Managing MSMQ Using MSMQ Explorer

MSMQ Explorer displays a logical view of your MSMQ enterprise network. Using MSMQ Explorer, you can view and modify the properties of the following objects:

Figure 3.1

To set properties on the enterprise, a site, a CN, a computer, or a queue, right-click the object, and then click Properties. To see the tasks that can be performed from MSMQ Explorer, click Help Topics on the MSMQ Explorer Help menu, double-click the How to book on the Contents tab, and then double-click the other books.

MSMQ Explorer displays only those computers running the MSMQ service (dependent clients, MSMQ Routing servers, BSC, PSCs, and the PEC). MSMQ remote dependent clients are not displayed. However, MSMQ connector servers (supporting foreign CNs, foreign computers, and foreign queues) are displayed. MSMQ Explorer uses a variety of icons to represent the different types of computers, queues, and messages. To see a table that defines the icons in MSMQ Explorer, click Help Topics on the MSMQ Explorer Help menu, double-click the Overview book on the Contents page, and then double-click MSMQ Explorer Icons.

Information displayed in MSMQ Explorer may not be current because of MQIS replication delays. Changes you make from within MSMQ Explorer may not be displayed until replication takes place. For example, when you add a queue to a computer in site C from a computer in site B, you do not see the change in MSMQ Explorer until the MQIS change has been replicated from site C to site B, regardless of which site contains the PEC. The MSMQ Explorer display is not updated automatically. To update the display, press F5.

Because MSMQ Explorer can be installed on MSMQ independent clients running Windows NT Workstation or Windows NT Server, you can administer your MSMQ enterprise from both independent clients and servers if you have the required permissions. MSMQ Explorer cannot be installed on computers running Windows 95 or on MSMQ dependent clients running Windows NT Workstation or Windows NT Server.

Note To view the contents of a queue from MSMQ Explorer, you must have Peek Message and Get Properties permissions for the queue. To view the contents of a computer's journal queue, you must have Peek Journal permissions for the computer. To view the security permissions for an enterprise, site, CN, computer, or queue, you must have Get Permissions permissions for that object.

For more information on queue permissions, see "Setting Permissions for a Queue" in Chapter 5, "Securing Your MSMQ Enterprise."

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