If the 60 MB limit of the limited version of SQL Server 6.5 is not sufficient for your enterprise, you must manually install and configure the retail release of SQL Server version 6.5. You must not install SQL Server version 6.5 Service Pack 2. It is not compatible with MSMQ. You can, however, use either SQL Server version 6.5 Service Pack 1 or SQL Server version 6.5 Service Pack 3.
Note Before you start Microsoft SQL Server Setup, you must log on to the computer under an account that has administrative privileges on the computer.
To avoid ODBC configuration issues, close all ODBC applications before installing SQL Server.
By default, each SQL database has only one client (the MSMQ service running locally on that computer). Because only the local MSMQ server on the PEC, PSC, or BSC accesses the SQL database directly, you need only one client license for each SQL Server installation. However, if you use the MS Message Queue Control Panel applet to increase the number of connections between the MSMQ server and the MSMQ information store (the SQL database), you need to acquire additional client licenses. Each connection counts as one SQL Server connection, requiring one SQL client license. However, the MQIS database uses all the connections assigned to it. Therefore, when you set the MQIS connection using the MS Message Queue icon in Control Panel, you should use less than the maximum available client licenses. Otherwise, programs that require additional connections to MQIS or other SQL databases will not be able to operate while MSMQ is running.
For help on other dialog box options, click the Help button or press F1 to access the setup program's online Help. For more information about each option presented during installation, see your SQL Server documentation.
After you have installed SQL Server version 6.5, you must configure it for use with MSMQ