Advanced Polyphonic synth topics

Details on the Polyphonic Adapter's voice management algorithms settings. These settings affect the behaviour of the resulting synthesizer once a new note arrives and there are no more free voice group "clones" to play it. The default settings work well (provided you use a good number of voices, like the default 12), so these settings should not be used carelessly.

Note Protection. With this setting, you can specify if you want certain notes to be protected from being stolen (i.e., when there are no notes available and you want a new note to play).

Stealing Priority, is the complementary option to the Note Protection. It applies to the notes that are playing, but that were not protected by the Note Protection algorithm. Between all the unprotected playing notes, which one will you choose to eliminate first:

Retrigger. This option is only available when you want to use the Polyphonic Adapter to create Monophonic Synths in order to benefit from its automatic Note playing/CPU use management. By clicking this option, ALL MIDI Notes will be fed directly to the single mono voice group. (overlapping or not), so you can use the Portamento features of the Note Extractor. If this option is OFF, only one note at time will arrive to the group.

Voice groups are not limited to being created as shown! They can have more audio ins and outs. All its audio ins will be a direct copy of audio data coming to the Adapter from the outside. So, for instance, if you need your synth voices to modulate to an LFO, but you want this LFO to be the same for all voices, then there's no need to duplicate that LFO 12 times - just keep one outside of the Adapter, and wrap both the adapter and the LFO in another standard group.