in whichever page you have created them in or moved them to.

To go to a page from the Map, click on the Page name at the top of the module list column, e.g. North-1 or East-2.

In addition to viewing and jumping to module pages, you also can perform group operations on the modules with the buttons at the top of the Map pop up. To select the modules for group operations, first hightlight them, then click on the appropiate button. You can highlight single modules or any combination of multiple modules. Click on a module name to highlight it, click and drag to highlight multiple selections, use Shift-click for a range of selections, or Ctrl-click to turnn selections on or off.

The following group functions are available :

Additional Map functions are:

Help Menu

SoftStep Help... - opens this help document with your default browser.

Visit Web Site... - links to the Algorithmic Arts web site:

Check For Newer Release... - links to a page in the Algorithmic Arts web site that will inform you if there is a newer release of SoftStep available.

Register User... - This is where you register and install your SoftStep license. The SoftStep Player is freeware and does not need to be registered.

To register, enter your name and key number into the registration pop up, and click on the Install button. The next time you run SoftStep the new registration will be effective.

After registeration, the name you supply will appear as the author of all music created with SoftStep, so you should give your name exactly as you want it to be associated with your music. While your copy of SoftStep is keyed your name, it is not copy protected and our "as a book" license is very liberal about allowing you to install it in secondary or laptop computers, as long as you are honoring your agreement that it is used by only one person at a time.

Academic licenses are copy protected, and require installation of the SoftStep Key Server on the local computer, or any one computer in the network for multiple licenses. If the number of simultaneous users exceeds the number of seats licensed, SoftStep will run as a Player on the overflow seats. Installation information for the Key Server is provided upon purchase of an Academic license.

About... - standard Windows About box that includes version and license information.

SoftStep is Copyright © 1999-2002 by John Dunn and Algorithmic Arts. All Rights Reserved.