dmagic Order form (Prices per 26. marts '99) Please follow these simple steps: 1. Print this form. 2. Fill in the appropriate blanks. 3. Send it along with payment in an envelope addressed for dmagic. If you have any doubt regarding this, then please send questions to this e-mail address: . (You can also send this form filled out and ask if you filled it out correctly, before ordering 'for real'.) Please let me have: US $ DKK(Kr) X ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ShowMaker Light (2 disks) 35 175 __ ShowMaker Pro (2 disks) 195 995 __ ShowMaker Pro upgrade from Light 165 845 __ Geetris (1 disk) 15 100 __ TalMagi (2 disks) 20 100 __ Fuel Consumption Calculator (3 disks) 10 50 __ I want it delivered: _ by e-mail (BEST) or _ on disks by mail. Please add $2.00 or DKK 10 for each disk, plus $7.00 or DKK 35 for handling. (If you have the opportunity to download the latest version from the Internet and you want to do this, then there's no reason to order by disk. Then you will just receive an e-mail with the registrationcode and additional information.) Total amount: ______ Payment method: _ I have enclosed my check (only Danish or US checks accepted) _ I have put in cash (only DKK or $ accepted) For other methods of payment, please check out NAME: _______________________________________________ ADDRESS: _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ ZIP CODE:__________ CITY:______________________ COUNTRY/STATE:_________________________________ E-MAIL: _______________________________________ (Please, be very carefull when writing the e-mail address!) TELEPHONE NUMBER:______________________________ Where did you first hear about the product? _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ COMMENTS: _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ Mail to: dmagic, Parkvej 7 B, 8660 Skanderborg, Denmark. Make check payable to: Poul Joergensen. -------------------------------------------------------- (It's not allowed sending money in an envelope, but I'll accept this form of payment too.) When registered, you will receive a registrationcode. This code should be entered in the "Register" dialog, found in the mainmenu. When given the correct registration code, the program will respond and after that it's registered.