You can use the MSMQ application programming interface (API) to develop MSMQ-based applications in C or C++. MSMQ also includes ActiveX controls, which you can use to quickly and easily write MSMQ-based applications using Microsoft Visual Java (VJ), Visual Basic (VB), or any other ActiveX container application (for example, Microsoft Access or Borland Delphi).
With Microsoft® Active Server and Microsoft® Internet Information Server (IIS) you can integrate your MSMQ-based application with Web pages and forms. With the Messaging API (MAPI) transport provider and the Exchange connector you can integrate your MSMQ-based application with Exchange forms and MAPI clients. With the MSMQ RPC transport you can use MSMQ as a reliable transport for your RPC-based applications.
For information on developing MSMQ-based applications that use these MSMQ features, see the MSMQ SDK documentation.