Microsoft(R) Message Queue Problem Report Template (Please see instructions below to submit this report) Name : Company : Area Code & Phone : Internet Address : Country (if outside the U.S.) : Language Version : ***** PROBLEM INFORMATION ****** NT Product Release : Type "winver" at the command line while Windows NT is running. NT Product Type : < >Workstation < >Server < >Server Enterprise Edition NT Install Method : < >CD-ROM < >WINNT.EXE < >WINNT32.EXE NT Install Type : < >Upgrade from: < >Clean Install Windows 95 Version: Click on the Properties pages of "My Computer" SQL Server Version : < >6.5 Beta < >6.5 Eval/Release < >Other: SQL Came From : < >MSMQ Beta CD < >BackOffice CD < >Other: MSMQ Install Type : < >Primary Enterprise Controller : < >Primary Site Controller : < >Backup Site Controller : < >Routing Server : < >Independent Client : < >Dependent Client : < >MSMQ RAS Connectivity Service : < >MSMQ Exchange Connector MSMQ Install Method : < >CD-ROM < >MSMQ Installation Share Installed Software : PROBLEM TITLE: [Please replace this line with a one-line summary of the issue] PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: Please provide a complete description of the problem, circumstances, and any actions you may have taken. Please include a brief code example that exhibits the problem when applicable. PROBLEM OCCURS: < >Always < >Sometimes < >Didn't happen again < >Didn't try it again STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS we can follow to reproduce the problem here: Please be explicit and complete, if we cannot reproduce the problem here, the issue may not be resolved in the next release. 1. 2. 3. 4. **** BASIC CONFIGURATION **** Computer brand & model : Bus Architecture (check all that apply) < >ISA < >EISA < >MCA < >VESA < >PCI < >RISC < > PCMCIA (PC CARD) < >Other: System BIOS (manufacturer & version/date) : CPU(s) (type, speed and manufacturer) : Memory (RAM) : Mouse model & type (PS-2/serial/bus) (COM/IRQ) : Sound Card (model/address/IRQ) : Communications Modem (model/address/IRQ) : Other adapters (scanner/PC CARD) : ****** NETWORK CONFIGURATION ****** Network card type, IRQ & address: Network protocol(s) : Network cabling : Novell Server version : number of users: Output of "ipconfig /all" (if available) command : Output of "ipxroute config" (if available) command : ---------------------------------------------------------------------- How To Submit This Report ========================= Please e-mail this form to Include in the e-mail an attachment containing the MSMQ entries from the Event Viewer. To do so: * Run the Event Viewer from the Administrative Tools * Select the Application item from the Log menu * Select the Filter Events item from the View menu * Select MSMQ from the Source combo box * Press OK * Select Save As from the Log menu * Enter a filename and click Save * Close the Event Viewer * Include the saved file as an attachment to your e-mail message Note: this is not a support mechanism, and you are not guaranteed a response. If your problem is time-critical you should contact Microsoft as outlined in "Guide to Services and Support" in your NT documentation. Please send mail to if you require an ftp location, or have any other questions or comments regarding the problem report process. Please report non-MSMQ related problems with NT to the alias, using the probrep.txt file provided on the NT installation CD.