Manual means of fire fighting equipment
(╫σΘ±∩Ω▀φτ⌠ß ∞▌≤ß ≡⌡±∩≤Γσ≤⌠ΘΩ∩² σε∩≡δΘ≤∞∩² )
EN 2 |
┼δδτφΘΩ▄: |
╘▀⌠δ∩≥: | |||||||
╩ß⌠τπ∩±▀σ≥ ≡⌡±ΩßπΘ■φ. | |||||||
Classification of fires. |
pr EN 3-1 |
┼δδτφΘΩ▄: |
╘▀⌠δ∩≥: | |||||||
╓∩±τ⌠∩▀ ≡⌡±∩≤Γσ≤⌠▐±σ≥.á
╠▌±∩≥ 1:╨σ±Θπ±ß÷▐, ΣΘ▄±ΩσΘß δσΘ⌠∩⌡±π▀ß≥, Σ∩ΩΘ∞ß≤▀ß ÷∙⌠Θ▄≥ ┴ ΩßΘ ┬ ⌠²≡∩⌡. |
Portable fire extinguishers.á
Part 1 : Description, duration of operation, class A and B fire test. |
pr EN 3-2 review |
┼δδτφΘΩ▄: |
╘▀⌠δ∩≥: | |||||||
╓∩±τ⌠∩▀ ≡⌡±∩≤Γσ≤⌠▐±σ≥.á
╠▌±∩≥ 2: ╙⌠σπßφⁿ⌠τ⌠ß (ΣΘß⌠▐±τ≤τ ≡▀σ≤τ≥), Σ∩ΩΘ∞▐ ΣΘτδσΩ⌠±ΘΩ▐≥ ≤⌠ßΦσ±▄≥, Σ∩ΩΘ∞▐ ≤⌡∞≡²Ωφ∙≤τ≥, σΘΣΘΩ▌≥ ΣΘß⌠▄εσΘ≥. |
Portable fire extinguishers.á
Part 2 : Tightness, dielectric test, tamping test, special provisions |
pr EN 3-3 / ELOT 286.3 |
┼δδτφΘΩ▄: |
╘▀⌠δ∩≥: | |||||||
╓∩±τ⌠∩▀ ≡⌡±∩≤Γσ≤⌠▐±σ≥.á
╠▌±∩≥ 3: ╩ß⌠ß≤Ωσ⌡▐, ßφ⌠∩≈▐ ≤σ ≡▀σ≤τ, Σ∩ΩΘ∞▌≥ ∞τ≈ßφΘΩ▐≥ ßφ⌠∩≈▐≥ |
Portable fire extinguishers.á
Part 3 : Construction, resistance to pressure, mechanical tests. |
pr EN 3-4 review |
┼δδτφΘΩ▄: |
╘▀⌠δ∩≥: | |||||||
╓∩±τ⌠∩▀ ≡⌡±∩≤Γσ≤⌠▐±σ≥.á
╠▌±∩≥ :├∩∞■≤σΘ≥, σδ▄≈Θ≤⌠τ ß≡ß▀⌠τ≤τ Ωß⌠ß≤Γσ≤⌠ΘΩ▐≥ ΘΩßφⁿ⌠τ⌠ß≥. |
Portable fire extinguishers.á
Part 4 : Charges, minimum required fire. |
pr EN 3-5 review |
┼δδτφΘΩ▄: |
╘▀⌠δ∩≥: | |||||||
╓∩±τ⌠∩▀ ≡⌡±∩≤Γσ≤⌠▐±σ≥.á
╠▌±∩≥ 5:╨±∩ΣΘßπ±ß÷▌≥ ΩßΘ ≤⌡∞≡δτ±∙∞ß⌠ΘΩ▌≥ Σ∩ΩΘ∞▌≥. |
Portable fire extinguishers.á
Part 5 : Specification and Supplementary tests. |
pr EN 3-6 |
┼δδτφΘΩ▄: |
╘▀⌠δ∩≥: | |||||||
╓∩±τ⌠∩▀ ≡⌡±∩≤Γσ≤⌠▐±σ≥.á
╠▌±∩≥ 6: ─Θß⌠▄εσΘ≥ πΘß ⌠τφ ≡Θ≤⌠∩≡∩▀τ≤τ ⌠τ≥ ≤⌡∞∞ⁿ±÷∙≤τ≥ ⌠∙φ ÷∩±τ⌠■φ ≡⌡±∩≤Γσ≤⌠▐±∙φ ≤²∞÷∙φß ∞σ ⌠o ┼═ 3 ∞▌±τ 1 ▌∙≥ 5. |
Portable fire extinguishers.á
Part 6 : Provisions for the attestation of conformity of portable fire extinguishers inaccordance with EN 3 part 1 to part 5. |
E╦╧╘ 1066á |
┼δδτφΘΩ▄: |
╘▀⌠δ∩≥: | |||||||
╠ΘΩ±∩▀ ÷∩±τ⌠∩▀ ≡⌡±∩≤Γσ≤⌠▐±σ≥ ⌠²≡∩⌡ ßσ±∩δ²∞ß⌠∩≥ (ßσ±∩µⁿδ). | |||||||
Small disposable fire extinguishers of the aerozol type. |
pr EN 1866 |
┼δδτφΘΩ▄: |
╘▀⌠δ∩≥: | |||||||
╘±∩≈▐δß⌠∩Θ ≡⌡±∩≤Γσ≤⌠▐±σ≥. | |||||||
Mobile fire extinguishers. |
pr EN 1869 |
┼δδτφΘΩ▄: |
╘▀⌠δ∩≥: | |||||||
╨⌡±∩≤Γσ≤⌠ΘΩ▌≥ (ßφ⌠Θ≡⌡±ΘΩ▌≥) Ω∩⌡Γ▌±⌠σ≥. | |||||||
Fire blankets. |
pr EN 12367 |
┼δδτφΘΩ▄: |
╘▀⌠δ∩≥: | |||||||
╙⌡φ⌠▐±τ≤τ ÷∩±τ⌠■φ ≡⌡±∩≤Γσ≤⌠▐±∙φ. | |||||||
Maintenance for portable fire extinguishers. |