The RDSIE3.DataSpace object creates client-side proxies to custom business objects located on the middle tier.
Microsoft® Remote Data Service needs business object proxies so that client-side components can communicate with business objects located on the middle tier. Proxies facilitate the packaging, unpackaging, and transport (marshaling) of the application's recordset data across process or machine boundaries.
Remote Data Service uses the RDSIE3.DataSpace object's CreateObject method to create business object proxies. The business object proxy is dynamically created whenever an instance of its middle-tier business object counterpart is created. Remote Data Service supports the following protocols: HTTP, HTTPS (HTTP Secure Sockets), DCOM, and in-process (client components and the business object reside on the same computer).
The RDSIE3.DataSpace object has two class IDs:
See Also
Getting a Recordset to the Client, Detailed Control Flow, Transport Protocols, Business Object Proxies, Business Object Proxies and the RDSIE3.DataSpace Object