Renaming a Computer Running MSMQ
MSMQ supports renaming of MSMQ dependent clients, independent clients, and MSMQ routing servers. MSMQ does not support renaming of site controllers (BSCs, PSCs, or the PEC). When you change the computer name of an MSMQ dependent client, independent client, or MSMQ routing server, you must also make additional configuration changes.
To rename an MSMQ computer
- Following the steps provided with your Windows 95, Windows NT Workstation, or Windows NT Server documentation, rename your computer.
If your computer is running Windows NT Workstation or Windows NT Server, create a new computer account before you rename the computer, or click Create a Computer Account in the Domain when you rename the computer.
- Reboot your computer.
Each user who logs on to the computer should log on and use MS Message Queue in Control Panel to renew his or her internal certificate.
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