Optional. The PROPID_Q_JOURNAL property specifies if messages retrieved from the queue are also copied to its journal queue.
The PROPID_Q_JOURNAL property does not create a journal, it specifies whether or not messages removed from the queue are stored in the journal queue. Journal queues are system queues created by MSMQ (for information on journal queues, see Journal Queues). The application can only read the messages in a journal.
To save removed messages in a journal queue, pass PROPID_Q_JOURNAL to MQCreateQueue when creating the queue.
To start or stop storing messages in the journal queue, pass PROPID_Q_JOURNAL to MQSetQueueProperties. When the property value is changed, the remaining messages retrieved from the specified queue will be stored or discarded according to the new setting.
To determine if removed messages are being stored in the journal queue, pass PROPID_Q_JOURNAL to MQGetQueueProperties and examine its returned value.
To specify the size of a queue journal, see PROPID_Q_JOURNAL_QUOTA.
MQCreateQueue, MQGetQueueProperties, MQSetQueueProperties, PROPID_Q_JOURNAL_QUOTA