This section covers the installation of the following MSMQ servers:
MSMQ servers run only on Windows NT Server, Enterprise Edition version 4.0. The PEC, each PSC, and each BSC require Microsoft SQL Server version 6.5. You can purchase SQL Server 6.5 for each MSMQ controller server, or you can install a limited version of SQL Server 6.5 when you install each controller server.
Each MSMQ controller server must meet the connectivity requirements of the enterprise. PSCs (and the PEC) must share a CN with every other PSC. BSCs must share a CN with the PSCs or the PEC they back up. Every MSMQ independent client and MSMQ routing server must share a CN with at least one PSC/PEC or BSC within its own site.
For best performance, do not install MSMQ servers on a primary domain controller (PDC) or a backup domain controller (BDC) because PDCs and BDCs maintain and replicate the network accounts database and perform network login authentications, which are resource-intensive tasks. However, if you have a very small network in which account information rarely changes, and in which users do not log on and off frequently, you can use the same server as a domain controller and an MSMQ server.