1 Java/COM Registration Utility 2.0 2 Successfully registered Java class "%s" as CLSID "%s." 3 Successfully unregistered Java class "%s" as CLSID "%s." 4 Unable to find registry entry for specified Java class. 5 Successfully unregistered CLSID "%s." 6 The command line syntax is:\n \nJavaReg [/?] [/register|/unregister] [/class: [/clsid:] [/progid:] [/typelib:] [options]] \n /? - Help. \n /register - Registers the specified Java class. \n /unregister - Unregisters the specified Java class. \n /surrogate - Registers to run in system provided surrogate process. \n /control - Registers to run as an ActiveX control. \n /class - Specifies the JavaClass to register/unregister. \n /codebase - Specifies the directory name or URL that contains the Java class (optional). \n /clsid - Specifies the CLSID to use for the Java class (optional). \n /progid - Specifies the ProgID to use for the Java class (optional). \n /typelib - Specifies the output type library file name for the Java class (optional). \n /remote: - Configures the class for remote activation (DCOM). \n /q - Quiet mode. Supresses all message boxes. 7 Java/COM Registration Utility 2.0