To properly install Remote Data Service, you should read the information in the following sections:
Installing Remote Data Service Server Components on Your Web Servers
Installing Remote Data Service Client Components on Your Client Computers
Before you install Remote Data Service, make sure that your client and server computers meet the minimum hardware and software requirements.
For the latest information on supported platforms and hardware and software requirements, see the Readme.txt file.
To install Remote Data Service, you must meet certain hardware requirements, which include:
Before you install Remote Data Service on a server computer, your server computer must meet the following software requirements:
To access Remote Data Service applications from client computers, client computers must meet the following software requirements:
Note Remote Data Service hasn't been tested with the Netscape browser technology.
To build client Web pages, you can use typical HTML authoring tools, such as Notepad or the more fully featured Microsoft ActiveX™ Control Pad.
To program server-side business objects, you can use any ActiveX/COM -compatible development tool, such as Microsoft Visual Basic® 5.0 or Microsoft Visual C++®.
For Remote Data Service to work correctly, you should ensure that the Remote Data Service server and client components are installed correctly on server and client computers, respectively.
Note The Microsoft Remote Data Service version 1.1 client components work with the Microsoft Remote Data Service 1.5 server components. RDS 1.1 is an upgrade path for ADC 1.0 applications to port to Internet Explorer 4.0 and to take advantage of new RDS 1.5 server functionality. For existing ADC 1.0 applications, you can use the 1.1 client with the 1.5 server components for both Internet Explorer 3.01 and 4.0 functionality. For new and Internet Explorer 4.0-only applications, it is recommended you use the RDS 1.5 client components with the RDS 1.5 server components.
Remote Data Service 1.5 is installed automatically, along with the rest of the Microsoft Data Access Components, when you install Microsoft Internet Information Server 4.0 using either the "Typical" or "Minimum" installation options.
You may want to install Remote Data Service 1.5 by itself on a version 3.0 Internet Information Service, as an upgrade to Advanced Data Connector version 1.x. To do so, follow these steps. This setup procedure assumes that your computer meets all of the software requirements.
Important Before you install Remote Data Service 1.5, you should uninstall previous versions of Remote Data Service (formerly called Advanced Data Connector) on your computer. You can do this by using the Add/Remove Programs applet in Control Panel.
To install Remote Data Service server components
Note Running msadc15.exe installs the Address Book sample application. To install the QueryTool demo, run msadcqry.exe.
The Setup program installs the program files to the <device>:\Program Files\Common Files\System\MSADC directory. (This location is adjacent to other complementary Microsoft technologies such as ActiveX Data Objects and OLE DB.) The following subdirectories are created under the \MSADC directory with the setup program.
Subdirectory | Description |
..\MSADC\Doc11 | Contains the documentation. |
..\MSADC\Samples11 | Contains the sample files. |
The server installation program (msadc15.exe) also creates a Microsoft Internet Information Server virtual root on your Web server computer. The root is designated //<servername>/msadc and you can run files from there on a client browser. If for some reason this root is deleted or is otherwise non-existent, either reinstall or manually re-create this root.
Once you have run the setup program on your Web server computer, you can validate your installation.
To ensure that client computers include all of the appropriate client DLLs to run Remote Data Service, you should include the file in the HTML CODEBASE parameter in the RDSIE3.DataControl object code on your Web page. When the file is downloaded, it automatically installs the required client files to the client computer. This simplifies the deployment of Remote Data Service-enabled Web pages. For more information on how to include this information on your Web pages, see the RDSIE3.DataControl object topic.
Important The security level in Internet Explorer on the client computers should be set to at least Medium security for unsigned files to be able to download correctly onto the client. High security can prevent the files from loading, that is, if controls aren't signed, they will not load. You can set the security options in Internet Explorer. On the View menu, click Options. On the Security tab, click Safety Level, and then select Medium. Note that the Sheridan and RDS cab files are signed, so they should download correctly even with High security.
You can use the ADCTest.asp sample application to validate your Remote Data Service installation.
To validate setup with ADCTest
where servername is the name of your Web server.
This should display the Remote Data Service Query Page. You'll notice that the server, connection, and query information is already provided for you.
If the grid displays a resultset, your installation is correct.
If you run into any problems, review the setup instructions and see "Troubleshooting Remote Data Service" and "Other Remote Data Service Configuration Information."