Stock Brokerage
The following stock transaction scenario uses these MSMQ features:
- Security: Message authentication, encryption, and auditing ensure a secure environment.
- Multiple platform support: Because they often must work across disparate systems,
messaging allows the different platforms to communicate.
- Transactions (Exactly once delivery): Guaranteed message delivery ensures accurate
- Connectionless messaging: Account updating and risk assessment can be performed
Figure 1.14
In the example shown in Figure 1.14, customers communicate by telephone with traders
who make trade requests on behalf of the customers. The trade server performs the
following tasks in the following order:
- Verifies the transaction can be completed by querying the account server
- Verifies the transaction with the risk-management server
- Places the trade request with the stock exchange server
The stock exchange server makes the stock transaction and then asynchronously updates
the customer account and risk-management server.
You can use the MSMQ RPC transport to access the databases, Visual Basic and the
ActiveX controls provided by MSMQ to write client applications, and C to write the core
brokerage application.
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