Database Connectivity
If you are creating a Web-based application, your application is probably going to have forms. And if it's going to have forms, nine times out of ten it will also require some kind of database. ActiveXÖ Data Objects (ADO) provides you with a set of powerful tools for accessing and manipulating data sources.
The samples in this section illustrate the techniques required to use ADO effectively, and how you can best put its functionality to use in a Web-based application.
Choose an example from the list below.
Simple Query: illustrates how you can use ADO and ASP together to perform simple database queries.
Query to Fill HTML Table: demonstrates how you can use ADO to fill an HTML table using a database query.
Limit Query Results: shows how your scripts, using ASP and ADO, can limit the number of rows returned in a recordset.
Scrollable Query: demonstrates a multi-directional, scrollable query with ADO.
Add/Delete Records: illustrates the techniques you need to use to add and delete records from a data source using ASP and ADO.
Update Records: shows how your application can update existing records using ADO.
Executing Stored Procedures: illustrates how your ASP scripts can execute stored database procedures using ADO.
ADO BLOB: demonstrates how you can access and update binary data objects with ADO.
For more information on ADO, and Microsoft® data access tools in general, refer to the Microsoft Data Access documentation.
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