0 Successful completion. 8705 At beginning of table. 8706 At end of table. 8708 Record/Key deleted. 8709 No current record. 8710 Could not find record. 8712 Could not find object. 9473 Insufficient memory for this operation. 9729 Key violation. 9732 Field value required. 9734 Cannot delete master record with details. 9740 Field is blank. 9985 Number is out of range. 9986 Invalid parameter. 9997 Index does not exist. 10000 Invalid field type. 10009 Name not unique in this context. 10010 Index name required. 10022 Invalid index/tag name. 10030 Invalid BLOB handle in record buffer. 10035 Index is being used to order table. 10502 Trying to modify read-only field. 10756 Operation not applicable. 10757 Data is not indexed. 10763 Data is read only. 10767 Index is read only. 11871 Type mismatch in expression. 11950 Record or field constraint failed. 12289 Capability not supported. 16385 Delta is empty. 16386 Nothing to undo. 16387 Datapacket contains no meta data. 16388 Trying to append data to a non-partial dataset. 16389 Mismatch in datapacket. 16392 Newer version required. 16393 Blob has not been fetched. 16394 Details has not been fetched. 16395 No corresponding master record found. 16396 Linkfields to detail must be unique. 16397 Special case: wrong order of updates for fly-away! 16398 Cascaded updates not enabled. 16399 Aggregate was not found.