AudioPaint [ Audio Synthesis ] AudioPaint generates sounds from pictures. The program can read JPEG, GIF and BMP files and translates each pixel position and color into frequency, amplitude and pan information. It's a kind of massive additive synthesis tool. Gloops [ Audio Processing ] Gloops is a real-time 4-voice looper. The parameters available for each voice are: waveform, position, duration, quantization, filter cutoff and resonance, amplitude, and pan. All parameters can be modified by sending user-definable MIDI control change messages. Gloops includes its own wave file browser. Granulator [ Audio Synthesis - Processing ] Granulator is a real-time granular synthesizer. Available parameters include: density, duration, pitch, offset, waveform, filter cutoff and resonance, envelope attack and release, amplitude, pan, delay length and feedback. All parameters can be modified by sending user-definable MIDI control change messages. Textures [ Audio Synthesis ] Do you like the background on the left? Do you want to listen to it? Textures is a small applet that creates colorful self-repeating patterns. As I'm not a graphic guy and the patterns are created with periodic functions, I added a command to generate the corresponding sound. It's an old Window 3.1 program but I never had any problems on more recent systems. Sound 2D Warper This program warps images, which are known to be closely related to sounds, so wave files can be loaded and converted to images, then warped and saved as sounds... Parallel V1.0 Parallel is a real-time MIDI controllable music visualisation tool from Forwind Software. Via pitch, shapes and texture can be added / removed from the screen. Via velocity values of certain pitches, one has control over the magnitude and speed of the movement of the overall image. The Java 2D API is used as the current graphics engine (3D API investigations currently in progress). An interactive applet of the software is also available online, the Java Plugin 1.3.1 is required to view this... Bidule [ Realtime Modular Creation Studio ] Bidule is a realtime modular creation studio aimed mainly at artists seeking a new creative environment to experiment with. With Bidule, you create your own live music creation environment, inserting audio and midi devices, VST instruments and plugins. Patching them anyway you like, in realtime, while it plays. Bidule has tons of modules of its own. High level Bidules like : Step Sequencer, Loop Player, etc. and also low level ones like : Math function, FFT using the phase vocoder, FIR, Delay line, etc. The power of your computer is the only limit here. You can plug anything into anything, in feedback, from n connections to n connections... Converter [ Real-time MIDI System ] Converter is a DOS only application developed as a system for sophisticated real-time midi performance. Designed from the ground up to ensure maximum performance, bullet-proof reliability, and exceptionally low latency, converter provides a highly versatile, programmable, and friendly environment for both commercial and experimental music production. As well as its significant abilities as a midi stream processor, converter also provides advanced audio to midi conversion with several channels of filters as well as comprehensive support for gameport (joystick) and mouse to midi conversion to permit additional sources for real-time performance control (such as touchpads or customized control surfaces)... MultitrackStudio [ Audio/MIDI Editor ] MultitrackStudio is an audio/midi recording and mixing environment for Windows targeted at home recording musicians. It contains a multitrack recorder, a mixer and lots of effects. Choose out of 19 high quality effects : Use VST 2.0 and DirectX plugins : ASIO driver support : Non-destructive audio editing : MIDI pianoroll, drum editor and controller editors : Unlimited levels of undo. The 'Lite' version has the following limitations: Not more than 3 tracks, Only 1 velocity layer in Sampler ... Crystal Audio Engine [ Multichannel Audio Engine ] The Crystal Audio Engine is a multichannel audio engine with Open System Design, which allows Digital Signalprocessing in realtime. 4 mono PCM wave audio channels. Internal sampling rate is 44.1kHz at 16 bit quantisation (CD quality). Supports 2 audio inputs, one audio output and 4 realtime effects. 2 effects can be selected for each audio channel. NoiseTrekker [ Music Workstation ] Noisetrekker is a music workstation composed of:-16 Track sampler-Sample editor-16 based pattern tracker style track sequencer.-16 Track synthesizer-2 303s-Multieffects engine with reverb, distortion, filters, delay, EQs, flanger, etc... Quartz Audio Master [ Audio / MIDI Sequencer ] Runs on Window 95/98/ME/NT/2000 : 4 audio tracks, 1 Audio Input (2 channels), 1 Audio Ouput (2 channels), 16/24 bits / 32-44.1 Khz sample rate, 2 Aux Buses, Quartz Plug-in Support, 4 Quartz Plug-ins supplied : Stereo Delay, Chorus, Phaser, Reverb. Per-track fixed frequency 3 band EQ, Mixdown to stereo file, Mpeg 3 Decoder, Juke Box, Video File Sync... Psycle [ Tracker ] PSYCLE is a free opensource digital music software for Windows PC, based on a tracker interface, but providing powerful features, like DSP effects, native plugins or VST support. PSYCLE, while quite an easy tool to handle for musicians used to trackers, is yet a very flexible and powerful tool, which can render professional quality sounds and songs. Buzz [ Musical Workstation ] eskola Buzz is a self contained FREE musical workstation for any Win32 enabled Pentium (or equivalent) PC by Oskari Tammelin. Buzz Includes everything needed to produce and record any style of music. Sounds are created through the use of modular Generators and Effects called machines. These machines create/modify sounds which are sequenced through Patterns much like the old Trackers you may remember (or still use!) from the days of the Amiga, and DOS. [Note: Currently, and are quiet but you can get the program and latest machines at] DrumFlow [ Midi Drum Sequencer ] DrumFlow is a powerful drum sequencer. You can use DrumFlow to edit drum setup parameters (GS or XG) by NRPN controllers. DrumFlow allows you to create custom percussion parts with adjustable drums and then to export these parts to your MIDI editor (e.g. Cakewalk or Cubase) through the clipboard or a MIDI file. It's an ideal way to create MIDI drumloops FractMus 2000 [ Algorithmic-Music Generator ] FractMus is an algorithmic-music generator, that is, it creates melodies using mathematical formulas. FractMus uses two counters as an iteration control for the algorithms. Melodies are always played from the Start counter, which counts in thirty-second notes. The End counter marks the point were the music stops. FractMus has sixteen-voice multitimbral polyphony and offers complete Midi-file support (Playing and Writing). Autogam [ Algorithmic Midi Music Generator ] Midi music is created from a set of numbers: duration, pitch, velocity, various effects, voices, selection of the bank ... and all these numbers are between 0 and 127. Software like Cubase or Cakewalk receives a series of numbers from a Midi file or from a Synth and displays and plays them as music. AutoGam also works with numbers. But you do not have to define each pitch, each instrument, each effect. In a graphic view you arrange some connected objects that possess each specific property. The objects are linked in a number of different ways and algos compose the title you want to compose. Composition is on-the-fly, each modification takes effect immediately, you can improvise and construct your composition during the execution of your work. Anvil Studio [ MIDI/Audio Sequencer ] Anvil Studio ™ is a free Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000 program designed for people who want to: perform music with MIDI equipment, record music with MIDI and Audio equipment, compose music for MIDI and Audio equipment, or play with music using a computer and sound card. Click here to see the free version's feature list and sample screens. Click here to see what people are saying about Anvil Studio.Click on any of the accessories, or plug-ins, listed to the left to see a description of what they add to Anvil Studio. These optional accessories can be ordered by pressing the Order button at the top of the screen. With the free version, you can create an unlimited number of MIDI tracks, and a one-minute audio track. With the $19 optional Multi-Audio accessory, you can record and real-time mix up to 8 sixty-minute audio tracks. SoftStep [ MIDI Sequencer / Algorithmic Composing ] SoftStep is a Windows based modular MIDI step sequencer and algorithmic composing program patterned somewhat after the modular analog step sequencers. The big ones, with lots of knobs and blinky lights. SoftStep modules connect together to produce a MIDI data stream that will in turn drive any MIDI synthesizer, or Windows MIDI sound card. Also, it will make a standard MIDI file you can put on your web page, insert into your music notation sequencer, or just play with any MIDI file player. Rramm Drrumm [ Virtual MIDI drum machine ] Rramm Drrumm 1.2 is a dedicated tool for playing drum (and any other one-shot stereo) samples via MIDI input. It can be used as a drum machine with sequencers, all you have to do is to install some virtual MIDI port like HUBI's LoopBack Device and you can use Rramm Drrumm as an ordinary midi device. Rramm Drrumm has a 16-sample polyphony for each layer, and 5 velocity layers per note. Samples can be grouped to folders and positioned to keyboard using drag & drop. Samples are stored in RAM and played back through DirectX audio system in stereo, so a lot of RAM and DirectX is required. Rramm Drumm has been tested under Windows 95 and 98, and under DirectX 5 to 6.1. Hammerhead Rhythm Section [ Drum Computer ] Looking for an easy to use program to create some cool drumloops for use with your sampler / tracker ? Here's HammerHead... A cool Win32 program that makes drumloops on your Windows PC like a breeze. You can edit on the fly and record your actions to a high quality and completely noise-free WAV-file. No more problems with sampling... This drum computer features 23 separate drum patches and 6 complete loops to sequence cool breakbeats right away ! Plus a feature to implement banks with 6 samples of your own... That makes a total of 35 samples at a time. Sounds like enough to me to kick it away. Tuareg 2 [ Interactive Phrase Sampler ] Tuareg is created by Bram Bos, who also made HammerHead, PUMP and The MoonFish. It is not a softsynth, but a sequencer loop-composer remixer that creates tracks out of the loops, samples and short sounds you feed it. strong>Features : 6 channels, mono output 44100Hz / 16 Bit, 1024 measures / song, 200 wav samples / song, RaGE unit (drumcomputer), BLiSS unit (bassline seq.), Renders songs to WAV, 3 mono delay units, Loads Tu sample packages, Supports DirectX 5 & MME. There is also a 'fat' version available ($35) that has more features. Moonfish [ Micro Sample Sequencer ] Created by Bram Bos. Features: three mono-channels, up to 64 samples with a maximum size 16Mb each, streams songs and patterns to WAVs, FX: distortion, delay, bizarre: genuine SL1200 noise-fx!, the only sequencer that makes it to 1230BPM!, 'pattern-bouncer', song-sequencer with up to 128 patterns per song, a total of 64 different patterns per track, grooveboxy interface with annoying knobs..., FT9xx controller implementation to design weird loops and stretch FX! Amen b1.0 [ loop manipulation tool ] Amen b1.0 freeware beta release (C)1998 ZIAD KHOURI Amen has been designed so simplify the process of rearranging waveforms. Amen is specially useful for arranging Drum and Base style rhythms. The program features onset location and sequencing as well as sequence generation. There is no on-line help at this stage. This program is currently on hold. If you find the program useful and would like to see it completed please send me an email saying so. I would also appreciate any comments or suggestions. You can contact me at the following address: System Requirements: Windows 95 DirectX 3.0 or higher Enrhythmizer [ Amplitude/Phase Modulator ] This program applies rhythm patterns over source sound, so it acts like an amplitude or phase modulator. It also provides a built-in noise and sine generater for test purposes. Click Create button to generate source signal, or Load existing wave-file. Click Test button to generate a rhythm pattern. Click Rhythm button to apply the rhythm pattern. Click Play button to hear the result. Try to change the period and apply the same pattern one more time... Acoustonic [ Audio Editor ] Acoustonic is a visual wave-editor application for digital processing of audio signals. Currently, acoustonic supports standard Windows PCM waveform formats (.wav), mono/ stereo, 8 or 16 bit samples, any sampling frequency. You can control the dynamic behaviour of signals, adjust equalization, apply filters, or get customary delay effects, like flanging, chorus, or reverberation... TWE (Tiny Wave Editor) [ Wave Editor/SCSI Transfer ] The TWE wave editor is for digitally recording sounds, and for editing recorded sound data. If an external Yamaha sampler (A3000, EX7, EX5, EX5R) is connected via a SCSI connection, the sound data recorded in the sampler can be loaded into TWE and edited, and then re-transmitted back to the sampler. Sawcutter 1.0 [ Wave Editor/Soft Synth ] SawCutter 1.0 is a software synthesizer and wave editor created to explore new ways of designing sounds. Waveforms are hand drawn and aren't fixed to the standard types (sine, sawtooth, square and triangle.) Instead of creating envelopes using the standard four parameters (attack, sustain, decay and release) the envelopes are hand drawn to allow arbitrary shapes. Several banks of effects are included and can be adjusted in real-time with some latency. External sound files can be loaded into the program and run through the same envelopes and effect banks, just like regular waveforms. To help in creating songs, a sequencer consisting of four instruments and ten note banks is included. Sound Engine [ Mastering Wav Editor ] Free Mastering Software. WAV(8/16/24bit). Real-time preview. More than 30 effects. Real-time preview. Automatic volume adjustment. Batch processing. Level meter and Spectrum Analyzer. Audacity [ Audio Editor ] Audacity is a program that lets you manipulate digital audio waveforms. In addition to letting you record sounds directly from within the program, it imports many sound file formats, including WAV, AIFF, AU, IRCAM, MP3, and Ogg Vorbis. It supports all common editing operations such as Cut, Copy, and Paste, plus it will mix tracks and let you apply plug-in effects to any part of a sound. It also has a built-in amplitude envelope editor, a customizable spectrogram mode and a frequency analysis window for audio analysis applications... DDClip 2.23 (Free) [ 4-Track Audio / 1-Track Video Recorder ] Free strip-down version of DDClip Limited to 3 audio formats (11kHz/8bit/mono, 22kHz/8bit/stereo, 44kHz/16bit/stereo). This version is no longer being developed. Crakbone [ Text To Music ] Crakbone is a simple little program which produces music out of text! When you press F1 and type out a word, Crakbone takes the ascii values from each letter in that word and does a lil mathematics which produces an end result. That end result is then considered the "seed" for all random number producing... Poodles & flan [ Paramusic Browser ] Poodles & flan is a metacomposition. It resides in music space somewhere between a composition and a form. It is the potential for myriad musical pieces, all interrelated through a patchwork of juxtaposed methodologies. Poodles & flan is a tool, but not for creating music. Instead, it is an exploratory tool, a kind of paramusic browser. Use it with a sense of adventure. Do not over-analyze it. Poodles & flan generates MIDI compositions that are bounded by a user-defined palette of musical parameters. The resulting compositions can sound like jazz, classical, avant-garde or ethnic... Gloops [ Real-time 4-voice Looper ] Gloops is a real-time 4-voice looper. The parameters available for each voice are: waveform, position, duration, quantization, filter cutoff and resonance, amplitude, and pan. All parameters can be modified by sending user-definable MIDI control change messages. Gloops includes its own wave file browser... Pseudo Theremin 1.0b [ Mouse Controlled Theremin-like Synth ] This synth is a Theremin-like synth with the pitch and amplitude controlled by the mouse movements on the screen. The synth features 2 oscillators (with saw/square/sine waves, one of which is detunable), oscillator mix control, a resonant lowpass/highpass/bandpass filter and vibrato controls. Also allows the user to define the frequency range of the synth... AmbiLoop [ Ambient Loop Creation Software ] Ambiloop uses your sound card to create smoothly overlapping loops of sound in real-time. Ambiloop basically functions like a multi-track endless audio tape loop or digital delay box with feedback. Simply set the desired loop time for a track and press the record button. Incoming audio is recorded in real time for the length of the loop. Recording continues seamlessly as the loop repeats and the previously recorded audio begins playing back at a volume set by the feedback control. Ambiloop will play up to eight tracks simultaneously. Loops can be slowed to half speed or played backwards and a multimode filter is available for non-destructive, realtime filtering. Caotica2 [ Noise Design Application ] The goal of this experimentally designed application is to generate new sounds and noises, and also to alter wave files using simple and complex mathematical effects. The results may sound "noisy" and chaotic, and actually they are, although rather predictible when getting used to the application. Caotica2 is a source of «rough sound material» for the use of experimental composers... TransMid [ Text to MIDI Convertor ] TransMid is a word-based engine for converting text to MIDI music. Aspects of the text, including word-length, character content, number of sentences vs number of words, and user-input variables determine the outcome. The user may also define chord mappings and their own note and duration algorithms in Perl (without the need for Perl installed on the box), making TransMid an excellent platform for experimenting with text to MIDI conversion systems. TransMid allows live playback to any MIDI device as well as saving .mid files... SubSDJ [ Substractive Synthesizer ] SubSDJ is a classic two oscillator analog synthesizer. It is not a realtime toy, just a wave generator. Dual oscillator arquitecture (vintage analog synth). Polyphony up to 10 levels for each oscillator. Saw, Pulse and Sine waveforms. Additive Noise. Control for initial and final PulseWidth, Amplitude and Frequency. LFO's modulating PulseWidth, Amplitude and Frequency. Ring modulation. LowPass & HiPass filters, controlling initial and final Cutoff and Resonance. LFO's modulating Cutoff and Resonance. And much more... It is still quite buggy at the moment... Virtual Theremin [ Webcam Theremin ] The Virtual Theremin aims to mimic the Theremin using just a computer and a cheap web camera. It tracks the hands of a performer, using image processing techniques, around a picture of a Theremin superimposed on the video stream. The positions of the hands are then converted to sound that mimics the response of the Theremin... SynFactory [ Analogue Modular Synth ] Fully modular, no fixed configuration. Free to route any signal to any module. VU-Meters. Output scope. Capture to stereo wave-file. 5 types of Oscillators. Multiple filters with 12, 18 and 24 dB/Oct slope and Lowpass, Hipass and Bandpass out. Mixers and amplifiers. Adders with 2 to 8 inputs, subtractor and ringmodulators. All kinds of logic modules including AND, OR, XOR, NOT, FlipFlops, counters, switches and demultiplexers. Delay lines and flanger/chorus effects. Output with surround sound support. 8 and 16 step analog style sequencers. 16 step Drum patterns... Mewark - Stoderaft [ User-responsive Audio Track ] Originally from Native Instruments' Native Lab CD, Mewark - Stoderaft is a user-responsive audio track from Lazyfish. The track’s framework is not created until it is opened on the computer. The user is able to give the track individual form and structure by manipulating it graphically. Lazyfish, the designer of this creation, is the Russian artist and sound programmer who has not only built numerous music machines for Native Instruments’ Reaktor software, but is also respected worldwide for his music compositions. Mewark - Stoderaft is based on the sound engine of Reaktor and shows an example of the logical consequences of a new form of music, which skirts the borders between free jazz and electronica... Virtual Theremin [ Downloadable Desktop Theremin ] A funny little virtual demonstration of a theremin from the BBC. Control the volume with the Prof's left hand and the tone with the right. Move his right hand closer to the vertical pitch antenna to make the note higher and his left hand closer to the horizontal, volume controller to make it all quiet and peaceful-like. The buttons at the base of the Desktop Theremin will kick in some tasty loops for you to play along to, while the orchestra to the side of the Prof. may also feel the desire to play if given even the slightest encouragement. Requires shockwave... Vocoder [ Vocoder ] AnalogX Vocoder allows you to create a vocoded sample using any two sounds quickly and easily! The controls are very simple, just load up the modulator sound, which normally would be the speech or whatever you wanted to modulate the output sound by, and the carrier sound, which would be an instrument such as strings or guitar that you would like to make 'talk'. Then choose either Preview, or Render it directly to your harddisk as a wav file (16bit, mono, 44100). It currently only supports MONO sounds... SayIt [ Speech Synthesizer ] Ever wished you could make the computer say anything you want? Well, now you can, through the miracle of old code, and a little shoehorning, behold AnalogX SayIt! Inspired by the Speak&Spell, AnalogX SayIt can say any word (more or less) that you type into it. You have two options for the speech you enter : Preview or Render. There are several sliders, which you can move up and down, that do a variety of manipulations on the speech... Bitmap & Waves [ Image to Sound Converter ] This simple program converts bitmap images to sounds, and vice versa. Every line of the loaded image is assumed to be a spectrum of sound, and is converted to a wave signal by means of an inverse Fourie transform. Fourie transformation is not the only thing available though, 'Morphing' gives you the possibility to mix two images and then convert resultant image to sound... Noise Generator [ Noise Generator! ] You can use the Noise Generator to explore different types of noise. Start by setting the program to "Gaussian White Noise" and "Generate Real Time Data". Hit the "Generate" button, and the program will generate a set of gaussian distributed data points, display their spectrum, and play the resulting signal through the speakers. Take a look at the amplitude histogram in the lower left corner; as expected, the noise is gaussian... Phonogramme - Svelte [ Image to Sound Converter ] honogramme - Svelte by Vincent Lesbros is an ultra light Windows version of Phonogramme for Macintosh. Phonogramme - Svelte converts BMP files (Windows Bitmaps) into WAV files (RIFF WAVE). Sound intensity is bound to the red component of the image. White is silent, black is maximum intensity.... Bassline 0.02 [ BassLine Synth ] Realtime bassline generator. 16 note step sequencer. Oscillator, filter and LFO stages. Outputs WAV files. DrumSynth [ Drum Synthesizer ] DrumSynth does not try to be a real-time analogue synthesizer simulation! Plenty of these exist already. What DrumSynth does do is offer a simple set of sound creation methods based on the electronics in early drum machines such as the Roland TR-808. The controls are all layed out on a single page for fast and intuitive operation. DrumSynth allows you to organise and audition your sounds, and store and distribute them in very small .DS files. FruityLoops ( is the best tool for building patterns with DrumSynth sounds as it understands DS files - to use DrumSynth sounds in other applications you may need to save the sound as a WAV file. Stomper Hyperion 5 [ Synth ] Stomper Hyperion is a Windows software synthesis program for drum-like sounds. Stomper Hyperion uses a very simple synthesis method, mixing pitch-shifting narrow-band noise sources or pure sine waves (zero bandwidth noise, really) together to one sound. Still, it manages to make faithful reproductions of 909's, 808's, and Simmons drums. Also, it does much more than just drumsounds. It's more of an analog synth as well, with several different waveforms, and resonant filters. SynthEdit [ Modular Synthesiser ] SynthEdit is a Modular Synthesiser for Windows (Win 95 or better). With SynthEdit you can: Design your own virtual synth or drum machine. Play it live via a MIDI keyboard. Play it from a MIDI file. Use VST Plugin synths and effects. Save your creations as VST plugins. Record/Play multi-channel audio to disk. Play wave files and Soundfont-2 banks (basic support). Process live audio. (requires full-duplex soundcard). SynthEdit is aimed at advanced users, but casual users can simply load a pre-created synth and play. GranuLab 1.0 [ Granular Synthesizer ] GranuLab is a real-time generator of sound grains for Windows 95. Use the built-in sine wave or load a soundfile as raw material for sound production. Features Real-time control over time-stretching and pitch of a sound. Amplitude modulation and randomisation of most grain generation parameters. Store parameter sets (patches) and transform seamlessly from one to another. Special window where four patches can be selected and gestural morphing between patches can be done in real-time by mouse control. The program can also be controlled by MIDI... Audiomulch [ Interactive Music Studio ] AudioMulch is software for real-time sound synthesis, music composition and audio processing for Windows. While many of the processes featured within AudioMulch are not new to computer music programs, it is the software’s ability to carry out these traditionally 'studio' or 'non-real-time' signal processing techniques in real-time that emerges as its major asset. Through the combination of a network of synthesis and processing contraptions, AudioMulch allows the user to extend their current audio processing capabilities or create new music within their computer without additional expensive software or hardware systems. MIDIplanes [ MIDI Control Surface ] MIDIplanes offers six 2D-planes to easily send MIDI messages with a mouse. Each plane allows you to send 2 MIDI messages, one for the X axis and one for the Y axis. You can take snapshots, move to random positions etc... P5midi [ VR Glove MIDI Controller ] P5midi is a program which transforms the P5 glove from Essential Reality into a MIDI controller. You can control synthesizers and other MIDI programs by moving your hand or bending your fingers... GoMinimal! [ Text/Wav To MIDI ] GoMinimal! offers you the possibility to transform plain ascii text-files (*.txt) and wave-files (*.wav) into Standard Midi 0 Files (*.mid). The result of all this is a 16-channel (limited to a set of 128 instruments and about 60 drums) format 0 general midi-file containing pure minimal music... WTune [ Vocal Accuracy / Instrument Intonation ] Wtune is a small, easy to install application that you can use to verify your intonation (or to tune your instrument). You can also use it to examine your music based material: for instance an audio CD, a MIDI sequence, anything that can be played by the audio board of your PC. If you use your computer microphone as audio input device, just sing/play in front of it and the relevant dominant frequency will be displayed using conventional notation, providing also the amount of cents of mismatch from the nearest standard note... Ots CD Scratch 1200 [ Virtual Turntables ] CD Scratch is a FREE, funky and incredibly fun "Virtual Turntables CD Player" performing the seemingly impossible... Play two songs from the same CD at the same time - one forwards and one in reverse! Scratch a CD track back and forth like a record, or listen to your favorite CD automatically mixed between the turntables. DJ your next party like a pro, or enjoy the optional warm vinyl-crackle ambience on your latest CD. Perfect for music lovers and aspiring DJs... Living Melodies [ Artificial Life/Music Research Project ] Living Melodies is an ongoing artificial life/music research project by composer Palle Dahlstedt and complex systems expert Mats Nordahl. It's purpose is to explore the creative potential of a-life algorithms in the field of music. The first project, simply called Living Melodies is the construction of a real-time a-life model inhabited by agents with musical abilities, possibly evolving musical communication. It will play MIDI notes to the MIDI device selected as default in Control Panel-Multimedia-MIDI... Tunchy [ Real-time MP3 Mixer ] Tunchy is a real time MP3 mixer for DJs featuring: Manual or Auto Crossfading, Fully configurable Fade In & Out, 4 Independent Decks, 4 Tempo/Pitch Levels, WAV, MP3 and M3U support, Full Keyboard Control, Wheel Mice support, Very intuitive, easy to use interface... MusicGraph [ Music Graph Generator ] MusicGraph is a new tool designed specifically for professional composers of modern music. It is a tool for exploration. Use it to explore your music, discover it's interval content, look for the high points and low points, and see if all aspects of volume, activity, line, and intervallic-harmony are working together... STEEM [ Atari ST Emulator ] Steem is an Atari STE emulator for Windows and Linux. It is being updated regularly and runs the vast majority of ST software without any problems. Steem is designed to be easy to use and has many unique features. Whether you want to run great old games, use MIDI apps just like you did on the ST or you have some other, more sinister motive, Steem is the emulator for you!... Texture [ Stochastic MIDI Generator ] TEXTURE generates musical information, by stochastic means, in two differents ways. The first one to be interpreted by a MIDI device and the other to be interpreted by TRender, a sofware synthetizer included with the package. Several probability control parameters are involved in the musical data generation process. By default events will have the same probability to appear, in other words values follow a uniform probability distribution, but this process could be controlled by user-defined distributions... IXI Software [ Experimental Sound Tools ] IXI Software is a network of experimentalists in the field of computer music and computer music software. They produce various types of work but are mainly concerned with producing small prototypes or applications which concentrate on new modes of interactivity in music software. Their field of interest varies from producing interactive and generative music to creating software for music production and specialised VST plug-ins. 8 applications plus a 'various' collection are currently available... he ixi programs are free to download but we would like to know about your experience using them. Please send us an email stating which programs you are using and your opinion about them. We would like to hear your comments or critique on interfaces, interaction design, problems of usability, performance (in different platforms) and crashes. Thanks! [How to download and install] 1 - Download the launcher for your system. (PC or Mac) 2 - Download the zipped program you what to use. (PC or Mac) 3 - Create a new folder on your hard drive and extract the content of the zip there. 4 - Extract the launcher and copy it into the same folder. 5 - Rename the launcher with the name of the program you are using. (E.g.. lauki, micWorld, etc...) 6 - You are there!!! Now, double click the launcher to start the program. --> Repeat step 2 to 6 for each program you want to use (the launcher is the same for all the programs. You just have to download it once and duplicate it). Hummingbird [ 12 channel live-oriented loop mixer/arranger ] Hummingbird is software for remixing and rearranging music, designed for live performance (i.e. in front of an audience, rather than in the studio). It lets you mix up to 12 digital audio tracks simultaneously, without having to beatmatch, and lets you reorder track loops on the fly to exert complete moment-to-moment control over the music. You can select from as many full-length audio tracks as your hard drive has room for, and you can use 'live' music with wavering tempo that would be impossible to beatmatch on vinyl... JambientFREE [ Joystick Jamming Software ] JambientFREE lets you use a joystick (or mouse) to sculpt sound in 4 channels simultaneously and move in sonic space. Designed to allow live performance of electronica, ambient and audio collage style music. Features: Instant drag and drop loading of wave files; Easy volume, pitch, pan, fading and cross fading controls; Controls for manipulating groups of samples; Mix volume, pitch, or pan using joystick (or mouse); Position sounds in sonic space and move around in them using joystick (or mouse); Set volume, pitch or pan patterns for samples. Full version has 16 channels, adds scripting capabilities, and other features ... StudioCalculator [ Music Calculator ] Studio Calculator is a simple win9x application for performing a variety of music production-related calculations. For example, you can work out BPMs using a tap tempo button, compute time stretch percentages, work out the the length of notes in samples or milliseconds for any given BPM / sample rate and monitor your RAM usage for memory-critical situations such as a heavy-duty mixdown... KeyKit [ Midi Programming Language ] KeyKit is an awk-like language developed by Tim Thompson and designed specifically for manipulating MIDI data. The full KeyKit system includes a multi-window and multi-tasking graphical user interface, and can be used for both algorithmic and realtime applications. The language itself has only a few built-in functions for graphics - the entire user interface is written in KeyKit itself, and is hence completely customizable and extensible by the user. The current version works best on Windows NT and Windows 95, but the software is designed to be portable. Previous versions have been ported to a wide variety of systems, including UNIX, DOS, Mac, Amiga, and even Plan 9 Soundplant [ Sample-triggering Device ] Soundplant turns the computer keyboard into a customizable sound triggering device and realtime digital audio performance tool. It can load wav & aif files of unlimited size (registered version also loads mp3 files) onto 72 keyboard keys via a drag-and-drop, point-and-click interface. Users have precise, non-destructive control over pitch, offsets, volume, and panning, with no external devices needed, no MIDI involved, near-instant sound cueing, and easy batch key assignment functions... Quartz Studio [ 4-Track Recorder ] Quartz Studio Free is a digital recorder using 'Direct-to-Disk' technology in the Windows environment. 4 mono tracks can be used to Record or Import existing audio files. 2 additional mono tracks, linked together as one stereo track, can also be used to Import existing audio files and serve as backing tracks. Quartz Studio Free can manage up to 2 mono Inputs and 2 mono Outputs. Offers a PortaStudio® like interface with clear and user friendly hardware-like controls, but with all features that only computer audio can provide : everything is stored in one unique single file...