Author: John Dunn
Many people have helped me in this project. Foremost among them is my wife, Mary Anne Clark, who is my zero level alpha tester and program breaker, and has supported me - and continues to support me - in countless ways.
The listing below is an attempt to credit people who have directly contributed to SoftStep with their bug reports, wish lists, example patches, and general feedback. I am very grateful they have been willing to take the time to help me make this a better program.
Jamy Sheridan, Warren Burt, Albrecht Nalbantidis, Hans van Raaij, Howard Moscovitz, Rodney Berry, Jon Drummond, Drulius Chaesar, Fernando Boin, Gert Braakman, Joe Futrelle, Joel Stern, Peter Muzel, Tony Sawford, Vincent Siliakus.
SoftStep is Copyright © 1999-2002 by John Dunn and Algorithmic Arts. All Rights Reserved.