On computers running Windows NT Workstation, Widows NT Server, or Windows NT Server, Enterprise Edition, all MSMQ message files, log files, and LQS files are secured on NTFS-formatted drives. Only members of the Administrators group on the local computer have full access to those files. All other users cannot access them.
By default, file security is set on the \Storage and \LQS folders so that each time a file is created in on of these folders, the file inherits the folder's security settings. However, if you move the files to a different folder using the MS Message Queue icon in Control Panel, these same security settings are not copied to the new folders (as you may want to use, or may already be using, the folder to store other files). Note that The files that are moved from the default folders to the new folders are moved with their default security settings. If you want to secure MSMQ files after using the MS Message Queue icon in Control Panel to specify new folders for storing the MSMQ message files, logger files, or transaction logger files, see "Changing the Security on MSMQ Files and Folders" in Chapter 3, "Managing MSMQ."