HyperWare Order Form - HyperWare BBS We offer discounts on quantity orders, multiple-user licenses, and dealer pricing. We also offer discounts for bona fide BBS sysops. Please call for details. We accept Visa, MasterCard, company or personal checks and company purchase orders. You can use this handy order form to order by MAIL. VOICE:(415) 882-1740, Mon. - Fri., 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., Pacific Time FAX: (415) 882-1733, 24 hrs, 7 days a week, Group II, III BBS: (415) 882-1735, 24 hrs, 7 days a week, 8N1, 1200-14.4K BPS V.22, V22.bis, V.32, HST 14.4K CIS: PCVENB CONF. 13 SpeedKit includes: Latest version of HyperDisk, HyperKey and HyperScreen, low-cost upgrades, plus our professionally printed, bound and indexed reference manual. Mail to: HyperWare 185 Berry Street San Francisco, CA 94107 USA For Registered Customers - Current Serial Number: _________________________ Diskette size: 5 1/4:_____ 3 1/2:_____ # COPIES TOTAL Commercial License Registration $49.95 x ________ = $ ________ Older version upgrade $10.00 x ________ = $ ________ California Residents, please add Sales Tax (TOTAL x 8.25%) $ ________ Shipping: USA - US Mail 2nd Day Priority Mail . . . . . $2.95 USA - UPS Second Day Air . . . . . . . . . . $8.00 USA - UPS Priority Overnight . . . . . . . .$15.00 International Locations - US Postal Air . . . $9.25 $ ________ C.O.D. orders, USA only, add . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5.00 $ ________ Total (U.S. Funds drawn on U.S. Bank) $ ========== Payment by: CHECK - Included ( )MC ( )VISA ( )AMERICAN EXPRESS Name: ________________________________________________________________ Company: ________________________________________________________________ Address: ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ Voice Phone: _________________________ Evening Number:_________________ Fax orders: Country Code and number:_______________________________________ Card #: _______________________________________ Exp. Date: ________________ Signature of cardholder: ______________________________________________ Prices and terms subject to change without notice. ***************************************************************************** Voll- und Shareware-Versionen von HYPERDISK erhalten Sie direkt bei: ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ CDV Software ³ Tel 0721-97224-0 ³ ³ ³ Fax 0721-2 13 14 ³ ³ Postfach 2749 ³ Mailbox 0721-7 20 15³ ³ 76014 Karlsruhe ³ BTX *CDV# ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ *****************************************************************************