Used to store application-generated messages that cannot be delivered. There are two dead letter queues, one for transaction messages and the other for non-transaction messages.
Indicates the dead letter queue for transaction messages is requested.
For more information see dead letter queue.
Indicates the dead letter queue for non-transaction messages is requested.
For more information see dead letter queue.
E-mail that is sent to the originator of a previously sent e-mail (referenced as the original e-mail). It contains a list of the recipients who received the e-mail and when, plus the original e-mail's subject and submission time.
MSMQ computers that cannot function without synchronous access to an MSMQ server (PEC, PSC, BSC, or MSMQ routing server).
MSMQ dependent clients require synchronous access to the supporting MSMQ server to perform all standard MSMQ functions, such as creating queues, sending messages, and receiving messages.
Used to verify the source of a message and that the message was not modified.
Format used to open a queue that is not in your enterprise, or when you want to make sure MSMQ sends messages to the queue in one step.
Direct format names include the address of the computer where the queue is located followed by the local name of the queue (the name specified in the queue's pathname when the queue was created).