MIDI Bidules

CC To Params

Same functionality as the CC linking feature from MIDI devices. Can be used to extract CC from a MIDI device without having to connect it to the rest of the graph, or used after a channel splitter to have 16 times more possible CC or at the output of any VST/VSTi/Rewire that could can CC.

CC Value Scaler

Scale the value of incoming CC between the selected range. The 128 possible CC values are used to give more precision in the selected range.

CC Filter

Filters out all unselected MIDI CC.

Channel Filter

Filters out all MIDI events on the unselected channels.

Message Filter

Filters out all unselected MIDI messages by type.

Note Filter

Filters out all unselected MIDI notes.

MIDI To Sync

This bidule is beta. It transforms a MIDI Timing Clock signal to Bidule internal sync info.

MIDI To Value

Convert the selection (incoming MIDI Note or CC) to a smoothed out signal at audio rate.

  • CC#: select the CC to listen to in the incoming signal
  • Use Notes: use MIDI notes as a 0 to 1 interval
  • Channel#: channel to listen to in the incoming signal
  • Smoothing: smoothing time for changes in value
  • Learn: go into learn mode, where the next CC or note will be selected

Note Number To Param

Takes incoming MIDI Note On signals and use the MIDI note number to set the value of its exported parameter that you can link to any parameter using the Parameter Linking window.

Note Shuffler

Randomly alters the incoming MIDI notes.

  • Lowest/Highest Note: select the available range for randomization.

Note Transposer

Alters the incoming MIDI notes by the specified semitones/detune value.

Note Velocity To Params

Takes incoming MIDI Note On signals and use the MIDI note velocity to set the value of the corresponding exported parameter that you can link to any other parameter using the Parameter Linking window.

Particle Arpegiator

Modified version of Nate Robins's particule.c example from the GLUT library. The ParticleArpegiator is meant as an example of what you'll be able to do with the Bidule SDK. In this version, colliding particles trigger MIDI!! Each of the maximum 128 particles represent the 128 possible MIDI notes, so do some tests. You might not hear your synths right away. The ToneGenerator works ok with this, but as you know it is monophonic.

  • Num Particles: the number of particles in the system
  • Flow: the flow of the particles
  • Gravity: the gravity for the system
  • Show Balls: show the ball
  • Spectrum Colors/Blue: use the MIDI to spectrum color code or not
  • Fountain/Waterfall: fountain or waterfall mode
  • Point Size: size of the particles

CC Remapper

Restamps any incoming MIDI CC to the selected CC.

Channel Remapper

Restamps any incoming MIDI event to the selected channel.

Note Remapper

Restamps any incoming MIDI note to the selected note.


Splits a MIDI signal into its 16 channels or routes the signal to its 16 outs each time it receives a program change signal in the 1-16 range.

Step Sequencer

With the step sequence editor you can edit a grid of 16 sequences that always loop, or use the playlist to set a desired sequence to play for all 16 output channels. Each sequence step in the playlist can have its own BPM and step size.

  • Load: loads a saved bank of sequences (.bmsd file)
  • Save: saves a bank of sequences (.bmsd file)
  • +: zoom in the grid
  • -: zoom out the grid
  • Play/Stop: start and stop the output of the step sequencer
  • BPM: tempo for the playing sequences. Remember to press ENTER to apply the value!
  • Steps: number of steps for the playing sequences
  • Channel: assign the current sequence to the MIDI channel
  • Sequence: assign the sequence to the current MIDI channel
  • Playlist Mode: use the playlist / loop the current sequences
  • Edit Playlist: show the playlist editor dialog

The playlist editor dialog is where you can assign a sequence number for each channel for a specified number of events. You can also specify the BPM and the number of steps for each event.

  • Playlist Length: number of events in the playlist
  • Playlist Start/End: in/out points for looping
  • BPM/Set BPM: specifies and set the BPM for each event
  • Num Steps/Set Num Steps: specifies and set the number of steps for each event
  • Reset Events: reset all events to the default BPM, number of steps and no playing sequences

Controls for the grid:

  • left mouse button : add and lengthen notes
  • middle mouse button/ctrl-left mouse button : delete notes
  • right mouse button : change a notes velocity (darkens, lightens color of note)

The sequence number playing on each channel is also exported as a parameter that you can link to in the Parameter Linking window. For example, you could have a Note Number To Params per MIDI channel and have each of them link to the corresponding parameter for the currently playing sequence for each channel - giving you hands-on control of the sequence being played on all channels at once!

Velocity Scaler

Like a MIDI dynamics compressor.

  • Lowest/Highest Velocity: range to remap all incoming note velocities
  • Master Attenuation: attenuation for all incoming notes