Stirling Technologies, Inc. (c) 1990-1994 SRCDIR SRCDISK TARGETDISK TARGETDIR WINDIR WINDISK WINSYSDIR WINSYSDISK ERRORFILENAME INFOFILENAME SUPPORTDIR CMDLINE ISVERSION SHARED UNINST ISRES ISUSER FOLDER_DESKTOP FOLDER_STARTMENU FOLDER_STARTUP PROGRAMFILES COMMONFILES^ LAST_RESULT CMDVALUE HINST_INSTALL BATCH_INSTALL LOGHANDLE _sdRECT right bottom _sdSIZE IDAPINST IntlConfig IDAPINST MergeCfg IDAPINST IncrementIDAPIUseCount IDAPINST ModifyCfgValue IDAPINST ReadCfgValue IDAPINST AddAlias KERNEL32 OpenSemaphoreA KERNEL32 CloseHandle SelectObject GetTextExtentPoint EnableWindow GetClassName GetDC GetDlgItem GetFocus GetWindowLong GetWindowRect GetWindowWord IsIconic IsWindow IsWindowEnabled MoveWindow USER ReleaseDC SetFocus SetWindowText ShowWindow LoadString KERNEL GetModuleHandle GetClientRect SetWindowPos PostMessage ShowCursor SystemParametersInfo BDE Upgrade BDE 5.01 Upgrade BDE 5.01 Upgrade BDE 5.01 Upgrade BDE 5.01 Upgrade Copying/Updating Files bdereadme.txt LICENSE.TXT Unable to create a directory under Please check write access to this directory. Error : was not found in the library. Error: Could not create or open target file. Please verify that there is enough space, and that the target drive supports long filenames. Configuring the BDE ReadMe Please review the following readme for new information. \SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\Help You are currently running an application that is using the BDE. Please exit the application and run this install again. Borland Shared\BDE BDEb) UpgradeKeyF Inpriseb* BDE Upgrade \SOFTWARE\Borland\Database Engine! \SOFTWARE\Borland\Database Enginea DLLPATH2 IDAPI32.DLL BDE32.HLP DATAPUMP.EXE SQLSYB32.DLL SQLSSC32.DLL SQLORA8.DLL SQLORA32.DLL SQLMSS32.DLL SQLINT32.DLL SQLINF9.DLL SQLINF32.DLL SQLDB232.DLL DBCLIENT.DLL BDEINST.CAB DISP.DLL You must already have a valid BDE installation to use this upgrade.A DATA.Za bde\*.*BU DATA.Za selfreg\*.*BU DATA.Za bantam\*.*BU DATA.Za datapump\*.*BU DATA.Za broker\*.*BU DATA.Za cab\*.*BU DATA.Za disp\*.*BU DATA.Za sybase\*.*BU DATA.Za ctlib\*.*BU DATA.Za oracle\*.*BU DATA.Za oracle8\*.*BU DATA.Za mssql\*.*BU DATA.Za interbase\*.*BU DATA.Za informix\*.*BU DATA.Za informix9\*.*BU DATA.Za db2\*.*BU DATA.Za db2v5\*.*BU DATA.Za bdeapi\*.*BU Components# BDEBV Found in bA DatapumpB$ Found in bB DatapumpA Sybase (DB-LIB)B) Found in bF Sybase (DB-LIB)A Sybase (CT-LIB)B* Found in bG Sybase (CT-LIB)A Oracle 7B+ Found in bH Oracle 7A Oracle 8B+ Found in bH Oracle 8A MS SQL ServerB- Found in bI MS SQL ServerA InterbaseB. Found in bJ InterbaseA Informix 7B/ Found in bK Informix 7A Informix 9B/ Found in bK Informix 9A DB/2B1 Found in bL DB/2A DB/2 v5B2 Found in bL DB/2 v5A MIDASB% Found in bC MidasA BDE CAB FileB' Found in bD BDE CAB FileA MTS Dispenser FilesB( Found in bE MTS Dispenser FilesA Do you wish to upgrade the files in place, or do you wish to specify an install directory?a% Install in place over &existing files2 Install to new &directory2 IDAPI32.DLL You have chosen a directory that already has a BDE installed to it. Are you sure you want to install to this location?A Datapump! MIDAS! BDE CAB File! MTS Dispenser Files! Sybase (DB-LIB)! Sybase (CT-LIB)! Oracle 7! Oracle 8! MS SQL Server! Interbase! Informix 7! Informix 9! DB/2! DB/2 v5! You must choose at least one itemA You must install the BDE in order for the files to remain synchronized.A The options you selected require b. K of space. There is only $ K available on that drive. You must either install in place, deselect some options, or choose a different location.* BDE Core filesA DatapumpA Sybase (DB-Lib) driver fileA Sybase (CT-Lib) driver fileA Oracle 7 driver fileA Oracle 8 driver fileA MS SQL Server driver fileA Interbase driver fileA Informix 7 driver fileA Informix 9 driver fileA DB/2 driver fileA DB/2 v5 driver fileA MIDAS filesA CAB fileA MTS Dispenser filesA FileSet DATA.Za cpl\*.cplA DATA.Za cnf\idapi.cnfA DATA.Za selfreg\*.*BV DATA.Za bde\*.dllBU DATA.Za bde\*.exeBU DATA.Za bde\*.hlpBU DATA.Za bde\*.cntBU DATA.Za bde\*.ftsBU DATA.Za bde\*.ftgBU DATA.Za bde\*.gidBU DATA.Za bde\*.tocBU DATA.Za bantam\*.*BU DATA.Za bdeapi\*.hlpBU DATA.Za bdeapi\*.cntBU DATA.Za bdeapi\*.ftsBU DATA.Za bdeapi\*.ftgBU DATA.Za bdeapi\*.gidBU DATA.Za bdeapi\*.tocBU DATA.Za uninst\iduninst.dllBU uninst\a iu50unin.dll DATA.ZbP DATA.Za datapump\*.exeBU DATA.Za datapump\*.hlpBU DATA.Za datapump\*.cntBU DATA.Za datapump\*.ftsBU DATA.Za datapump\*.ftgBU DATA.Za datapump\*.gidBU DATA.Za datapump\*.tocBU DATA.Za broker\dbclient.dllBV DATA.Za sybase\*.*BU DATA.Za cnf\sql_syb.cnfA DATA.Za ctlib\*.*BU DATA.Za cnf\sql_ssc.cnfA DATA.Za oracle\*.*BU DATA.Za cnf\sql_ora.cnfA DATA.Za oracle8\*.*BU DATA.Za cnf\sql_ora8.cnfA DATA.Za mssql\*.*BU DATA.Za cnf\sql_mss.cnfA DATA.Za interbase\*.*BU DATA.Za cnf\sql_int.cnfA DATA.Za informix\*.*BU DATA.Za cnf\sql_inf.cnfA DATA.Za informix9\*.*BU DATA.Za cnf\sql_inf9.cnfA DATA.Za db2\*.*BU DATA.Za cnf\sql_db2.cnfA DATA.Za db2v5\*.*BU DATA.Za cnf\sql_dbv5.cnfA DATA.Za sqlgen\*.hlpBU DATA.Za sqlgen\*.cntBU DATA.Za sqlgen\*.tocBU DATA.Za sqlgen\*.ftsBU DATA.Za sqlgen\*.ftgBU DATA.Za sqlgen\*.gidBU DATA.Za cab\*.*BU DATA.Za disp\*.*BU Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstallb UninstallString2 Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstallb iu50unin.dll$ UninstallStringA Error :b. Error :b. \SOFTWARE\Inprise\b* \SOFTWARE\Inprise\b* The upgrade is complete.A sqllnk32.hlpA IDAPINST.DLL idapi.cnf \SOFTWARE\Borland\Database Enginea CONFIGFILE01A IDAPI.CNFQ \SOFTWARE\Borland\Database Enginea CONFIGFILE01A IDAPI.CNF *.CNFa *.CFG \SOFTWARE\Borland\Database Enginea CONFIGFILE01A SQL_MSS.CNF SQL_SYB.CNF SQL_SSC.CNF \DRIVERS\SYBASE\INITa DLL32a SQLSYB32.DLLB \DRIVERS\SYBASE\INITa DLL32a SQLSSC32.DLLB SQL_INF.CNF SQL_INF9.CNF \DRIVERS\INFORMIX\INITa DLL32a SQLINF32.DLLB \DRIVERS\INFORMIX\INITa DLL32a SQLINF9.DLLB SQL_INT.CNF SQL_DB2.CNF SQL_DBV5.CNF \DRIVERS\DB2\INITa DLL32a SQLDB232.DLLB \DRIVERS\DB2\INITa DLL32a SQLDB2V5.DLLB SQL_ORA.CNF SQL_ORA8.CNF \DRIVERS\ORACLE\INITa VENDOR INITR \DRIVERS\ORACLE\INITa VENDOR INITa ORA73.DLLB \DRIVERS\ORACLE\INITa VENDOR INITa OCI.DLLB \SOFTWARE\Borland\Database Enginea CONFIGFILE01A \SOFTWARE\Borland\Database Enginea SaveConfigA WIN31A \SOFTWARE\Borland\Database Enginea SaveConfigA WIN32A \SYSTEM\INITa AUTO ODBCa FALSEB Merge FailedA IDAPI.CNFa IDAPINEW.CFG \SOFTWARE\Borland\Database Engine! \SOFTWARE\Borland\Database Enginea SaveConfig2 WIN32( \SOFTWARE\Borland\Database Enginea CONFIGFILE012 WIN.INI IDAPI CONFIGFILE01& ODAPI& \SOFTWARE\Borland\Database Enginea DLLPATH2 \SOFTWARE\Borland\Database Enginea \SOFTWARE\Borland\Database Enginea DLLPATHA IDAPI.CNFQ \SOFTWARE\Borland\Database Enginea CONFIGFILE01A \SOFTWARE\Borland\Database Enginea RESOURCEA \Software\Borland\BLW32a \Software\Borland\BLW32a BLAPIPATHA SYSMNGMUTEX! 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